RE: EPIC Tokens In 2 Weeks?! - The MOST Transparent Gambling dApp On STEEM?

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EPIC Tokens In 2 Weeks?! - The MOST Transparent Gambling dApp On STEEM?

in epicdice •  6 years ago 

I just find dice games boring xD Its only for the passive income. I am more into slots. Gonna make a promotion post for a steem slot game here soon, when I take the time to do so.

They have made it so when you deposit steem it stays on their server, meaning you dont have to use steemconnect all the time to transfer steem. Much better if you ask me

Posted using Partiko Android

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Oh, I see. Well, not sure what I think of that...

I'm not that fond of dice-games either actually, I've always enjoyed slot games more. Blackjack ain't my thing either, because it's basically just 2x the money. I like the weird, unlikely, risky odds. The 2-6% odds. :D

They are so risky. I dont do that xD Terrible way to get tokens if you domt win xD

Posted using Partiko Android

That is a very good point. The safest way to get tokens are to go with the 95% win bets, but it's extremely time consuming to place millions of bets. If I used bots, I would most likely have them running at safe bets and place a couple of manual bets from time to time, just for the thrill.

Bots are basically the only way to get a large piece of the token-pie, or to be on top of the leaderboard on magicdice... But that's for the really high stake players.

It sucks to be 100% manual. :D

Krytogames have an "auto" feature. But they still use steemconnect and I have to login everytime, so thats pointless for me haha.

I mean, you did pretty good on magicdice with your bets and winnings and ending up on the leaderboard, thats pretty good. I am still just rocki g 5.5k tokens in total, but I am not that worried about it. Magicdice is long gone for me, krytogames is more token friendly currently :D

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, I was actually late on MagicDice, but I still have 4,562,642 Tokens at the time I'm writing this. A ton of time and money invested...

That's basically why I want to target these other dApps now. To be early, but I don't really like the "under" bet option, which seems to have become the new thing. You can't have it all though, so I'll just grind despite that option for now. I don't know how much I've wagered or how many tokens I'll get from EpicDice, but I have 155665 tokens from Kryptogames so far...

But that's nothing near the amounts I'm going for, if I'll go with both dApps, which I haven't decided yet. I think I'll stick with EpicDice and take a much easier approach on KG... But I'm not sure.

As these are investments, I also need to think of the risks involved. I can't just throw every single STEEM I have into it, but that's basically what I want to do, if I'll get a juicy daily dividend for it

The ultimate thing for me, would to establish a passive income of about 5-15 STEEM per day from each site. I would be more than happy with that.

MagicDice have started to give me decent dividends lately. Between 7 and 15 STEEM per day, and as long as that continues, I'm also more eager to invest further... However, I am also aware of the fact that it won't last forever, so the question is how far I'll go...

I dont know how many tokens I have on KG tho. I will signup through your link when Epicdice makes steemconnect a thing.
The problems I see is as soon as all the tokens have been given out. How many people will still play?
The dividends wilk be reduced a lot I think.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, go for it. I'd appreciate earning any commission, so feel free to signup 34 million times using my ref-link. And oh, make sure to gamble away your house, your car and your wife/future wife as well. :P

On a serious note though, you can see your tokens directly on KG. Just go to the site, go to dice/blackjack and then click your username in the top right corner. Go to dashboard and you'll see the amount of tokens you have.

About the dividends and tokens...
I think you are right, to some extent. But I also think that there's a chance that the tokens will be valued something "decent", which could mean a major profit in case you sell. However, the daily dividends will basically vanish. No matter the amount of tokens you have. I'm sure of that. But that's also why I want in early. It takes a rather long time before all the tokens are distributed, so if you're in early, you'll be able to earn a ton of dividends and tokens at the same time.

I have one account. You get one ref :p
No wife, no house, no car haha.i. I live in Denmark, everything is expensive so I have to choose wisely! :P

Yeye I know, I was just lazy xD I have 2.2k tokens on KG, I have wagered 12 steem or something not much.

Not sure how much the tokens will be worth if the dividends are gone. You could hold and hope they come out with a new game or something like that, so there will be dividends again xD

Posted using Partiko Android