gastro the new future

in epic •  6 years ago 

gastro advisory a newborn of all
GastroAdvisor(GA) is a trademark born in 2016. The project aim for the creation
of a platform to `search, recommend and book restaurants and gastronomic
For over two years we made a research to develop a prototype and a first Alpha
version of the product which can actually solve the problems linked to the Online
gastronomic sector and provide usefull solutions to the users and the hospitality
and gastronomic business.
GA is creating an economy based on the Ethereum technology which links users
and restaurants with a reward system making use of the p2p payment method

  1. Specialization in the Gastronomic Sector
    There are over 15.000.000 gastronomic businesses in the world, including new
    restaurants opening and shutting everyday, 3.000.000 of them just in Europe.
    Sustain this amount of information about the food business is very hard. Google Places
    and many more services have been trying to sustain this database over the years, but
    timesheets adjustments, name changes, businesses ends, wrong GPS positions and
    countless problems make very hard for the database to guarantee trustworthy
    Many services are based on average users, volunteers or apprentices reports, with the
    perspective to maintain, verify and update regularly these informations. Although
    average users feel lost whenever they visit another country and look for infos about
    restaurants because they are not familiar with local services.
    Actually, both Google Places and TripAdvisor offer restaurants resarch features all over
    the world, by these are not qualified in the restaurants discovery sector.
  2. An esclusively Gastronomy dedicated platform.
    GastroAdvisor creates the firt worldwide gastronomic platform.
    Users from everywhere can add new restaurants, update business infos, edit and add
    All the data changes are first analysed by an inside software which will verify truthful
    and illicit infos. They will be verified and validate by the GA team.
    With the purpose to provide to our users better suggestions about restaurants, the
    restaurants activities informations always have to be 100% precise.
    Restaurants change location, shut and open everyday. The thing is many, if not all the
    restaurant discovery services can't track everything down by themselves in real time.
    Although, by rewarding users for their contribute, updates and resturants businesses
    approvals, through the FORK Token reward system, we believe we can create an
    ecosystem where informations are instantly updated.
    Through the GastroAdvisor platform, informations about gastronomic businesses will
    be constantly monitred and updated in real time by users and restaurants.
    The GA platform will be able to grow and adapt depending on the market changes.
    This solves the problem of fake infos about restaurants and will allows us to expand
    our service all over the worlds.
  3. Informations Overcharge
    In nowadays society, internet instantly connects people, providing answers to nearly all
    the question, but when restaurants research services list hundreds of suggested
    places, the result could be wrong due to the excessive amount of informations.
    This is particularly true in big cities, for example by searching "pizza" in Naples will take
    you to have 1000 results, many of which will be wrong!
    Many people have probably tried every single page on the list for more details just to
    end up tired or being brought to a place whixh is not up to the expectations.
  4. A smart platform that learns from you.
    GastroAdvisor analyse restaurants rates, visualizations time line, likes, researches,
    followers and more about any user within the platform to learn about the tastes and
    match the results on SocialFood.
    The user actions are used by the artificial intelligence to provide every user feedbacks
    about the restaurants and search result depending on personal preferences.
    GastroAdvisor's goal is to free user from the info overcharge, supplied by other
    sites/search services, taking advantage of the AI to help users to find the best
    restaurants considering their preferences in a quick an easy way.
    The results of the resaerch are personalized for every user, this means that even if you
    ipoteticaly look for the same kind of restaurant in the same area you might receive
    different result.
    Refering for example to the pizza research in Naples, through GastroAdvisor's AI, the
    user will visualize the same way 1000 venues, but the ones GA will judge more suitable
    for the user will be shown first.
    When a user signs in for the first time in GastroAdvisor, suggestions will only be based
    on informations provided at the time of the sign in (zone and favorite restaurant).
    Recommendations will adapt to be always more specific, while GastroAdvisor learns
    users preferences.
    The platform learns and grows up with you!
    La piattaforma impara e cresce insieme a te!
  5. Reviews/Rates Check
    Many search services and resturants reviews rate the users reviews through their own
    algorithm or a hidden formula, while others show only unclear reviews and rates by the
    "best" users.
    These systems cause doubts in the people looking for restaurants and frustration in the
    businesses owners, "confused" by their level or their average.
    Both the users and the restaurants are ofte worried because of fake reviewers who can
    compromise the chart or their rate, releasing uncorrect rates or infos, not matching the
    Until today many have tried to find the solution to have certified and truthful reviews
    with poor results, thousands obusiness owners constantly fight against this
    phenomenon. Making a few resarch on the web is enough to understand the problem
    of these unreliable systems, controlled and manipulated by the big internet lobbies.
    GastroAdvisor first mission is to help restaurateurs and users to make their
    online experience better by introducing them to FORK Token use and
    The problems linked to this sector are several, from the fake reviews that spread
    over the web to the very few restaurateurs and gastronomic oriented solutions
    you can find online.
    Nowadays the main criptocurrencies, like Bitcoin or Ethereum, are traded and
    accpeted by thousands of online sites but rarely it's possible to use them for
    daily purchases or real activities.
    Thousands of companies will be able to take advantage of the "Reward" system
    taking their own page on the site, activating the online booking service and
    accepting BTC, ETH payment or FORK vouchers.
    This article was created in exchange for a potential token reward through Bounty0x"
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