EOSIO Development Update - Multi Index API, Context Free Actions, and new Interpreter

in eosio •  7 years ago  (edited)

The past couple of weeks at block.one has quite productive with some very significant updates that impact developers, scalability, and stability.

  1. Generic Multi Index Database API
  2. Context Free Actions
  3. SigWit
  4. New WebAssembly Interpreter

Read more at my Medium blog.


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Interesting, why the main article is not posted here?

Thanks for the info.

You don't know or you pretent you don't know?

Lots of self destructive fools in steem if you ask me.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The post is really an interesting one. Thanks @dan

@abit, Maybe Oga Dan wanted to make the post very short, simple and interesting as it is, then those finding it useful would proceed to read the full article via the link provided. Moreover, EOSIO blog has moved

Agreed, great reed thx @dan!

May be Mr Dan should give more explanation on this post, so people like would understand is better.

@dan, you and your team are doing a great work. You are the best I know for now. EOS is doing good and I am certain it going to be among the best coin.
Kudos boss

That is one hell of a self upvote power you have there, very impressive stuff.

That's a Boss for you... Lol

For some unforeseen events..... what a great self upvote you got there though.

That's a life of a Boss... Lol

Please I don't understand this post

It wasn't posted for some unseen events. But what a wonderful self upvote though

From my observations, @dan and @eosio tend to voluntarily decline payment for their posts.
Hoping that some of us would be like them soon

@dan first of all i am so happy to see your post.Your all update about EOSIO very usefull.thanks for updating.Database API context free actions sigwit and new webasmebly interpreter.i know some about sigwit is the process by which block size limit on blockchain is increase by removing signature data from bitcoin transactions. thanks for updating and i want know more about programing and software i am big fan of you @dan.

From the generic Multi Index Database API, to the context Free Actions, to segwit, then to WebAssembly Interpreter.. Really happy about the developmets that has been taken place. The fact that the original JIT implementation provides fast execution after an initial “slow” compilation step is awesome.
Now, everything in EOSIO is being designed to scale. Thank u @arhag for been there all the while and for contributing to BitShares and Steem. The progressing development is really rapid and m also very excited. Weldone EOSIO... Weldone Blockchain... Weldone @dan

I'm eagerly waiting for the day when eos will launch it's final version.
It's amazing to be a part of a futeristic technology @dan thanks for developing such a great Idea into reality.

typo: has 'been' quite productive

Thanks for constantly sharing great information and updates with us.

Thanks for keep us up to date.
Hardly for non-developer to understand clearly the ideas but I get the effort under the hood to get EOSIO of the ground and running.

Keep on steemin'

Dan the MAN! Keep up the great work!

@dan It's really great to see you still using this blog! I will certainly follow you on medium or anywhere else, but I'm staying on Steemit too! I just love this platform you designed, like every other project of yours! Hope you keep using it!

EOS and Steem are both huge technological breakthroughs.

Have a great day Dan! You've been an inspiration to many of us! Keep it up!

Is that Segwit, or is Sigwit something else? So much new tech it's hard to keep track!

New tech really popping by the day

Lol. Same here and i sail with u ppl in same boat

Most interesting of this system is that it is most powerful,consistence and flexible which makes it more user friendly and most important for blockchain user is safety and it is safe too....

I would like you both @ned & @dan to work together as you both have the similar goal of bringing Human Prosperity by developing a best platform!

The discord between them will eventually take its toll on steemit so i urge them to pls put their differences aside and work as one for the sake of d millions they have helped through the creation of this platform

Hope that will happen some day...

Like seriously, I would really like to see them talk in Concord to what they really have in common which is the knowledge of developing steemit to the promised land. @ned and @dan, we need to see you back together.


They both really need to work together for peace and sustainability of the platform.


I just can't wait to see that really.

Yup, that is what strike my mind. But seeing last ruffle between the two, i guess it is not going to happen any time soon!!! But I am Hopeful.

