Why I'm buying EOS...and why it's an ETH killer

in eos •  8 years ago  (edited)

Your computer runs Windows, or Linux or any other Operating System (OS). This OS does what? It serves as a platform to run many other applications. If you pull up your task bar, you'll see not only applications but many processes that run in the background to support the applications.

Simply put, ETH is NOT able to serve as such an Operating System platform. ETH provides a one App at a time platform and the throughput is simply not enough now and definitely not in the near future. Hard forks will be required (as shown in past) for any significant modification of apps and platform. This simply will not meet the needs of the future where lightening speed parallel application functions are required.

EOS will provide a seamless operating system platform, decentralized, with high capacity to run hundreds of applications and smart contracts. Any needed modification to the EOS Operating System will not mean a hard fork but a simple install of an upgraded OS. This is priceless.

EOS price is currently at $1.37 and I strongly believe that its feature advantages and robust OS platform representation could provide a >200x ROI within the next 12-16 months. That means triple digits in price per EOS.

If you missed the past ETH skyrocket price increase, BTC gains.....EOS represents a ground floor opportunity to experience the same potential gains. A small allotment into EOS could be very wise. A large allotment into EOS could have your future generations bless your name for their wealth inheritance.

Should my price target hit, 5,000 EOS coins today could equal $1.735 Mil.

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Legal Mumbo Jumbo: This is only my opinion, make of it what you will.

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EOS supply at the end of ico will be 1bn. So if the price of one token would be 375$. The total market cap would equal 375bn !!! Wake up ! Stop dreaming and making up!

With 2 million new EOS tokens being dumped on the market every 23 hours, the EOS price is likely to go in half before it doubles.

That what they said to me when I said ETH at $6 going to triple digits....that I was dreaming.

Lol ok.

Simply put, ETH is NOT able to serve as such an Operating System platform. ETH provides a one App at a time platform and the throughput is simply not enough now and definitely not in the near future

This is not really true. Ethereum is moving to multithreaded workloads as we speak. Sharding, the main scaling initiative on the docket since the beginning has been designed as such that major applications could run on their own shards, supported by their own hardware.

Ethereum can do everything that EOS can do. EOS is just cheating a lot of the hard work and going with DPoS.

OMG that TA... XD

Hmmmm...Sharding will still not represent the OS platform equivalency. EOS does.

Umm how so?

There is barely a spec on EOS consensus. EOS is no more of a platform than Ethereum. EOS just takes some liberties when it comes to the people actually forming consensus.

Well said
I believe that buying now is a good idea
And true eos has a huge future compared to ethereum

I think the real boon is that EOS will use C++ which most programmers already know. The amount of data regarding security and audits of c++ is extensive, Solidity is untested and was a design mistake IMO.

Ultimately EOS should support many different languages, especially those that compile cleanly as C99 or C++98
This might be what's needed to bring blockchain to the masses. Imagine the possibilities!

Yes, I would love to see C# support, it's so much cleaner code to look at, c++ makes my eyes bleed.

How was Solidity a design mistake? Serpent and Solidity are two really great languages for smart contracts. They will most likely become the most popular for the time being.

Because IMO:

  1. Very few people have learned Solidity compared to C++, C, and C#
  2. C++,C, and C# have had a lot of people study them for vulnerabilities. Which makes getting an independent security audit from a third party much easier and cheaper. If we are talking about securing millions of dollars of value then paying to have a security audit conducted would be prudent.
  3. Flaws in Solidity led to the DAO hack, and was completely missed by the Ethereum community and developers. Rolling your own programming language is a difficult proposition.
  1. Not in the smart contract world.
  2. Yeah well there are important and unique design features of the EVM that are utilized by the novel languages. Just do it with LLM byte code.
  3. http://vessenes.com/more-ethereum-attacks-race-to-empty-is-the-real-deal/

I disagree.

Was nice post.EOS would be selling ETH

I think it will take 36 months to see ROI on EOS, but it will come.

How do you calculate your time frame? My calculation of EOS future price and time is referenced on ETH life and price history in time.

It depends on use, Ethereum took so long to get a use case going. If big ICOs start going to EOS, and all the Graphene networks pitch fork to EOS it will get a lot of use, and therefore gain in value very quickly, at least compared to now where there is no use.

I like your assessment!

That's a $347 price point for an EOS coin. Nothing can be ruled out but that would be a steep rise in price within a short period of time. I do think that EOS holds a promise to be Ethereum on steroids, although less decentralised I think.

Steep rise like ETH, perhaps, and then sell some for profit.

Do you think it's a coincidence it was called EOS or it really means Ethereum Operating System?

I agree with the OS part !

of course you are right about everything but price, it will rise slowly ,
it will definitely go higher than ether at some point but i dont think it will be at 2018, first they release blockchain then we will see if they fulfill there promise,
can u send me some eos , i know you are very rich , help a poor brother


EOS price trajectory depends on developers who will flock to it given the following reasons:

Good idea. But plans don't keep up with change.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

And EW count will allow a peep around the corner to see if the plans change. Not a perfect system but it builds wealth. An upvote would be appreciated and a follow too!