RE: Bloodlines Of The Serpent Gods Part 1.A: Frequencies Of Deception .. Out Of The Light

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Bloodlines Of The Serpent Gods Part 1.A: Frequencies Of Deception .. Out Of The Light

in esoteric •  7 years ago  (edited)

I appreciate the reply. You may know I consider myself an agnostic gnostic of the Christian type and not Judaic. Some random thoughts on this:
-frequency manipulation is secondary to control via controlling the money supplies of humanity. I see it as a one-two punch but controlling money is the foundation as far as I can tell. Now, I do agree with your assessment of the techno frequency prison grid and that leads me to logically deduce that crypto is part and parcel of the same control tactics.
-I see Christianity as another schism within Semitic religious myth (as is Islam), tens and thousands of bloody violent differing squabbles throughout the history of this story. I've pointed out that this God, if it were involved in book knowledge, couldn't even clarify definitively the shape of the earth. I've also pointed out that even with my limited I.Q. I could very well teach a 5-year old the difference between a pancake and a ball! But it's a fact that any creator being is having real trouble on this one considering the resurgence of FE. If there is a point here it's that this contradiction is more consistent with Christian Gnosticism being true rather than Judaic monotheism as far as I can tell.
-the only evidence of a flood, as far as I know, is some kind of local cataclysm about 12,000 years ago. I'm sure you're familiar with Hancock.
-there is next to no evidence for The Exodus or the Grand Solomon Kingdom. In fact, the evidence points towards The Hykso hypothesis. See Tsarion and Ellis.
-there is no evidence for a historical Jesus although I believe (as speculation) that he is a Gnostic Aeon and the myths surrounding him are obfuscations stemming from his confrontation with the RA-bbi's and IS-RA-El. The Egyptian symbolism throughout the earths power and financial systems begins to make perfect sense under this scenario.
-I don't have a problem with the non-dual Advaita thinking on this but I'm more prone to not dismissing D'Vaita and duality: that God is something distinct and different than the material universe. This is also the Christian Gnostic view. But again, I remain agnostic on this and like Kant, I feel that we can't really know for certain on these issues within metaphysics. And of course, this is totally relevant to who the archons are and what their intentions are (we can't really know). But it doesn't look good to me unless we redefine what good is. And, ​BTW., I'm more for Theravadin cosmology rather than Mahayana--so I'm a dualist through and through.
-and lastly, I don't dismiss that all these shenanigans are the doings of some​ terrestrial​ E.T...But I don't buy Sitchin or Greer or any of the usual suspects on this one.
Please don't take this post as a ​criticism of your most detailed and excellent work:)
But Abbott! Who's watching The Watchers!lol

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My man, I think you know me better than to think I would take it as a criticism lol .. you see I understand both the mind and the limits of perception .. from that perspective we are both right and wrong. Indeed who defines that rights and wrongs in this area of research? Ultimately your belief system is a matter of perception and if human history has taught us anything it's that belief is a transient beast. My analogy or human history is a series of boxes, we break free of one only to have it replaced by another. Oh and I like your ball and pancake analogy .. but from a diferent perspective if you were brought up to be taught that the pancake was the ball and vice verse that would be your reality .. and no I'm not outing myself as a flat-earther lol

I believe that true knowledge/wisdom (as opposed to generationally alternating facts) lay hidden within intuition and higher states of consciousness. that doesn't mean that you're going to be right all the time for wisdom is a different beast to said alternating fact. Indeed as I wrote to someone else: "Our understanding and interpretation of reality is governed by both internal and external experiences and limited by our rudimentary sensory perception. Somewhere along our long and dusty road we have been hardwired to believe that experience defines reality and that materialism defines success, this is a lie. Unfortunately we are a slave to both our senses and our minds interpretation of these senses. In truth our perception of reality is akin to a light wave frequency, a narrow light spectrum that our eyes have evolved to perceive."

The foundations of human experience and understanding are directly related to our brains perception of light, vibration and both electrical and energetic resonance. Seeing is not believing, and this is perhaps the greatest lie to have ever been perpetrated against humanity. This lie keeps us as prisoners of perception and allows those with an awareness to define the parameters of our reality .. or something like that. You see I'm not arrogant enough to believe all my facts of today will be my facts of tomorrow. Alas there are many amongst us that are so arrogant that they believe they know everything, this amuses me, they amuse me. I'm fully prepared to accept that I know nothing for the foundation of knowing nothing is far more stable than the belief of knowing everything. The nature of my writing has never been intended to define the perceptual reality of others .. that's their job and I wish more would do it lol My aim is to open minds to alternate perceptions and indeed that's why I always ask the reader to decide who has the perceptual flaws .. because in truth my friend, we all do!

