RE: EPIC Tokens In 2 Weeks?! - The MOST Transparent Gambling dApp On STEEM?

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EPIC Tokens In 2 Weeks?! - The MOST Transparent Gambling dApp On STEEM?

in epicdice •  5 years ago 

Well, even at $0,001, my MD tokens is worth $4500.. So I really hope they'll be worth something. :D

However, it's "odd" though. I mean, I have 4.5 million tokens, but I'm just a small fish compared to many, many other users. Some of them have hundreds of millions of tokens... I can't really see the tokens be worth like $1 per token or anything like that. That would ultimately turn hundreds of gamblers into millionaries over night.

I wouldn't mind it personally though... lol
I'd cash out immediately at anything above 0.1 :D

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With your amount any price would be good :p
I would sell at 0.1 aswell. Thats around 550$ which would go straight into steem again :D

Posted using Partiko Android

That's awesome!
I would go with a $100K investment in Steem if I sold at 0.1. That would be about 244K at todays prices. The rest of the money would be used to finance my education, my living expenses and to get myself another apartment in the near future.

lol. I love to daydream. xD

That would not be bad for you shit haha :D
"Another" apartment fucking A :D

Its amazing to daydream xD

Posted using Partiko Android

Haha yeah, I mean another, as in instead of this one. Not another as in one apartment extra. lol :D

Ohh haha. Though you meant an extra haha xD
It could be another good investment and just rent it out :p

Btw totally random guestion. When you take out crypto, do you pay taxes on that? And do you pay more than normal taxes on that??

Posted using Partiko Android

Haha yeah, I wish.. lol.

When you take out crypto, do you pay taxes on that? And do you pay more than normal taxes on that??

No, yes and sort of. That's basically the answer for each question at the same time. Weird right? lol.

The tax regulations is really awkward and weird in Sweden. They are struggling to come up with good rules and laws for anything crypto-related. It feels like a constant, never-ending battle actually.

And the worst part is that you can't get any help either. Skatteverket (IRS in Sweden) can't help you, because they don't know shit about crypto or the current laws or regulations either.

Not too long ago, about 7 months or so, it was a huge article and debate in a newspaper here. It was because a crypto-miner had to pay several millions in tax-debt.

The weirdest part of everything, was the fact that, according to the regulations at that specific time, (when the newspaper came out), you had to pay taxes for each trade you did instead of your total net profit/loss at the end of the year for instance.

So, that would basically mean that each transfer on STEEM, to and from my wallet, is something I need to pay taxes for. I mean, it wouldn't be the "end of the world" if I had a few transfers per month or whatever, but I would have to think of all the curation and author rewards as well. That would be basically impossible.

Especially when you need to know the value of the tokens for each trade. On top of that, they wanted us to pay 33% taxes. I'm not sure how things are today though, I haven't bothered with any of that in months. I got tired of it.

That being said, I sell STEEM directly to a buyer I find on Discord instead. A direct deal with the buyer, who I know is trustworthy. I make a transfer in STEEM to his wallet and he sends me money through my business account on Paypal. That way, I'll keep track of every real purchase/sale.

On a side note though, you can't pay taxes for anything they can't prove to be yours... So, if they can't connect your steem account with the account you use to cash out and the steem account with you as a person, there's basically no reason to pay any taxes at all...

Ehm interesting. Haha thats weird man.
Paying tax everytime you trade is insane (not sure if its the same in Denmark). I do pay taxes of my dividends from stocks which is only 25% of the profit, not bad. Only15% for candian stocks for some reason xD
Skattevæsenet in Denmark is not to much help aswell. I called them and asked. They said that if I withdrew the money and it wasn't coming from my main income(job) which is Tax A(38%), I would have to pay 60% in Tax B (if I told them) since it was more of a hobby of mine .

Not sure what the tax would be if it link to a business instead of myself, but properly a lot leas.

Smart to sell it to a real person, who just sends you the money instead of withdrawing it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, Sweden is so retarded... It's terrible actually. Especially when any form of tax fraud will give you a longer sentence in jail than if you killed someone. One could assume that Skatteverket (IRS) would help you out if you had any questions... But nope. Nothing.