The EOS Alliance launches!

in eos •  6 years ago  (edited)

As of these moments, a little project has now become a big project. The EOS Alliance has now officially launched.


This is both a small event and a big event. Small because it is just a tiny dedicated group of EOS adventurers looking to fill a hole in the EOS infrastructure. Large because it is a sign of EOS maturing - the beginning of an institution.

EOS Alliance Launches With The Mandate to “Empower EOS For All”
Initial Board Members Include Prominent EOS Influencers Brock Pierce, Bancor and LiquidEOS Co-Founder Galia Benartzi, and Multi-Platinum Music Artist AKON

HONG KONG, CHINA — August 18, 2018 — A global group of EOS blockchain community members and Block Producers today unveiled EOS Alliance. This new coordinating group will further unlock the full potential of EOS, the world’s fastest governed blockchain, by providing a platform for collaborative, transparent decision-making and information-sharing within the EOS community.

Led by Brock Pierce and Thomas Cox, all the Alliance promises is to help us communicate, debate and reach consensus. But that alone is a huge thing. Information is the future, and the market for information is the market for the future. The Alliance won't control or power or drive anything, but the need for information is palpable in the community.

The Alliance already has 5 working groups ready to roll. I'm in one: the Arbitration group led by Amy Wan. What are we going to do? Talk, for the most part. Which is actually very significant because ECAF, the EOS Core Arbitration Forum, has found itself snowed under by cases, and hasn't the space or time to talk. Or think. We're already seeing a natural fit for both sides: ECAF is implementation of the Constitution and RDR. The Alliance's WG on Arbitration is where we think about the future: how can we make this better? Automation, scalability, etc. The WG is where we design for future dispute resolution.

We are...

Other working groups are in advanced forms. I'll call out the most important one: Constitution. Clearly we all in the EOS community weren't ready by all measures for mainnet launch. Several components were interim: Constitution, ECAF, RDR, BPs were all bootstrapped and much of our ground work assumed ready and available referenda. The cracks started appearing within the week when people realised this Constitution had teeth.

Now we need to think about a confirmed or ratified Constitution. It might not be the one we have - it might be something better. Dan has proposed one. We talked about ideas well before. But: what would it be like if we formed a Constitutional Convention? And brought all our best minds on this problem together - to produce ONE or SEVERAL examples - for all of the community to vote on?

This is the loose goal of the Constitutional Working Group. We hope to see you there, to help the Community find it's best spirit and writings.


Not to mention, the Alliance have a board and staff. The staff is led by Thomas Cox who many will know from, now with strongblock, and custodian of a plan so secret they don't know it themselves. The Alliance's board is led by Brock Pierce, has spare observer seats for influential players like and BPs, is well represented by the Asian side, and has a bonus: AKON who is a leading Africa spokesperson on message and future. AKON also sings.

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This is excellent news, and it seems there has been building a lot behind the scences whereas it felt pretty quiet publically. A lot of initiatives are dearly needed for the EOS community, especially as regards structurinng governance and glad to hear, that in the near future the board is going to be elected. The working groups how will the operate? Will there be known who is participating and what s going on?

There's a lot in flux at the moment - alliance is in the process of just bootstrapping a handful of WGs. I don't think there is any clear direction or sense of how any group will operate. Maybe each will be different.

They should be transparent. Inclusive. Beyond that, the future is much more interesting than the past.

Thx, with eos, things seem to be always in flux, I remember one commentator calling it the Taoist nature of eos ;)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I think that on the whole this will be a good thing for EOS, of course, it's all good exposure, and I can't wait to see if Thomas is going to get his dead crow to nail to the gate post that he always spoke about at the beginning.

I hope for the sake of the legitimate BP businesses and their staff and families that something will be done about the 'fake BPs' (I'm going to call anyone that now who is not running an api endpoint).

I hope something will be done soon to stop these fake BPs from stealing EOS from token holders.

I'm currently unable to engage on any other EOS topic until the issue of fake BPs is resolved because anything else just feels like a moot point while fake bps are creaming off EOS tokens every day of > 100 EOS and they aren't even running any servers, website or anything!

I am suggeting that as an emergency measure the top 21 agree to unregproducer any fake bp that is calling claimrewards but not publishing an api endpoint.

Why would anyone think that a fake bp should get paid?

All the best for the Alliance, I hope it will actually DO something, not just talk.

Obviously I have to remain commercial about my activities so please allow me just one more paragraph to promote a vote for eosukblocpro . If you would like your interests represented by a team of professional and down to earth business people with experience in internet consultancy, technical project management, web app development, business administration and education, then we have all the ingredients required to make a great BP, including an endpoint at :-)

We published an EOS Wallet for Mac and Windows too (which you can also use to vote for 30 not fake BPs) at

We would love to get your support so we can help to nurture and protect the EOS Blockchain, starting with calling to account any fake looking BPs. EOS UK is campaigning hard for votes and at the time of writing, is just ONE place away from achieving Standby Block Producer pay, so every vote really does count!

Please contact me if you would like to support this initiative or need any hep with your EOS.

Best regards


The Alliance has no power to "do anything" other than bring people together and talk about it. Which I imagine is not what you are looking for :-)

In terms of real action - the main thing to do is to vote those BPs out. Another possibility is to file a dispute with ECAF. For that you would need some evidence of wrongdoing. I'm not sure what that would be, but if the regproducer calls for open API endpoints, and they are not doing that for some reason, then that sounds like a technical breach.