Gender Bender

in equality •  8 years ago  (edited)


Let's get serious for a moment, and talk about a topic that I have tried to avoid during my stay here on Steemit. As much as I can, I tried to avoid it like the plague, but recent news has me thinking of revsiting this even once. Folks, I'm talking about gender roles and equality. It's not often that I talk about something that wasn't my original creation, so hang on to your hats!

It's the plague. Run!

I was a staunch defender of women's rights a few years ago. Some might even call me a feminist. I grew up in a household predominantly occuppied by women, so I developed a huge respect for the fairer sex. Well, that was until uber-feminazis ganged up on me in an online comments section while I was defending women's rights. Suffice to say, that's why gender issues are still a hotly debated topic. Even though there are more men than ever fighting for equal rights, equality has yet to be achieved. That's in no small fault of the effort put in by the coalition of both genders.

Fanatics do more harm than good, and I have a first-hand account of why the argument has yet to be won. While no gender can ever be generalized, those goddamn feminazis don't recognize a helping hand when they see one. Or, they do, but they refuse to accept a handout. Perhaps the reason why the argument never ends is because, in reality, equality isn't what they want to achieve. They want females to be the superior gender.

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Now, I would never claim to be an expert in math (or even just competent) or gender relations, but two straight lines parallel each other doesn't mean one is greater than the other. The placement of the lines makes you think though.

Don't get me wrong. I'm all for women empowerment, and all that, but there has to be a line. It's either you want equality of you don't. There's no 51-49 percent share.

The internet is filled with trolls

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Not that kind of troll! Oh wait ... Huh, maybe it is filled with those kinds of trolls. They come in all shapes and sizes, all shades and, uh, vices? These days, you can easily spot a troll in a comments section, and yet be surprised when you realize that said person is a troll. How the hell did I jump from gender equality to trolls, you ask? Well, the reason for that is the recent casting of the Doctor.


Yes, that's right. Exactly!

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Apart from @dreemit's latest question about the ratio of men and women on Steemit and @gavvet's recent post about demographic trends, Jodie Whittaker's casting as the eponymous Doctor had me questioning about equality. Well, not the casting itself, but the outcry of trolls on the internet. It's hilarious and puzzling at the same time.

Now, I won't bore you with the details. You can read about it elsewhere on the internet. TLDR: The Doctor (an extraterrestrial being from the planet Gallifrey who "regenerates" into a different actor once he has expired) is a role traditionally played by white Anglo-Saxon men since its inception in 1963. What I want to focus on here is the discussion regarding gender roles.

Personally, I'm okay with the female casting. First of all, the Doctor is a Time Lord and nowhere is there ever been a strict rule about him being a man. Heck, there might not even be genders in their race! Second of all, the Doctor's archnemesis had already set a precedent in terms of men transforming into women.

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Sure, there was pushback, but the reception since has been nothing but stellar. With all the arguments against pandering for the sake of political correctness, I have seen a comment that has resonated to me. I forgot where I found it, but I'll try to paraphrase it. The ire comes from the men who grew up used to the idea of the Doctor being a man. They had idolized the character, and somehow identified with him. That's where the point of contention lies. For every man who can relate, there's a woman who sadly couldn't. What if little girls were given the chance to grow up idolizing the very same character? Wouldn't that be positively swell? Given the context that the Doctor is an alien, the change shouldn't be too hard to accept.

The line needs to be drawn

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With all of that being said, there has to be a line. I'm all for equality, but this political correctness bullshit has a way of getting out of hand. Since we're talking about equality, allow me to throw the race question in the equation. I've written about racial diversity in the past, but I couldn't find the link to that post anywhere. At the time, The Flash TV series had just casted African-American Candice Patton in a role that wasn't originally African-American in the comics. How she would fit in the role had not been proven at the time I wrote that.

