If God is good, he is not God. If God is God, he is not good.

in epicurean •  4 years ago 


If we take a Gaia model of God, the sum of all living things, then evil is the separation from God, swimming against the current. The flow chart above anthropomorphizes God.

There are at least three causes of evil. One is individuals born with a hole in their brains where empathy is neurotypically computed (genetic psychopathy) who do not perceive the dichotomy of good and evil, and so cross that perceptual boundary carelessly. Another is vicious circles of revenge between rival groups, which extends to state sponsored warfare and genocide. The most common is the separation of responsibility from authority, which can manifest in religious, political, and financial power structures.

There is further a tendency to evil in the "7 deadly sins", which have all been cause for murder.

So yes, the Judeo-Christo-Islamic vision of God is flawed. Polytheism is a slightly better representation, but really there are octillions of God particles.

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