If You Don’t Have An EOS Account, This Event is For You!
Join me (Stellabelle) and @powerpics of Whaleshares for an informal hangout in the Whaleshares Discord Tuesday April 30, 2019 at 7 PM EST and discover how easy it is to get started on EOS. We will go over how to get your first EOS account. Some wallets give free EOS accounts so we will go over those first. I will have some free codes for Token Pocket, and the Bancor wallet is always free to create, so make sure and let your friends know about this special community event. Even if you only have Facebook Messenger, you can easily create a free EOS account on Bancor.
Having an account on EOS will be more important than ever now. This is something you should do today and not put off before it's too late. Part of our core mission at pixEOS is to provide the community with access to free EOS accounts.
We will cover the 3 easiest EOS wallets to create:
Bancor wallet
EOS Lynx
Token Pocket
So whether you new to EOS, never heard of EOS, or maybe even a seasoned pro on EOS, join us this Tuesday April 30th at 7PM in the #live-events channel for this joint pixEOS/Whaleshares live event. Join here: https://discord.gg/3pqBXKY
See You There,