I also mentioned the casting of Michael B. Jordan in the role of the Human Torch in that waste-of-a-budget Fantastic Four fan film, and the creation of the character Miles Morales because of the fan petition around Donald Glover's campaign to be cast as the Amazing Spider-Man (which was gloriously wasted by Andrew Garfield ugh). In it, I posed the question whether it was right to swap out the race of the character people had grown used to. In a way, it was similar to the gender question I posed in this entry. The reason why I mentioned Patton's casting was that it would inevitably lead to a casting of an African-American Wally West (aka The Flash that I grew up with). At the time, the role had yet to be casted, but now it had been filled for a while now by Keiynan Lonsdale.

Jumping to the Flash for a bit, I understand (somehow) where the people opposed to the female Doctor casting were coming from. The Flash is my favorite DC comics superhero, so I'm protective of him. Being a ginger defined the Wally West I grew up with, and changing his race would affect it immensely. Now, I'm not a racist, but I just couldn't take a Wally that was different from the one I grew up with. Mind you, the Flash has many fantastic abilities, but changing his skin color isn't one of them. He's also not an alien who regenerated into, essentially, a different person when he dies.

Back to the gender issue, now there are talks of a female James Bond, gender swapped this, gender swapped that. I want you to focus on what I just said. A female. James. Bond. Now, I'm not saying that women don't have a right to be named "James" but come on! The proponents of Rule 63 must be having a field day.

A solution of sorts

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What I proposed before, and what has been the best solution so far, is what if instead of swapping (and in the words of many a troll, butchering) the gender or race or whatever of characters that people had grown up with, why not make new characters that fit the race or gender they want to satisfy. As much as I want all of you to hoist me above your shoulders for providing a logical solution, I wasn't the first and I wasn't the only one who thought of the same thing.

Marvel created the character Miles Morales and gave him the title of Spider-Man alongside the original one. Sure, the alias gets confusing, but Peter Parker had acknowledged it with humor. DC Comics split the NuWally (African-American) and the original ginger Wally West, stating (however unconvincingly) that the two Wally Wests are cousins. It's a stop-gap solution, but at least they made an effort to quell the public unrest.

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Yes. It's that easy. Create a new character.


Now, surely that's case-to-case basis. For the purpose of the earlier argument however, the Doctor is more of a title than a name. While James Bond could've easily been a title that could be passed to a Native American, African-American, Asian, etc (they botched it by the way by making it Daniel Craig's Bond's real name), it simply isn't. The ability to regenerate to an essentially new character opens up the opportunity for the Doctor to become anything. Heck, the Doctor could be a dog if they wanted to.

That's why I don't prefer describing exact physical features in my work. Not that I feel it would be adapted to live-action some day (though I surely hope so!), it's because I want everyone to identify with my characters based on the traits and the personalities. While some of my characters do have defining physical features, I try to make that aspect as fluid as possible so that any portrayal won't stray from the original source.

Ah! Now that feels better to get it off my chest. Let's move on and just be supportive of everyone.

What's your stand on gender swapping? Any arguments with the points I made? Feel free to chime in the comments section below. I would love to hear your thoughts about it :D

Oh, and the title is a play on words on "fender bender", because well, the topic gets people so worked up ;)

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

What an entertaining, great read!

And the subject matter you chose to cover is one I feel quite passionately about. First things first, I'm a traditionalist and if I'm used to a character being a certain way and having unique attributes that relate back to MY OWN PERSONAL memories, I don't want that changed just for the sake of "tokenism". That being said, I've not got a problem at all with the latest "Who" being a woman as it is part of the embodiment of that character.

An alien who can take on any form it chooses. And I've seen all the hatred directed towards this sensitive topic as well.

But in this "politically correct" world we live in, filled with SJW's wagging their scrawny fingers in your face about how the order of things should be, I choose a simple, yet effective way to avoid such confrontation. That is... choose not to engage them. Simple, right? They live according to their rules and I will mine. I believe people make a conscious "choice" to actually be offended. In fact, I feel that if your stance doesn't fit in line with their strict lifestyle, that's something to be embraced, not lauded. It shows people are different and someone's right will inversely be another person's wrong. That's freedom of expression and us exercising our god-given right.

