in erp •  8 years ago 

Little Rock -Jesús M. Pizarro Rodríguez has announced the launch of his latest book about Enterprise Resource Planning. The book is now available in stock on Amazon and readers can get the paperback edition in English as well as Spanish languages. The title of this book is ‘Lessons Learned from an ERP: From the Perspective of International Accounting by a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)’ and the author has shared his experience based knowledge to help the financial community worldwide.

“I have shared the lessons that I personally learned and this book is my humble contribution to the financial literature.” Said Jesús M. Pizarro Rodríguez, the author. “I hope that the readers will use this book as an improvement tool for the design and implementation practices of financial accounting systems, especially in the international NGO sector.” He added. Pizarro is not only a Certified Public Accountant but also the Vice President of Accounting and Controller of Heifer International.
Some of the most important lessons Pizarro has shared in this book include defining problems as well as objectives while using ERP as a solution to the problems. According to the author, if users do not use accounting information to make decisions, it is not worth accounting, much less an ERP project. Moreover, according to the author, the standardization of business processes is a critical success factor for an ERP and without standardization, there is no successful ERP.

Pizarro Rodríguez decided to focus this book on the non-profit sector because it has been lagging behind in the development of financial accounting information systems, and the financial literature on it is scarce. After the implementation of Unit4 Business World in Heifer International, several NGOs have interviewed the author to learn about specific topics, such as consolidation of financial statements, management of foreign currencies, and different accounting standards.

About the Author
Jesús M. Pizarro Rodríguez is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), and the Vice President of Accounting and Controller of Heifer International. In that role, he supervises accounting and global financial consolidation, while providing leadership of the Unit4 Business World (Agresso) in over 32 countries. Heifer International received the "Unit4 Social Impact Award," and wins the "Enterprise Solution of the Year" award at the European IT & Software Award for their successes and innovations in the implementation of the ERP. The author has announced that the income generated from this book will be donated to Heifer International.

For more information, please visit the website www.cpajesuspizarro.com. For placing an order of this book through Amazon, please visit the link below: http://a.co/2HNdCwh


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