EXP token is a brand new token thats bring so many benefits for the Hodler. What is EXP token ? EXP token is a token of EOSex, an EOS token exchange platform. EOSex is designed from the ground up to be a fair, open and transparent exchange. The fundamental development ideology is to create a satisfying exchange for all traders by presenting a variety of options such as trading with CFDs and on-chain trading.
Let start talking about the benefits of EXP token hodler. First you have to know where to buy and trade or keep your EXP token. EXP is available on EOSex I can't sort it because everything looks good and great.
Calculation of Profit-sharing
Is every EXP token hodler will get 70% of profits generated of eosex exchange, Profits are
calculated as 70% of the previous day’s exchange profits, divided by the total number of
EXP tokens in circulation. Read the White Paper for details.
Snapshot for Calculating Daily Profit-sharing
Every day on 8PM GMT+8 is a snapshot time for profit generated by the EOSex in past 24 hours, and will be distributed to all EXP token hodler as described. All you need is just to log in every day into your account within previous 24 hours, or you will be considered absent from the community and forfeits their distribution for that day if you did not log in.
Buy-back Mechanism
This is the best of second strategies that i love most, buy back mechanism is every day by the 30% of daily profit. Bought from the open market then sent it to dead address. It will taking out from circulation and reduce the EXP tokens supply. Then commonly price will raising up. LOVE IT !
Public Disclosure of Major Token Holders
EOSex will publicly disclose the largest tokens hodler and their EXP movements, so the community can track these influential players. This will maintaining transparency within the
Destruction of EXP Tokens
All EXP token got by the trading fees will be publicly sent to a dead address to reduce the circulation and the supplies does to. Price is going up again buddy. In the future, the community will have the power to set the trading fee for EXP trading pairs.
Partial Mining for Founding Investors
For all investors who join from the start will get special mining privileges as a special incentive for those early founding investors who supported the platform from the very beginning. These investors are able to invite a set number of users to conduct trade mining on the EOSex platform. Mining Details: All trading fees generated on trades conducted (coin to coin trades, on-chain trades) by users specially invited by the founding investors are converted into equivalent EXP and distributed 100% back to the user
Special Privileges for Founding Investors
Founding investor or investors who bought EXP token on crowdsale from its very early days are given special privileges. The priveleges is including the ability to invite others to participate in trade mining, they are given priority in serving as fiat gateways for EOSex, and are given a 100% rebate on all trading fees in the form of EXP tokens.
Selected Users
And the users who have been specially invited by a founding investor to participate in trade mining, receive 100% of their trading fees back in equivalent EXP tokens. And the founding Investors also receive a 30% bonus in the form of EXP tokens for all trading fees generated by these specially invited users. So everyone is happy.
Rewards for Inviting Users
To add your income in the form of EXP, you can spread your referral link to social media or to all your friends to join the EOSex exchange using your special personal link. Get 10% profit from the trading fees they incur, which will be paid in the form of equivalent value tokens EXP
This Token is falling from heaven, what are you waiting for? Join now and buy on the last public sale.
Nov. 8, 2018 – Nov. 20, 2018
500,000,000 EXP
Ratio: 1 EOS = 2,600 EXP ; 1 ETH=97500 EXP
White Paper
This article was created by Awi44
specifically for EOSEX