However, forcing opinions down people's throat seems to be the way of the current trend however I "choose" not to be a part of it. If I feel my opinions may cause offence, I "choose" not to partake in that particular area of conversation. Thinking before speaking has served me well for many years and should continue to do so.

But yes, there will always be the baying mob, out to make a difference and attempting to change every detail possible to re-create a perfect world. And I say good luck to them. But in the same vein, life is only so long and our voices will only ever have a limited reach. Scream and shout all you want I say, but the world will keep on turning long after we're gone. Only with a new set of problems and a brand new set of differing opinions. Recycling at it's finest.

Beautiful post, my bro. You're on fire and doing great!

Oh man, you echo my sentiment so effectively, brother! Choosing not to engage them is the best course of action for sure. It's like talking to a brick wall in terms of convincing them to change their minds. There's a time and place, and a much more civilized approach to go about what they set out to do. They just "chose" to be more hostile, I guess.

As much as possible, I wanted to avoid discussing this, but I just kept seeing ignorant bullshit in my feeds, I just had to vent in some way. You know, in a way, I'm glad nobody of those types engaged in this. I really don't have the energy (or care) to argue regarding this, I just wanted to say that compassion is the key to resolve that tangled mess.

Thanks for sharing your meaty thoughts, brother! I truly appreciate it :D

Tackling the tough issues I see. I did notice a bit of furore over the Dr Who issue. I was never a huge fan, but like you say, it doesn't break the character to have a female. In fact it is in fitting with the Dr's dynamics and origins. Still, nothing like a bit of controversy for the ratings though.

In general, the issue wouldn't bother me with some stories. There are some that just need to stay unchanged I believe. But as more woman writers get recognised and achieve success then more female characters of note start to enter the cultural melting pot.

For example - The Handmaid's Tale. I am watching the series at them moment. Strong female oriented story. Female author. Finally received financing to be made into TV. These changes are happening more. Then a balance will be achieved.

Yes, exactly. Some characters really can't be changed, no matter what twist they think of. It's just how it is. With the emergence of more female creators, hopefully more femal characters would come to prominence.

No matter how much I try to avoid it, tough issues need to be discussed. Thanks for sharing your sentiment here, mate! I appreciate ot :D

Ooh I haven't gotten around to watch the Handmaid's Tale, is it

Your comment seems to have been cut off at the end. But I will guess as to where it was leading. I have watched the first 2 episodes of The Handmaid's Tale. And yes I think it is brilliant. I first saw the actress in Top of the Lake, and came to realise the quality of her abilities. Same in this one, and excellent writing helps also.

It's Dystopian, with a twist, I suppose. Being a women's story. No out in space SciFi, but dealing with more back to Earth realities. With a Biblical angle, which will always pique my interests.

Huh that's odd. I wrote it on esteem, so I wonder how it got cut. Well if it has your stamp approval then I'm sold on it. Queuing it up on Netflix as we speak!

I'm liking what I have seen so far. Having not finished it yet I reserve the right to withhold final judgement until that point :)
I'm sure I will like the whole thing (but my legal clause remains).

Episode 1 and 2 were awesome! Great recommend, mate! Speaking of great, THANK YOU for the generous donation! I'm just so floored when I saw it! It'll surely be put to good use :D My fiancée sends her thanks as well! This won't ever be forgotten, my friend! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts :'D

On the Doctor? I don't care XD I think they should have gone all out and made a gay Jewish ginger black girl or something, that would have offended absolutely everyone and been side achingly funny to watch the screaming tantrums. I'm glad for something different and hoping to see what interesting new storylines they could develop with this. Like the Doctor having to deal with being treated differently after being the "privileged white male" forever.

