The eos-bounties is an initiative orchestrated by official fuzzy to help new Eos projects around telegram groups spread Info's about their project across to other eos groups. how? The eos-bounties group helps distribute/share Info's [eos related only] to other Eos related projects in larger numbers.,informations about their Newly projects is distributed to larger eos groups for more visibilities and easy quick awareness.
The Eos communities keeps growing and all of this communities have a little place on telegram,each eos groups have different initiatives they are pulling out on the eos chain,
It is really hard to keep up with all this eos projects because of new projects and latest talks that keeps sprouting out everytime. So a group of people sharing this eos Info's across this different communities makes information a lot easier and better to grasp, or whats do you think?.
The idea of the eos-bounties is to spread Info's of a particular eos projects around this other Eos groups,and it isn't done by three persons but groups of people consisting of you and me, sending information's about eos related to them and by so doing rewarding the members on the eos-bounties group with Eosbits after completion of the task with a "said token".
You still don't get it?
Okay this in brief......
The eos-bounties was created as a community of bounty hunters that are rewarded with "Eosbits" plus other related tokens for their efforts on completing minor task of
- sharing
- screen grabbing what they shared and
- submitting that screen shot on the eos-bounties group to get rewarded.
The Info's shared is about a particular eos projects or eos related news to other eos telegram groups in oder for this news to go viral around the Eos sphere and for more people to get around this info and get educated about that particular project or talks around blockchain.
Why should you join this gang. π
Well apart from sharing Info's around the Eos sphere and getting rewarded with tokens like Eosbits.
You also joined the team of eos hunters that are capable of making an eos project popular that will definitely make you feel good right?
You also interact and network with several members and connect with with each other's and above all you getting the Eosbits and that is the main thing.
I have written some blogs about what i understand about the Eosbits token lately, though no official post has been put out to the public lately, most of us might not have seen this post, passed or skipped or haven't read it, but i think its High time we all familiarize our self with this tokens.
What are EOSBits?
EOSBits are a token that is intended to be worth bandwidth in the EOS network. Think of them like chucky cheese tokens for Dapps! And of course it is possible they will be sharedrop targets inthe future for Dapps!.
The Eosbits are powerful token that will be upgraded bandwidth token into its ownDAC pretty soon and this token is intended to attract share drops of other project by the beyond bitcoin team.
the Eos talk chain will launch pretty soon and holders of Eosbits will be eligible for this drops and would be getting this eos talk asset. And like i earlier said, the Eosbits will be worth more in the future.The eosbits earlier ideas was to become a bandwidth token on the Eos chain in order to solve the Eos bandwidth issues and has been in Discussions even before DAN initiated his tokens to solve same issues of bandwidth on the Eos ecosystem. But due to the fact this tokens wasn't initiated to its real plan of acting as a bandwidth token on the Eos chain π
The Eosbits will now be upgraded and "won't be a token on a chain anymore" but will aggrandize to its own DAC
Eos-bounties social
Eosbounties on telegram
Eosbounties on discord
some useful discord communities you should join
About the author
Among the atlas team [group of Twitter info sharers for the crypto]
I am at your service cause i am good at organizing crypto contest every week, always participate to earn this tokens.