The story begins when Masha goes to see a circus show with his parents. Marsa is still as small as a circus. In the middle of the show, Masha is released from the supervision of her parents. Masha, who was detached from supervision, strayed into the bear cage. The starving bear instantly devoured Masha. Her parents who knew Masha were eaten by the bear were depressed and ended their lives by suicide.
Notice the Masha and The Bear cartoons. Masha's parents are not shown, it is a bear that is shown to commemorate Masha who loves bears very much. Bear in the cartoon is actually made afraid of Masha.
The Panda character appears. Panda is a distant relative of Masha from China. Narrated Masha and his brother always disagree with everything.
Who does not know Crayon Sinchan. In Indonesia this spectacle has been aired on Sunday morning. The silly, funny and seductive behavior of this woman has always been the main attraction. How not, 5-year-olds dare to tease adult women. Coupled with the behavior always troubles the parents and surrounding