It's probably done for budgetary or having to pander to people who don't have imagination but I find it terribly amusing that aliens need to be human-looking or at least possess the familiar pentadactyl structure. I did like these ones for being a bit different XD

(the actual being is the glowy bunch of tendrils, the rest of it is a biological exosuit that it's acting kind of like a nerve system for)

On gender swapping in general? Well when it's being used for entertainment or education no real issues. Especially on the subject of superhero costumes. On making something PC? Well actually I'd probably feel the same way about as I do about "whitewashing" (casting an Anglo actor as a very much non-Anglo character), which is to say exasperated on a good day and ranging very briefly through rage to "you know what I don't care I'm not going to watch your crappy movie anyway" on a bad one.

As to why people don't just come up with new characters well. Cynical fyn reckons it's because the people doing these "reimaginings" grew up loving and idolising these characters and are now in a position where they can make their fanworks canon and broadside an audience XP

That's why I don't prefer describing exact physical features in my work. Not that I feel it would be adapted to live-action some day (though I surely hope so!), it's because I want everyone to identify with my characters based on the traits and the personalities.

I like your idea here, not something I've ever thought to do but it could be to do with how characters and stories happen to me :)

Ooohhh I can always trust you to make lots of great points, my friend!

I think they should have gone all out and made a gay Jewish ginger black girl or something, that would have offended absolutely everyone and been side achingly funny to watch the screaming tantrums

You know, with the recent wave of PC stalwarts, I wouldn't be surprised if there would be a strong campaign to support this haha! Then they would push for a white anglo-saxon male to become a companion for a change! Have you watched the latest seasons? Making the Master Missy opened up a lot of great new angles, so I guess that really set the tone for this decision. A way to keep things fresh.

I guess making aliens look more human is done for budgetary reasons haha! Heck, even the Marvel Cinematic Universe made a living planet into Kurt Russell. I think alien-looking aliens work best in animation anyway.

Especially on the subject of superhero costumes. On making something PC? Well actually I'd probably feel the same way about as I do about "whitewashing"

Ahh shoot, I didn't even think to mention whitewashing. But yeah, as a Filipino, it's not uncommon to see characters being portrayed by Americans. It was pretty hard to take at first, and even though I've gotten used to it, it still leaves a bitter taste. Especially when the actor is marketed as being, I don't know, 2% Filipino. I'm like "WTF, that guy doesn't even know how to speak three words of Tagalog!" With the world being more global and all, you would think they could get people that fit the exact ethnicity of the character they want to portray. When you think about it, any non-American actor would be a much cheaper hire too!

As to why people don't just come up with new characters well

I LOLd at the fanfic notion. Personally, I'm sticking with studios not wanting to risk with unproven characters. They want a surefire hit, that's why they're relying on established characters and brands. Ironically, they're over-saturating them, that's why the adoption is declining with every iteration.

I like your idea here, not something I've ever thought to do but it could be to do with how characters and stories happen to me :)

It won't work for your stories because you have the drawing aspect haha! Even though you won't describe your characters in the story, your readers would still be able to see them when you depict them in art :D

Thanks for stopping by, my friend! I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on the matter :D

Have you watched the latest seasons?

Nope. I don't fully watch anything these days unless something really catches my attention. There have been a couple of episodes that had interesting stuff going on that I would go snuggle up with JJ to watch if I saw something interesting going on but I wouldn't be able to tell you the title or even what happened in them now XD


With the world being more global and all, you would think they could get people that fit the exact ethnicity of the character they want to portray. When you think about it, any non-American actor would be a much cheaper hire too!

is explained by this :)

Personally, I'm sticking with studios not wanting to risk with unproven characters. They want a surefire hit, that's why they're relying on established characters and brands

except replace "characters and brands" with "actors/names". But yes, you're right, that is most definitely a thing XD

Even though you won't describe your characters in the story, your readers would still be able to see them when you depict them in art :D

It's not that I won't, I just don't need to for the things I drop here XD I don't really write novels anymore, but major characters tended to eventually have fairly comprehensive descriptions (once you picked them out from throughout the story, could never stand doing a massive paragraph devoted to their looks XD).