You're a good sport my friend:) And this is one of my fave areas of inquiry.
Haha, one of the biggest perception disputes on the table these days is compatibilism. And I sit firmly in the incompatibilist camp as a Christian Gnostic Theist. I believe science is starting to argue for my position as a theist on this one:)
I also believe incompatibilism is consistent with eastern philosophical schools that assert that the ego isn't real; that it's a mirage, a poser so to speak.
But there are two issues here as far as I can tell: what is metaphysical truth? And who should govern society; or, how shall we live?
I sit firmly in the secular humanist camp on this one as Casper ruling society has been proven to be disastrous time and time again. The tragedy today, IMO, is that the Casper believers have taken control of civilization once again and this will lead to its inevitable disasters​.
And I guess I will have to state that communism was a psyop of the Casper believers so we can't use those nation-states​ as a metric for failed secularism.

No problem my friend, I have no fear of debate and throwing different ideas and opinions out there .. my only problem is the lack of time I have to do it! lol Before we go any further I want to grasp an essence on your thoughts on a couple of things. There are several different aspects of theism .. are you monotheistic as in the belief of one god? If so you believe in a god but don't trust the pecerpetions or indeed the intent behind mankinds/religions interpretations of what that may mean .. as in the concept is used as a tool of control and subjugation? .. I'm interested in some of the things you've said and you may find we agree on more than we disagree on. You say you've drawn no conclusions on the Archons, but I'm getting at least an essence of your thought processes so I'm pretty sure you've given it some deep contemplation .. share a few of your thoughts :) I may answer your reply tomorrow as I'm tired and my mind is slowing down. I will also answer your first comment with more depth .. I've just been really busy all day but yes Isis Ra El you read the first part of this series so you know where I'm coming from and I'm with your thoughts there. I've spent many years research on many belief systems so I find it difficult to box myself in .. I am interested in hidden threads that run through many of them. Catch you later

We definitely agree on way more than not:) I look forward to the conversation and I'm always civil unless I smell duplicity and disingenuousness and with you, ​I don't get that.

I'm sure we do :) my ego was cast on the scrapheap many years ago, occasionally it attempts to rise again but I beat it back into submission lol .. I'm just very interested in the hidden .. it's a lifelong quest and a decsion made in childhood. I don't believe any thoughts are wasted and I believe some of us are here to take notes and feed different ideas into the collective psyche. I will never stop learning and although in terms of details I'm more than happy to be corrected on any mistakes I make .. my core beliefs will never change as I've felt them, not researched them :) Likewise on the duplicity front my friend, I see no shred of that in you .. the only thing I knew wasn't true was the comment you made about your limited I.Q, I've been around enough to discern intelligence and deep thought over those that parrot and you're definitely the former .. but you know a wise man always plays a close hand, works people out and I both relate to and respect that.

It's my belief that as much as the electromagnetic techno prison that is being built around us is for control it's also about holding us back .. someone/something wants to (as I wrote in part 2) stunt us and keep us here, equally perhaps in the long term and from a spiritual evolutionary process whatever it is also has their part to play .. it sometimes feels as though all this is a test. Many people that follow the gnostic teachings believe that because the demiurge was hidden and unaware where his powers have come from he became arrogant/evil/mistaken (depending upon your perception) and believes he is the all powerful god and both this materialistic creator and his archontic minions stand between us and god, the material and the divine spiritual .. the guards that keep our spirutual consciousness locked within materialism . equally that could go back to the idea of divine test.

