How to Explain Blockchain to Your Mother

in eos •  7 years ago  (edited)


Unless of course your mom is a developer or Tech Guru or maybe a Computer Wizard, in which case she would probably be explaining it all to you.

However, maybe you've had a conversation with someone who is not like one of those listed above. A regular person with little time to dissect the nuances of the blockchain universe... And maybe that is your mom. The conversation kicks off and part way through you can see that they are completely lost? The main problem is that most of us (myself included) tend to give more information than is needed. The approach in this video is as simple as it comes.

Questions Are Good...

In spite what I imply in the video about answering ALL their questions, this explanation has led to some pretty fruitful discussions when I have used this illustration in the past.

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This cracked me up! I love your team.

Thanks! It's always fun making things like this!