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I used to be like that (watching just anything that catches my attention, not the part where I would go snuggle up with JJ) but my OCD forces me to digest every information I can. Sadly, my productivity has taken quite a hit.

As much as possible, I try to not give physical descriptions even to the main characters. I guess you could see that from what you've read. Although, I do see your point which really helps in telling characters apart. One of these days I'm going to have to rely on that as well haha!

By the way this was an intended reply to your comment by @dreemit :D

I used to be like that (watching just anything that catches my attention, not the part where I would go snuggle up with JJ)

BAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA XD I read this to JJ and he responded "Nice cover" XD

but my OCD forces me to digest every information I can

Oh my goodness. You poor soul. I am sorry that you, too, experience this.

Sadly, my productivity has taken quite a hit.

And this is why I usually don't watch stuff and get snarky when things are being watched in the room where I'm working XD

Though for whatever reason I can ignore games, but not when the players are doing a running commentary (which happens often enough they're usually banned too XD)

"Nice cover"

Yeah, well ... I try :/

Games I can ignore without any problem. I'm stuck when it comes to movies or TV series, wherein there is aplenty >.<

I recently met a genuine feminazi right on this site. aunt-deb she calls herself, and she muted me after telling me that men use 'think of the children' to shame women, and they all will gleefully sacrifice women apparently. Well if this post does attract her lunatic attention, she won't see my comment. Almost a shame really.

Sounds like a perfectly logical solution to me. Except you're not taking into account that they're trying to cause outrage, it's all a part of the show. Or worse, intentionally creating drama to cause division and hate. Keeps the masses weak. Everywhere I look there's campaigning for division, even Stranger Danger is a part of that. I mean of course you teach your children not to go somewhere with people they don't know, but in my opinion the real agenda is to cause distrust between neighbors. Where once you would welcome them with a plate of cookies, now you can't because they could be laced with arsenic, or some such horseshit. Because not only are neighbors murderous psychopaths, they're also stupid murderous psychopaths....
Sorry, a bit overtired and going on a tangent here, lol!!!

Oh wow, so sorry about that. I didn't know. I think I've talked to her once or twice before, but I didn't know she was that way. I have heard that being used to shame women, but only from a handful of people which is significantly far from the norm.

Yeah, but those genuine trolls, chauvinists and feminazis won't ever be convinced of anything other than what they already believe in. I'm aiming to target the ones that haven't made their minds up yet or are still open for discussion. Really though, it boils down to respect. If people aren't willing to offer any, they don't deserve to receive any in return.

It's alright, my friend. Vent away here whenever you feel like :D

I absolutely agree, they won't change their minds, and you're right, it does boil down to respect. Usually when I see someone attacking someone else I try to insert a rational, reasonable comment to calm the situation down, but there are people who will just turn the attack on you when you do that, those are the ones, well I avoid in the future lol. Though in aunt deb's case I should have known better, it wasn't the first time I had seen her in a comment section going nuts. I'm surprised she talks to men at all, she really seems to hate them from the things she said to me. I actually think it's sad, like something must have happened in her life to cause it.

I truly agree a line should be drawn. I do think that for some people they are looking for superiority rather than equality. I don't get how they don't see their agendas as being no different than the ones they supposedly stand against?

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Gender equality is only good in writings and books, it can never be achieved. Even the firm believers want to prove their superiority over the other sex.


Yes, I'm all for pro-choice. Thanks for asking.


You don't say! Huh, that's interesting.


There are better ways to go, you don't have to be boxed into one situation if you don't want to.