From an entirely different perspective some believe this is an allegorical interpretation of a physical event and from that perspective we go back to the first part of my post with the demiurge as the Annunaki who genetically manipulated us and so beccame our gods but are the barrier between us and the true god as they have sent us on a sideways evolutionary process. Out of step with creation and like a lost child left to drift trough time with little understanding of where we've been or indeed where we're going. From that perspective the archons are their direct bloodlines .. the bloodlines/archontic/demigods that to this day rule over humanity and quite literally feed upon our energy and the fruits of our labour. Others have a perception of an intelligent/archontic energy that for the most part the earth is shielded from but during cycles of precessional change have an increased ability to interact with humanity. Equally we can also go bac to the post I wrote with the archons as some form of of intelligent energy leech that is always present and feeds upon the low vibrational resonances of hate and fear and so manipulates us to provide their food. There is also an idea that humanity has actually created it's own demons and the collective resonance of hate and fear has somehow manifested itself into an intelligent entity or entities that were born of hate/fear and equally feeds upon them. I could of on but as you know there are thousands of ideas and as such in many ways it's a matter of perception .. I'm interested in hidden threads that are woven through many belief systems, it's as if someone has left a puzzle behind and from an esoteric perspective the truth and indeed intent must always be hidden in plain view, to negate the judgment of natural law by making us willing partipants. And yes money is like a religion and a form of control .. like I wrote in the first part: money .. mon ey .. one eye. What I do believe is that hate and cruelty (not as much anger) are an afront to natural law and it's these states of being that keep us locked down by displaying that we are not ready to reach the next level of understanding. Somehow our ascension/evolution (however you perceive it) is found by raising our vibrational frequency and as such is tied to the love in our hearts and our ability to love and indeed forgive our fellow man/woman .. otherwise it just becomes a cycle of hate for hate breeds hate.

In terms of logic I hold little creedance in the logic of man, indeed is the logic of today the logic of tomorrow? .. who defines logic and indeed is their logic my logic?

As much as I appreciate and believe many aspects of the ancient wisdoms my spiritual truth is also found within, it's found within my ability to access intuition and higher states of consciousness, the inherant power of the moment (the knowing as opposed to learning) and the vibration of spiritual singularity.

"Heed these words, you who wish to probe the depths of nature: If you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither will you find it outside. If you ignore the wonders of your own house, how do you expect to find other wonders? In you is hidden the treasure of all treasures. Know thyself and you will know the Universe and the Gods." - Oracle of Delphi

This is a pleasure, sir!
I am a theist by way of entheogens and I also subscribe to panpsychism which all implies that consciousness precedes matter. Having said that, I have no idea what God is or may be. I believe no one has an answer to that although there may be a few who could speculate accurate representations (Kristos and Sophia, IMO). I believe there are those who have used most all religion as a tool of control. I believe the root of that control are archontic entities and, IMO., and experience they are angelic although I completely concede we could be dealing with E.T. or both. The main point to take away from this is that the skeptics are wrong in their assessment of what's happening on this earth at this time (random materialism and solely human). So, then, who are the archons and what are they up to? Well, IMO., this issue is inextricably linked to The Jewish Question as they are the only group of people at the center of this controversy century after century and millennia after millennia, and that's a fact! In my lifetime of searching these issues, i've come to conclude that the cosmology of The Torah is inaccurate and that modern science better describes the cosmos; that the Torah, IMO., clearly describes a flat earth although I've pointed out many times that this God couldn't get across to humanity the shape of the earth(pancake or baseball in any definitive way-another fact), and I view this as inept for a deity. My studies conclude that the history and archeology of the Jews is incorrect and that the Exodus as described is actually impossible; that there was no Grand Solomon Kingdom, and that the Jesus narrative in scripture seems to be manufactured as there are no first-hand accounts. I didn't really know what to make of all of this until I came across Gnostic theology which was like a light going off and it made sense of everything in my mind. Now as to the Demiurge: we can think of it like the old Judaic monotheistic satan serving God's purpose but there is a problem there in my mind. Why would it alter the history and archeology of Jewish history? Why would a 'Jewish' Satan obscure the very foundations of its own religion? This makes no sense! So, to me, although similar in some ways, the truth to me that makes more sense is that the Satan is the Gnostic Demiurge lying and deceiving everyone. This is why the history and archeology don't add up; this is why Christianity and Islam make no sense as they are all machinations of this God's manipulation of humanity; this is why I reject ecumenicalism and especially ecumenical Gnosticism as exposed in Kabbalah and the Arcanum. This makes me a Dualist Gnostic and not a NonDual one although I have no quarrel with Shadow issues needing to be dealt with and such. I am also an incompatibilist and believe we are only acting out some script here and I don't believe we have a soul in any traditional sense; I also hold western philosophy in high esteem and place high value on the faculties of human reason and logic and believe the truth about things can't be known without them but that the truth also transcends these faculties but doesn't blatantly contradict them. I must 100% clarify that I believe the Jewish people to be victims of lying Archons and that they are inherently mind-controlled throughout childhood; that The Kristos was in confrontation with the Rabbis on this very issue among many others. I believe that only LOVE can resolve this issue and in no way do I support violence or bigotry against the Jewish people. We will all have to, though, suffer the end game delusions of these Archons who appear to be setting up a technological prison grid; while also controlling as a foundation every manner of corrupt money control and along with our perceptual imprisonment will come The Noahide Laws and A JEWISH MESSIAH who will be of mixed German Ashkenazi genetic inheritance. But I'm an Agnostic Gnostic and frame all this within speculation.

