Reinventing More Than My Physical Self

in esoteric •  2 months ago  (edited)


I started reinventing myself because of the gender I was born with wasn't in alignment with my physical needs or the preset desires of my heart. It is really difficult to explain how and why it all happened to me and I will be honest by saying that I have no idea what to expect from day to day in my life. It's a complete shock to me that I have come to the shadows of the unknown and the shamefully hidden parts of my own self to find liberation and freedom. It wouldn't have ever been a reality if I had never had the courage to be who I was meant to be and openly accepted my feminine energy. I owe credit for my on going strength to a very powerful entity of the shadow....

I've come a long way in the past several months and I don't believe I will ever look back to any of the boy clothes and consider wearing a single thread of it.... I feel alive and the energy inside me is magical and more exciting every time I buy another pair of panties...And I plan to go forward and embrace the esoteric shadow and explore everything that it has to offer.

It is not my intention to learn anything about the use of anything which is in any way harmful to myself or anyone else for any reason. I am also not in a hurry to be a master of the meta physical or magical icon in my research. I'm going to take a part of each ethos and esoteric or religious arcana that I can in order to make a path through my shadow work.

It will guide me through the darkness as it is the darkness, light and destiny. The lessons found me...but I take on the research and experience to be my chores in the education of how to find myself in the shadow. Exploring the parts of myself that I have never shared because of shame and bravely being in the world as a proud and happy person that walks freely without embarrassing emotions or fear. I'm taking it slow and learning how to read the Tarot...I feel a big connection to the Tarot and it has been almost natural to me in the few times I have practiced with the cards. I'm also taking baby steps into the practice of sigil making in several ways. Last I have been really collecting various things such as crystals, herbs, candles, insense and etc....I want to be prepared for the sudden epiphany to experiment in any way I am comfortable with.

My research takes me to different things and forms of manifesting ones will and desires very often....sometimes several times throughout the day despite my level of focus on one thing or another.

Yes...I still find the time to fuck just as much as usual and sometimes more than normal.....💋I would absolutely love to meet a man that is experienced in sex magick and willing to work with me. However I have not made any effort to find anyone at the time being.


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so long as we don't others or ourselves, society makes a big deal of the rest