Now, I don't completely agree with that. If we give up thinking that it's impossible to achieve, then we're only strengthening the notion that it can't be achieved. I don't think you can generalize that. Personally, I don't want to prove male superiority over others, and I know people who feel the same way. There is hope for equality, and not trying to fight for it might be one of its main opponents.

Well I don´t agree with you on the feminazis though I can understand your problem with the new wave of feminism. I have had that debate with my son many times but he has similar ideas about it as you. But I also see where my daughter is coming from when she is discovering all kinds of shit regarding gender equality. (She is 11 years old) and she gets stunned when she´s told that women once coudn´t vote and still have lower income and blaaa. I think young women today just get very pissed and frustrated when they hit genderwalls in any ways. They just don´t except it any more as the woman rights movement started hundred years ago so the young feminists today are really, really angry. And the young men become afraid of them or even hatefull towards them as well as insecure about their own gender. But regarding dr. Who....In some ways it reminds me of Dallas when everything you wached turned ot to be Bobbys (or Pamelas) dream. Maybe it´s about not sticking to the original story or something. But I also think that they´r just playing with the imagination as well as trying to be just to everyone. And why not do a twist on comic characters. That´s just postmodernism reaching to the fullest in the comic wold / the movies. It´s harder and harder to make something new. Easy´er to take a twist on something old. And changing a man into a women or a white person into a black, why not? You know some african Americans are also ginger heads ;) And for that matter some people are born intersex so you can be both a woman and a man :o I would actually love to see a lesbian James Bond with another women on her arm. That would be rather cool ;) Hahahha :D

I think they should have gone all out and made a gay Jewish ginger black girl or something, that would have offended absolutely everyone and been side achingly funny to watch the screaming tantrums.

Hahahaaaaahaa...wait....haaaahaahaha!!! Oh my God that was the best sentence I've read all day! Side achingly funny indeed!! Screaming tantrums that are soothed with coloring books and hot chocolate no doubt ( I still can't get over that shit, the college 'time outs' young men and women weeping like toddlers, give me a break, that was so damn embarrassing!)

I think this was intended as a reply to @ryivhnn's comment instead? :D haha!

Oh jeeze, I told you I was tired, hahaha, yes it was meant for @ryivhnn :)

I notified her all the same :)

Oi I soothe myself with...erm...well okay I pretend to be grown up by drinking coffee and colouring my own drawings but similar enough principle XD Erm, the stuff in your parentheses, I think I missed something?

Glad to be entertaining ;D

I was a overtired and going on a bit of a tangent, haha, I was actually referring to what happened after the last US election. Maybe you didn't read about that, but it was ridiculous! They cancelled classes the day after election at a whole bunch of colleges so kids could mourn and sit in rooms coloring and yes drinking hot chocolate and talk to trauma counselors---Really?? With the true horrors that go on in the world? That's why it was embarrassing. Then again, the elections themselves are ridiculous so what do I expect? Well, not for masses of older teen/younger twenty year olds to behave like babies, I guess I expect that haha!

Ahh no I didn't hear about that o_O I...don't even know what to think about really.

That's the beauty of it. We don't all have to agree on everything, we just have to respect each other's opinion :D

It's good that you're daughter is developing a strong stance at a young age. Good for her! I feel like I wasn't able to illustrate my dislike of feminazis very well, mainly because I didn't want to name names or point out exact topics. That's a fair point you stated, though in that discussion, I was really trying to support them but they misunderstood where I'm coming from and I became a target of their barrage. Not something you would want to do to someone in your corner, I think.

I agree that it's hard to make something new, but with drastic changes, they run the risk of alienating the established fanbase. Why would they need to change someone's race if they could easily just create a new character that could easily be put in an apprentice position until he/she is fully equipped to take on the mantle of the predecessor? Wouldn't it be cooler if it's instead James' lesbian cousin Janice who takes up his position when James' leg becomes amputated? I think given time, if Janice is established slowly, fans wouldn't have any problems with her becoming the main character as James takes a bow.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I appreciate it and I enjoyed the discussion. Lots of stuff to think about for sure :D

Hahahaha :) Thea Janice and the amputated leg of James is a grate idea :D Now I really want to see that movie :D

See! Much more intriguing than inexplicably changing James Bond into a woman, yeah? Really though, I'm all about the logical explanation. With the Doctor, they could easily explain it through regeneration, but for other characters? Well, that's the tricky part haha!

