RE: [WARNING] Bitfinex suspended trading EOS and SAN for all U.S. persons effective August 16 2017 noon UTC

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[WARNING] Bitfinex suspended trading EOS and SAN for all U.S. persons effective August 16 2017 noon UTC

in eos •  8 years ago 

@robrigo BFX no longer accepting individual account verifications from U.S. customers as of today.
U.S. customers can't trade SAN or EOS as of August 16th
This is a pro-active move on the part of BFX, not something we are being asked or forced to do.
No immediate disruption to trading or lending for U.S. customers. These changes will be enforced gradually in the coming weeks.

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Do you work for Bitfinex?

I think he works for reddit haha

Yes these update I'm get it from reddit:))

Reddit and Bitfinex??

Have you heard of the streisand effect ? Try to censor something anti becomes more popular or more valuable. That is the streisand effect. Watch what happens with EOS.

Crap, I just opened a Bitfinex account today and bought IOTA. Looks like I'm going to have to move that into a wallet and from everything I've read, the IOTA wallet is not all that stable. Wondering what to do next.