If talkin about my service:
You get more than you pay :)
You send 4.0000 EOS ...
... and I buy for you: 4096
RAM , and 1+1 EOS for NET/CPU = 4.0600 EOS
It's because RAM price for now ~ 0.51513465 EOS/KB
But I hope for people decency. Btw You can send more than 4 EOS if RAM price will be pump.
"data": {
"payer": "nameregister",
"receiver": USERNAME,
"bytes": 4096
"data": {
"from": "nameregister",
"receiver": USERNAME,
"stake_net_quantity": "1.0000 EOS",
"stake_cpu_quantity": "1.0000 EOS",
"transfer": 1