Oops, I was informed that I put my reply on the wrong comment, this was meant for ryivhnn as she's the one who said that. Sorry! I was a bit overtired when I wrote that!

Man, I am so out of the Doctor Who loop that I didn't even hear about the new casting! I had a bit of a crush on Ten, so I never minded the Doctor being a man, but I am excited by this. I do agree that the Doctor is more a title than anything.

I haven't really developed much of an opinion on gender/race bending, apart from that it can result in some fun reimaginings. More powerful representation should probably come from original characters instead of being derivatives of the "norm".

Personally, Twelve is my favorite, but I guess it boils down to preference. The lengths those internet trolls go through is staggering. Personal attacks on actors is just too much. If anything, they could just not watch if they hate the casting so much.

Agreed with the original characters. Mainstream media is so used to just leaning on derivatives that they don't want to take a risk on unproven characters because they fear it'll flop. Thanks for stopping by and reading, my friend! Safe journey :D

Oh what a furore over the Doctor. It was weird really. All of these dudes who thinkj that dude-dom is the be all and end all suddenly confronted with the uber dude being a dude-ess!?!?

I am quite for equality. More so after becoming a dad to a daughter. It's funny how that tends to make you even more aware of the inequalities around us.

I do completely agree though that instead of repurposing traditionally male characters for women, aka Kames Bond perhaps more roles should be created with strong funky characters. Look at Homeland. They have practically made an equivalent to Jack Bauer. ITs excellent. There are probably many more but I am eating toast and my fingers are a bit buttery :O)

Really though, they sound like malfunctioning Daleks haha! All the personal attacks are simply uncalled for. I don't know how they expect to be taken seriously when they sound like whining 6-year old children.

I imagine that it would really realign your perspective regarding the matter. Someday I want to be a father to a daughter as well (not solely so that I could put her though her own Long Night, but it's a huge factor) because I want to create a world where she grows up thinking that the only thing separating men from women is their anatomy.

Exactly! Carrie Mathison is way stronger than many of the male characters that came before her. Speaking of Homeland, I am nearing the finale (finally). Not to mention, they put a female president in place there. Some other characters that come to mind: Rey (from Star Wars), Lara Croft, Black Widow (from The Avengers). There has been a surge of strong females that are on par with their male equivalents. The fight for equality is stronger than ever.

Thanks for dropping those knowledge bombs, Boom-Meister! I appreciate your support :D

Boom boom!! Phew, I am glad you knew who she was (Carrie M)!!

Yeah there are stacks. They can come up with better ones than the males that currently exist!

It's quite the feeling I must admit being the father to a little girl. Suddenly you see the world as this huge place of seething injustice. T shirts for boys marketed with slogans like Dino Roar! Then the same style of t-shirt saint nails= hair= perfection or some such tosh. Makes me go all hulk'y and cross :0)

Haha! Yeah, of course! Heck, you even spoiled Quinn's fate to me a few months back :/

Awww man I wish when my turn comes it's a bit more balanced in terms of the merchandise. I can imagine the ones available for girls. I'm happy about the surge of kick-ass female role models for them to emulate!

Oh lord that's right!!!

There are good ones for girls. I got her a cracking skull one the other day. Thankfully the rubbish kind seem to be in a minority

The rubbish kind might as well be a thing of the past. Nowadays, I see little girls rocking superhero duds like their testosterone-filled equivalents. Equilibrium is truly upon us!

Yeehaw for equilibrium!!! :0D

Now if we could only convince people that this is the right path to take...

