in epson •  7 years ago 

EPSON REGULER TECHNICAL TRAINING Epson is a progressive company, trusted throughout the world because of our commitment to customer satisfaction, environmental conservation, individuality and teamwork. We are confident of our collective skills and meet challenges with innovative and creative solutions. Epson has long been perceived as only providing printers but the company is now changing. Centered around printers, projectors, liquid crystal panels, and the core technologies that link all these products......

Epson adalah perusahaan yang progresif, dipercaya di seluruh dunia karena komitmen kami terhadap kepuasan pelanggan, pelestarian lingkungan, individualitas dan kerja sama tim. Kami yakin akan kemampuan kolektif kami dan menghadapi tantangan dengan solusi inovatif dan kreatif. Epson telah lama dianggap hanya menyediakan printer tapi perusahaannya sekarang sedang berubah. Dipusatkan di seputar printer, proyektor, panel kristal cair, dan teknologi inti yang menghubungkan semua produk ini

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