Voice will do Identity checks on all users

in eos •  5 years ago  (edited)

Well.... so much for a decentralized, Free , Private, uncensored, Social Network.

They will gather more Personal information than Facebook.

I understand the need to fight robots and spam but there needs to be a better way than an Identity check.

Steemit is still the best decentralized Social Network in the Universe... and Steem will be worth 100 x more than eos.’s new social media site will do identity checks for every user.

Source: CoinDesk's new social media site, Voice, will pay for identity checks on every user in order to fight spam and bot users, according to CoinDesk. “It’s never been more important to know that who we are interacting with," CEO Brendan Blumer said at the Washington DC Voice launch recently, "and who we are getting information from is a real person who’s accountable for what they share

Posted using Partiko iOS

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That exactly why I will not bother even looking at voice.

Posted using Partiko Android

I will sign up to see how much information they want to collect. The problem is no matter what anyone ever says when a company falls on hard times they will sell off their assets and Personal information is always worth something to somebody somewhere.

Yes they may very well sell that info on at some point. Will you actually sign up or just go as far as needed just to see the requirements?

Posted using Partiko Android

I’ll see what they ask for....

They have already said they will collect government issued ID card from everyone. So that everyone is "real". Good motive, wrong way to verify that!

Yeah. There has to be a better way ....

At least on Feacebook you can create an anonymous account. ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

To a point. They just deleted over a billion "fake accounts" of people that they say were owned by Russian trolls. Whether or not they actually are, well...that remains to be seen...

Well.... so much for a decentralized, Free , Private, uncensored, Social Network.

After EOS' Governance is it any surprise? 😆

I guess I should read that eh... maybe they have the right to take all my eos if I Question their motives...

Yes a commitee of sorts can freeze transactions and delete accounts from the Chain by my undrrstanding. It sounds like a huge potential drama time bomb waiting to go off to me.

Thanks. Time to move all those eos....

Well check out their white paper. That was my understanding at least. It scared me off from holding any. My feeling is that STEEM's secret value is its uncensored ability, which will continue to grow a dedicated following.

If you do not know of them already, you may be intetested to check out @steempatron; who highlights new arrivals with large following bases elsewhere.

Appreciate the mention!

Maybe the rewards in voice token will be so good 😊 we will sell our souls to them.
Here we go again with centralized system.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well .... if you already have a few Million followers on Facebook it might be faster to earn $$$$ with the new Facebook Crypto coin.

I remember sending Zuckerberg a message many years ago suggesting he share with Content Creators the $$ from Ads running on peoples pages and groups. No Reply.