EOS needs to work on its user experience. There was a post on Medium from Fred Krueger, you can know him from LynxChain or LynxWallet. He talked about the dapps and why they are currently not as popular as they maybe should be. The reasons he made were that the app interfaces are horrible and that every blockchain up to date has completely ignored the UX layer.
I kind of agree with Fred on this. On EOS the user accounts are hard to create and you even have to pay for them. You also have to care about your resources and it's happening quite often now that people can't even interact and transact on the EOS blockchain. Some pople don't know what to do about it because the main site, eos.io, is actually completely useless for a normal person.
Just look at EOS website and compare it for example with NIMIQ website. The difference is astounding. Making an EOS account is a painful process and you have to take care about your own resources too. On NIMIQ you just click an avatar that represent your address, type a password and you are done. You can even get some NIM from the faucet to start.

You can read the rest on my website.