Excellent post dear friend @jedau, I am a very open person in this kind of things, I accept and respect everyone and all, throughout my life I had friction with different types of people, of all genres and tastes, I think every Person you have to be as is and do what you have to do, always within mutual respect, there should be no reason for discrimination under any concept, there is know how to accept people as they are, not for what they are.
Thank you very much for sharing this interesting work.
have an excellent week

YES. You're absolutely right, my friend. Respect and acceptance are key. Everyone is different, and the only way to create a harmonious environment is to accept all of the differences. You make an excellent point, my friend! Thank you for sharing your thoughts regarding this matter :D

It's all about biology, and has been for millennia.
You can be who and whatever you want to be. I don't care.
Just don't try to make me believe in your mental illness!!

Hmm I agree with you, I guess? Anyway, thanks for stopping by.

I forgot how to do the quoting coding again bro lol
"what if instead of swapping (and in the words of many a troll, butchering) the gender or race or whatever of characters that people had grown up with, why not make new characters that fit the race or gender they want to satisfy."
But I completely agree with you, it's either equality or no equality, superiority or inferiority. And make a new character instead of surprising devoted fans of the outward appearance of their favorite character. The Flash is one of my favorites as well, and for him to have any (insert ethnicity here) cousin is fine by me as long as they fight crime and speed about together or solo.
Great post upvoted

You're right. There is no middleground, no gray area in this topic. It's either you fight for equality or not. It didn't start off as the Flash having a nephew, they just fixed it because they couldn't sell the idea to the fans. They were hemorrhaging readers, so they just tried to make it seem like it was always their plan. In reality, they had replaced the original.

Thanks for stopping by, brother.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

You're most welcome bro, they shouldn't mess with the Flash! It was a pleasure to read and I try to stop by your page when I can in my busy schedule, you are not forgotten! I am about to blaze through almost 30 chapters of reborn soon since I told @dreemit I have been enjoying falling behind since I love to binge read like she does :)

Have fun with it! Reborn is really hitting its stride so it's great to catch up on it now. Personally, I like to read in spurts as I have trouble keeping my attention in binging anything.

Oh I certainly will bro, I'll be able to blaze through it in a day or two. I sometimes like reading in spurts, but with great literary writing pieces like your novel, @papa-pepper's, or @dreemit's, or @ezzy's, it is just a breeze through. I bet all kinds of crazy stuff has happened on Reborn, this weekend I'll be on it!

You wouldn't even begin to imagine! Haha! Speaking of @ezzy have you been able to read through his latest opus? It just wrapped a week ago, I think.

I have not! But bro, it is ridiculously hard to keep up with more than one novelist, but I'll do my best to read some, thanks for the heads up!

Haha! That's why I don't binge read, and instead just read it chapter to chapter so I won't tire myself out haha

Very interesting. Sometimes there are topics that we just do not need to debate on, just respect.

Yes! You're totally right! Thanks for taking the time to read. I hope you enjoyed the post :D

Upvoted & RESTEEMED! :)

Thanks! I appreciate it :D I hope you enjoyed reading the story.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Yeah, no. So, I don't mean to offend you, but you're doing it wrong. Instead of begging for a follow, really read a post and leave thoughtful comments. If the person you commented to finds you interesting, they would go to your page unprompted and would comment/upvote/follow you. I hope that helps.

This is very informative.

Thanks! I hope you enjoyed reading :D

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

WOW I read ALL..!! I love your post
@jedau ---------R E E S T E M E D..!!----> ^ ^

Thank you for taking the time to read and the resteem!! I appreciate it, man!

@jedau got you a $1.96 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@jedau got you a $1.96 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image:

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It's always great to be like a goat licking himself. Nothing wrong with that. A profit of $0.96 haha not bad, I guess.

This post received a 2.9% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @jedau! For more information, click here!

Woohoo! Thanks, me!