💰💰💰💰💰💰 EOSGAS AIRDROP PROGRAM 💰💰💰💰💰💰 Dont Miss it

in eosgas •  7 years ago 

We are giving away 500,000,000 eosGAS tokens for free to our early supporters. Each participant will receive 10,000 eosGAS tokens worth approx. $500 during the Token Distribution, which will come up after the end of the Airdrop program.
The tokens will be strictly distributed on a first-come and first-serve basis. Any tokens left unclaimed will be distributed to fund users of all exchanges we are partnering with (70%) and the rest (30%) be airdropped to wallets holding eosGAS at the end of the TDE.

Signup Link: https://goo.gl/cS82nu

Airdrop Requirements
To qualify for this Airdrop program, it is required of you to complete the Social Media Tasks below.

  1. Join our Telegram Channel @eosGAS_io
  2. Follow us on Twitter @eosGAS_io
  3. Like Retweet our Pinned Post
  4. Fill the Form
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