I too...

@ned and @dan makes a good team and we will all be glad to see them back together again. They are two good heads that are better than one

Very True!

Yea, they need to keep their egos aside and for the sake of oneness and development just come together and do great things.


I totally agree with you. They both should work together to build a best platform!!

Great update as always Dan. Welcome to the team @arhag ! Any idea if Dawn 3.0 will still be going live in Q1? Is there any more info on the staking pools? Maybe you can provide some reading material?

Since Python is becoming the most popular language, and easiest to learn, I hope there will be some kind of Python plug in into EOS ecosystem.

Oh yes yes i like this idea..... Like an API or a library that will allow us to build apps based on the EOSIO

I'm glad you decided to keep giving us updates even if through the link.

I'm splitting between STEEM, EOS and BTS, that way I'm betting 3 times on you and your products ;-)

@dan Keep up the good work, way too many big words I do not understand. But I love the work you do for us all and it is appreciated :)

even though EOS might already support 1 million transactions per second, there’s still work on using more than just 1 blockchain. Where Proof-Of-Work blockchains create delay due to the search for the right hash, DPOS blockchains have a fixed time-slot when a block is produced. This means a faster settlement and also a faster “hop” from one chain to the other. That’s why adding several extra blockchains on EOS won’t cause a big delay. If they can get this to work properly EOS would be able to scale to even tens of millions transactions per second.

I'm looking forward to see how you get on with your projects Dan...

Glad to see this project moving along. I consider what you have done both here at Steem and now with EOS as the Blockchain 2.0 tech. Forget HODLing or delusions of a decentralized monetary system, this tech is going to really alter the way we build web applications and infrastructure. The tokens are great, it's a way to actually put some value behind what we contribute. But really what this can do for platform stability and security is incredible. This may even evolve into the web's next generation. Look forward to seeing how this develops!

Good to see the second update within a month. EOSIO will be a boost to crypto currency market.
Hope the aggrandizement episode will not happen again.
Wish the two creators will hormonize the atmosphere and lead the steemit from front.

Gaon bassa nhi bikaari aagye, would there be any aggrandizement for minnows. Lol!!!!!!!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is outstanding and this content is more informative and educative about EOSIO.I hope that you will make this types of great post all the time and now i am learning more valuable things from your post .Thanks for sharing this significance post . So, All these updates are wonderful..You're exceptionally great.
This post is really useful in crypto community..
GO AHEAD !!!!!!!!
followed and upvoted

It’s amazing! Look forward to seeing more good news!

Hello @dan, I am a developer too, and I must commend you for your wonderful work. This update is cool. Keep the codes running.

Big ups to you @dan. EOS is performing great couple with almost daily updates, fixes and top notch scalability.
I have no doubt that it'll become the next big thing that's why I keep buying EOS cus I believe in it and its vision.

Altogether, this is a great news - as usual

I just said my mind and I hope I won't get flagged for personal aggrandizement

This is a big project that will help developer very much and build a strong blockchain for the cryptocurrency world ..... Thanks for sharing @dan.

Glad to hear about the development of eos, man. For a while i wasn't sure how to feel about it, what with the news I've heard about eos competition with steemit and all.

But then again i decided it's cool. Everyone loves competition, as long as it's healthy. And i believe the growth of eis can be healthy for steem also.

Once again congrats on the progress made.

Thanks for the update as usual, dan. All very major important aspect. First time I'm coming across that medium blog, too.

Oh and I'm totally cool with you posting about eos here. I don't see any reason why we can't co-exist and benefit each other in the long run.

Once again thanks and kudos!

Generic Multi Index Database API
Context Free Actions
New WebAssembly Interpreter

These are quite some great achieved developemts and it's a good thing that you decided to keep us updated . I will be waiting for more updates from you sir.

I must admit i really don't know much about the technicals. For example is EOSIO the same as EOS?

