in escuelas •  7 years ago 

What does not remain, he doubts that he does, as a son on the street, a son within the school grounds. The causes of these violence are multiple and problematic such as poverty, child labor, trafficking in children, where they live, the low social status of women, lack of education of parents, civil conflicts, etc. some of the explanations to which the violence leads
The truth is that what can be described as violence of the many behaviors that includes the deterioration of school facilities, the destruction of school material, the rebellion against teachers of authority and of course the direct physical aggression between classmates, the which in the most lamentable cases have led to the murder.

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Let's talk a little about the school violence in Venezuela in my native country:
In Venezuela, nobody is a secret because of everything that we are going through, the crisis consumes us every day and that can be reflected in the children who study today the fustraction they have when they see how their family is destroyed. Then they see that it does not make sense study, that the effort is not worth it, feels that it has no future, only hears the triumph of delinquency, and generates an internal conflict and that added stress to the stress that lives and ends up exploiting it in the classrooms.
In another case, you can see in several schools in Venezuela, the sales of drugs, the boys who extort and threaten the teachers, other colleagues, they want to have control of the territory and commit acts of vandalism.
It hurts me how it has become all the school precincts in my country and I have to think that I have two girls who can be victims because while more time passes than crime increases and bullying is worse ... THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION.


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