To claim that there is no evidence for historical Jesus is simply not true. There is almost total agreement amongst Professors of Ancient History, Theology and Religious Studies that Jesus walked the earth a little over 2,000 years ago.

According to New Testament scholar James Dunn, nearly all modern scholars consider the baptism of Jesus and his crucifixion to be historically certain. He states that these "two facts in the life of Jesus command almost universal assent" and "rank so high on the 'almost impossible to doubt or deny' scale of historical 'facts' they are obvious starting points for an attempt to clarify the what and why of Jesus' mission."

John P. Meier views the crucifixion of Jesus as historical fact.

Amy-Jill Levine has summarized the situation by stating that "there is a consensus of sorts on the basic outline of Jesus' life" in that most scholars agree that Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, and over a period of one to three years debated Jewish authorities on the subject of God, gathered followers, and was crucified by Roman prefect Pontius Pilate who officiated 26–36 AD.

Scholars attribute varying levels of certainty to other episodes. Some assume that there are eight elements about Jesus and his followers that can be viewed as historical facts, namely:

  • Jesus was a Galilean Jew.
  • His activities were confined to Galilee and Judea.
  • Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.
  • Jesus called disciples.
  • Jesus had a controversy at the Temple.
  • Jesus was crucified by the Romans near Jerusalem.
  • After his death his disciples continued.
  • Some of his disciples were persecuted.

Wikipedia: Events Generally Accepted as Historical

There are plenty of other sources where one can view the evidence for historical Jesus.

Sorry, the story of religious icons is like the swiss cheese of history. I could list thousands of sources that call in to question the historicity of Jesus but it wouldn't make any difference. People will believe what they want on this issue. In fact, there are over 30,000 sects of narrative within Christendom alone all claiming definitive contradictory versions of who he was. Add to that the myriad sects of Judaism and Islam and we have a smorgasbord of unprovable assertions when it comes to semetic tribe religion. BTW: about 5-billion people on the planet today reject this story.
I could list thousands of areas of dispute on historicity (why bother) but it's near certain the slaughter of the innocence didn't happen. There is no record of it. And again, no record of a worldwide flood, no Exodus, no Grand Solomon Kingdom. All of it in dispute and no God willing to definitively end the dispute. Add to that the historical fact of the violent bloodbath of these religions which continues today with Christian Fascists killing Muslims for Israel. And Israel killing Muslims, and Muslims killing well...pretty well anyone they declare infidel.
But people, in a civil society, ​should be free to believe what they want about invisible Casper stories! They just shouldn't be given political power over society.
Anyway, from the naysayers;

You are very deceived and have much to learn. I wish you all the very best!

Yeah. That's true

Oh great...The league of Steemit morons comes out to play! Look, if you've got some great insight and wisdom into the nature of Casper (or Caspers) please do share! If not, well...STFUP!!!
And please​ don't bring a slingshot to a gun fight:)

You’re wrong on a number of points but with all due respect, I suspect that no matter what evidence I produce, or what I write you aren’t going to change your belief, so I’m not going to invest my time - other than to say that the evidence for the historicity of Jesus is overwhelming. There is more evidence about him than we have for Julius Caesar, Gheghis Khan and numerous other historical figures. I wish you all the very best!

You've proved that your not capable of rational and logical thought for if you were you would have to dismiss 99% of the narratives surrounding this person. So I won't waste my time either than to say that the 'cult of 33's' harassment of good people all around the world is appalling and prove enough that humanity is dealing with evil when it comes to 99% of these narratives. But you're own book says most Christians will burn in hell forever so any firm ground any Christian thinks they're walking on is unwarranted. Please make sure you've given everything you own away first; then walk away from everyone you love, and then gather anyone that has done this into a community where you all live communally sharing the fruits of your labours and then I'll take you seriously. Haven't you​​ done any of this? Then you don't get to speak for whoever that person was. And just for the record,​ I've done all of those things ass-hole!