I know scalability and all is very important, so you guys must be making good process. Well done and more grease to your elbow..

Oh and please please settle your beef with ned! Please!

@dan the man!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Awesome sir.
EOSIO is gonna come out superb .
Don't be discouraged, keep working to make it one of the most awesome invention.

Truth is, with these level of multi dimensioned inputs, blockchain stands to get better with EOS launch.


Isn't it SegWit? Doesn't matter so much I guess. Next week it is my second week of buying crypto with fiat, does anyone know a nice exchange where you can trade Ether for EOS?

Captivating, why the basic article isn't posted here?

wow, was just watching a video you made sometime ago talking about how far you've gone with EOS development.
off to read more on medium and as a developer I cant wait for eos to launch

Just read through on medium and am excited about the prospects.
Also joining in to welcome your new team member.

wow very impressive i was just watch the EOS explained on youtube
i love the idea of generic Multi Index Database API

It is quite common for developers to need the same data sorted/indexed by multiple fields and to maintain consistency among all the indices.

as a developer i kinda understand how important this is.. Nice one @dan am so interested with the progress of the eos.io development

Once a proof is accepted and irreversibly logged into the blockchain, the 2KB of sha256 hashes used by the proof are no longer necessary to derive the proper blockchain state.

How does this really affect transaction time, fees and bandwidth on the EOS blockchain

thanks for continuing to update us with these posts. very knowledgeable and useful information in EOSIO and steemit platform.
really encouraged me your post. I am very happy your work and thanks for you with your team.
i have a lot of learn EOSIO and blockchain.thanks for sharing.
best regards

followed + upvoted + resteem

I believe EOSIO is going places @dan. I recently joined EOS and it's been a wonderful experience so far, reading posts and comments there have been refreshingly informative. Although I'm still trying to find my place on the blockchain and add value too.
My name is Adedoyinwealth-EOS-GO on telegram.

Thank You for creating steemit @dan and also creating eosio. My time here has been fun and i've made a few valuable friendships too.

For sure Eosio is gonna make the world a better place
Wish u all the best @dan

it's seems a really great news now we can use bug free and more effective one .. EOSIO Development that is an amazing because it is great and i think the most incredible thing about it is it will keep the records..That is very nice for all..Thanks for the information..@dan

Hi Dan, sorry that this question is not relevant to the content. I was wondering if you would permit a native Venezuelan and Indonesian to translate some of your older posts to Spanish and Indonesian. Many members of the Votu community express appreciation for your blog and since we also have a lot of non-English speakers in our network we thought it would be great to have them properly translated. Just wanted to make sure you would give permission first.

Please feel free to translate.

Hello sir.. I could like to know why did you flaged me in your post that i commented.. Can you tell me the reason? And if there is a reason.. Can you remove flag as i am new didn't knew much about this platform and i have first time commented on you post..Thank you.@dan

I read your comment and don't understand the reason for the flag either. It was possibly perceived as a bot comment for some reason, but I don't see it. Unfortunately it's hard to get a reply from @dan aside from when he's just posted. I've upvoted your introduce yourself post to help recover your reputation a little but I'm sorry it hasn't had as much effect as I'd like. Welcome to steemit, and try not to be disheartened.

Thank you so much for your act of kindness and kind words.i really appreciate you trying so much for me without even knowing me and getting my reputation high.it means a lot to encourage me the way i was before. :) thanks a lot @beanz

yeah...@beanz is really kind.

Congratulations @dan for this achievement, it takes a brave mind to set up a project and then accomplish it. The new development to EOSIO are all good and valuable developments. Thank you @dan

when we have smart contact on block chain,it can result in decentralised autonomous organisation,or organisation without management or employes run completely by code.
stay blessed thanks for sharing the post:):)

Dan you are amazing expert along with great inventer of system of blockchain as you made system EOSIO which will change the blockchain history on interpretation and Web assembly..I love the part of safety bcoz it is very hard to get safety in blockchain system..
Friendly system with flexibility and strong power which works in dual engine system which makes it more reliable and productive for user..
I would like to thanks @arhag for his great contribution for developing this system...and welcome to the group of Dan ☺...Looking forward to hear more exciting news about it!!!

The best scalable blockchain ever eos rocks... @dan the post of mine which was resteem by u before two days ws taken down by downvote through bot Screenshot_20180216_200512.jpgScreenshot_20180216_200503.jpg what to do hw can i contact someone to help me or check the issue... We need some support adress where we can put downvote issues if its done by unjustice

So interesting post.

I like your posts very much.good post.

This is great, I'm glad we're always developing here. God bless you for creating and always looking forward to make this platform a better place. @dan and @ned, you should keep working together, we love you both, remain blessed.

Thanks for the update, still think it's a sad thing we won't see it here.

All the best and EOS go!

Keep it coming, @Dan.

Question: Given the rapid developments of the EOSIO github resources, what are the most fundamental concepts an EOSIO developer should focus on understanding (and executing) to launch a minimum viable product off of the EOSIO blockchain by June 1st, 2018?

I don't know so much about these things but I know that anyone who envisions a greater future for Steem and works towards ensuring the stability and sustainability of the blockchain is definitely a genius! Thanks for all you do @dan.

Trust me sir, we are solidly behind you. In full support of EOS. keep the Good works!

abdet great master @dan thanks for sharing

I sincerely wish i am a tech person but the overall thing i am able to learn is that, you are doing everything to improve this platform and i am excited about it. Thank you so much sir.

What this update means to me:


Nice post..That is really an amazing information for everyone in who are using steem and bitshare..Steem was really helpful to us and we can a lot of monry and loved that it is flexible,safer and most power and i think some of people may in tension by this developed..I think this will be the greatest develop that till the date because iy is amazing for everyone..It is the future if steem and bitshare..Thanks for this amazing update..@dan hope for the best

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@dan . Hi, I'm newbie steemian 'CatPharm'
I sent you 0.4SBD by mistake.
Can you get me back,please ? ㅠ

I believe it will hit the top ranking someday and would have a balance shape on it.thanks for bringing this to this wonderful plat form thanks for sharing

One thing that i know which i failed to add the other time is, you are totally committed to the good of this platform and doing all you could to make it function optimally. We wouldn't have asked for it to be in better hands than you. You have been a blessing. Though i don't understand some of the tech guru terms, i can sense the efforts you put in everytime and your motivation for us all too. Thank you.

Eosio development is bringing a good improvement to the blockchain, it's nice to see updates like this, that means more features will be enhanced
Anticipating more updates @dan

Woooow, congratulation. You have done a great job, EOSIO has come to stay finally.

Thanks for bringing this update to us and hope for more updates about EOSIO

Wow I have heard of your project @dan, really looking forward to seeing it lead every blockchain project out there. Team #EOSIO all the way

You are really doing a good job with the EOSIO...

Ride on Boss

Hy @dan i read ur artical about EOSIO updating the system and making more wise this platform for steemian's..
Because there's a such need of this updating and u and ur @teamwork make its possible in shortly time..
Well job mr @dan and ur @teamwork.,
Best wishes and hoping you will do more for steemians as for advancement about the techonology thurst..

You cancelled payout again. This shouldn't cause any issue anymore. You are real sir, so is your heart.

yes he is indeed... We all know @dan is for real and we all appreciate his effortory towards d community...

No doubt.

I wonder why he did it again.


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is geart sir!
I want to know more about EOSIO

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

EOSIO Developmwnt has really help the interface. The new features will enhance more adaptability on the blockchain. Thanks @dan for the update

There's one word I have for you, brave!!

You are so brave @dan
EOS has come to stay.

Kudos to you and your entire team for a great job that you are doing at block.one.

Wow that is an really nice post..Loved the informative post as i have ever been..That is really nice update for everyone in the blockchain as i think eosio is really great..I think this develop is really amazing because it has an amazing features which may become the future of blockchain..I think it is revolution for this blockchain and i hope it has great future..I want thank all who has make this including @arhag because he has done great work in steem andbitshares..Glad to see this information..@dan

i think steemit should learn soemthing from @dan ,,well done champ

Quite impressive .
Keep up with the good works.
You're a rare gem for declining payment again.

From my observations, @dan tends to voluntarily decline payment for his posts. We really need more of his kind

This is really a great news .
Go through the link there is more information.


Hi, im gonna be truthful to you... I'm looking for a way to get higher upvotes and I don't like the buy a vote thing... so, what can I do to get your attention or in case you don't wanna do it... can you give me some advice?

Thanks so much again for yet another Eosio development update. U'r a very busy man and out of your tight schedules, you still took out time to do this. Obviously Stremit success is right at the centre of your heart. Thank you @dan More grease to your elbow

Hi, im gonna be truthful to you... I'm looking for a way to get higher upvotes and I don't like the buy a vote thing... so, what can I do to get your attention or in case you don't wanna do it... can you give me some advice?

Great piece @dan
Seems eos is ready for a great start

Amazing development on EOSIO, I'm glad of the new initiative, it will help create a stabilize blockchain system

Really, you are a brave man @dan Congratulations in this new development. This new features will enhance greater adaptability and really Eosio is here to stay. Weldone @dan

This is a great development@dan am positive that the interface will boost a high increase in block chain.

wooohooo LOVE EOS dan ya da man
i love listening to you!


I am in support of anything that would give more knowledge about the blockchain.

Thankful that the EOSIO is improving and I believe it will be a force to reckon with. Kudos @dan

Another post decline...

Hmm, you are a rare breed.
Thank you for the EOS update.
It will happen all over the world

The EOSIO is definitely the most incredible innovation of all times. Kudos to @dan for this great information.

Wow... I haven't really heard of this before neither do I have a clue what's it about. I'm eager to read more about it.

It's so obvious there are many things to learn and know while on this platform.

Thanks for being a channel through which others can learn and know some more @dan

1.Generic Multi Index Database API
2.Context Free Actions
4.New WebAssembly Interpreter

This awesome development Sir. Cant wait to see more development updates on EOS, keep up the great work.

The part about context free actions really got me. Tho I dont understand the technicalities, its results to enable efficient inter-blockchain communication and unlimited scalability is amazing.

Thanks for this informative post it's actually good to know that work is progressing positively and very soon we are going to see the result .... it's actually going to be cool to see the two top steemian @ned and @dan working together towards a common goal...thanks!!!


This update will actually help to fix some bugs that are being encountered.

Of course, there is always room for improvement as the population grows wider then more update should be expected

Thank you for working relentlessly on this one. This is a another huge step for the blockchain and is looking amazing already because if there is anything human want, it is stability. EOSIO providing that just makes this all the more beautiful. Looking forward to it taking over.

We're all excited about the developments of EOSIO.
Eosio is the future of blockchain technology.
Thanks for keeping us updated with the latest developments.
Eagerly waiting for June

Getting a comment like this makes us satisfied, meaning the work is really paid attention. You are lucky

The eosio is really transforming and I am happy about that..

@dan you are really doing a great job.. Pls keep it up... I really like the fact that you are a true and genuine man with a clean heart seeing that you have declined payout again even after the previous incident, I just hope this doesnt spring up any more problem.

Remain blessed sir @dan

Loving... This is really interesting.
Thanks @dan

This is a very good news. With EOS already faster with supporting one million transactions per second, the update is surely gonna put EOS much ahead of its competitors.
P.S. Checking the EOSIO Whitepaper on Github, i saw some Translations of the Whitepaper. I too would like to Translate the Whitepaper of EOSio into Hindi. Can i translate it into hindi?
Namaste 🙏.