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@perceptualflaws, just letting you know I am coming back to read these when I get a chance. I would love to invite new Steemian @shinobi to read them. I think you and he might get along - not AT ALL A least because he too is a hip hop fan but for many other reasons.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks @riverflows the next part should be out in the next week or so .. hope you've been well my friend? Always happy to hear from new steemians and I hope @shinobi is having a good experience with the platform .. I've been listening through some of my old hip-hop recently so I should have a rap-infused selection for next week. Have a great weekend! :D

@yangyanje ... sorry!!! Confusing Discord and Steem names. Will DM you soon xxxx💚💚💚💚

Posted using Partiko Android

Yesterday I was completely immersed in reading this profile and I can strongly relate. @riverflows spot on 😉. @perceptualflaws you made a new fan!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Love you both. People like you rock my world. Xxx

Posted using Partiko Android

Love you too @riverflows & I'm now back on discord :D @yangyanje thank you for the support my friend .. I really appreciate it. Hope you're both looking forward to a lovely weekend. :)

A little late in finishing reading this but incredible as ever my friend. Hope it doesn’t take me this long to finish your recent posts! Hope you had a great weekend, on to music Monday!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hey @cmplxty .. thanks for the support and kind words my friend, I put a lot of work into these three posts so I really appreciate it! I'm currently away (hence no music Monday this week) so just catching up on messages in an internet cafe. Hope you're enjoying a great week .. I'll catch you upon my return! :)


This is huge and my response should be huge. I have to cut it down into pieces. I have done similar research and admire how you can condense into this. It is a massive rabbit hole and extremely interesting once you go down it.

The illustrations within this article are perfect and beautiful. I love the ROA street art bird moving gif, yet the others are works of art as well.

From my first read I will say that YES the internet has lost a lot of information since it's inception. We are now all corralled into wikipedia, britannica, ny post etc. Searching beyond page 2/3 on a search engine and get the same stuff come up in your face. Geocities got deleted a few years ago and it was primitive but at least small voices were easy to find with alternative views, opinions and ideas to think about. I read a lot of books on this subject in the 90s and think still about this all. But it only makes sense in my head, and I can't put it on paper/written essay.

The history is there to compare. You can fascinate over it for years and connect dots but in the end, to me anyway. What does it mean to my life? If I see another side to what is going on, how do I want to live my life? How can I escape a false system and be self-sufficient?

It goes back to Nietzsche for me. There is a master race and a slave race. Slave we are taught, by religion that is good to be wretched and poor because in the after life (heaven) we will be looked after. Is there any proof of this heaven? No. Yet people wishfully live their NOW life for rewards in ANOTHER life. How absurd is that? The master want people to serve them as they have strength and will to power. Sinful this is labelled. Then Nietzsche says we should question what is good - not be a slave morality. Everything we know is corrupt. Yes please question everything but not many do.

So basically all of what you have written above I agree. And when you know what you say above what do you do about it? Can we/I adapt to being positive yet not playing the system and living life free? What is the next step when you agree with what you are explaining? What is freedom?

I can't put it into words.

I don't deny global warming but it is the sun cycle solar minimum/maximum. Global warming is nothing new.

What I think I am trying to say is not think so deep about it all when you know it is not quite right. It is not selfish to do what you think is right for yourself. You cannot convince everyone otherwise as they are too conditioned to even care.

I will be back I know I can articulate it better. My main message is yes there is a dark occult happening. How do you make your life free of it or work so that you are not accepting it? Unless you give in and go along with it That has always been my problem to get my head around since the 90's when I started to snap out of it. When Saddam started to toss Skuds at Israel and I thought I would investigate why do I always hear about Israel and Palestine and why is there a war in the Gulf? It started me on the same investigation. And what I know I try to make my life work when ignorance is never going to be bliss. It's fucking hard.

Hey @izzynoel thanks you for such a great comment .. I really appreciate it! I'm literally just on my way out the door, but I ill be back to answer this either later tonight or tomorrrow. In the meantime, your talk of solar cycles prompted me to share a post I wrote a couple of years back .. it goes really deep into the cyclical nature of the universe, from precessional cycles to warm warm cycles, magnetc cycles and solar cycles that correlate with volcanic cycles etc etc .. like the inner workinga of an expensive clock, each tiny part powers the greater whole .. and vice versa. Anyway, I thought you may be interested .. and I'll be back to answer properly. :)

Hey my friend, thank you for the great comment I much appreciate it. Glad you appreciate the artwork from all those amazing artists and gif creators .. I spend a fair while choosing it :). I do very much agree that the only true change we have any control over is how we live our lives, how we ignite the spark within and indeed how we project ourselves to the wider society. I know my writing may come across as if I spend my days worrying and being serious .. but in all honesty outside of this I'm actually the polar opposite and most people that know me (and many friends I've known for fourty plus years) would think of me with a smile on their face and equally I wear one the majority of the time, (I just don't write humour very well) and I live life to the full, and (outside of bloody renovations lol) find time to savour the beauty around me and offer a helping hand to those that need it .. in fact, I'm sure there are people (that haven't read my writing) who would complain that I don't take anything seriously, little do they know lol. That counterbalance to my personality allows me to delve into these subjects (which I have been since childhood) without getting bogged down by them and depressed by them. It's difficult to explain but my perceptualflaws, my life experiences and the people I've met along the way have brought me to this moment in time and my intuition (which I always listen to) is telling me now is the time to share my perspective.

One thing I am pretty good at is picking up on new trends and projecting them into the future, in the moment those ideas can seem a little out there .. but equally, my trends from 20 plus years ago would make interesting reading in this day and age (sadly I never wrote them down). The trends I'm picking up on at this moment relay to me that the tightening control system is now moving into a different gear (they have decided it's now or never) observing current events has prompted me to stop writing my book (which is going to have much beauty within it) and write these three posts. This post was always intended as a foundation .. but by the time I have posted the other two (although I wrote it all as one post) hopefully, people will understand my reasoning behind writing them. I'm not here to relay bad news, I am here to offer a perspective that may help people see through the agenda that I believe is unfolding around us .. at a gathering pace. That said and as I have shared on here I do have many more entirely different subjects thoughts and ideas I want to write about, it's just that sometimes world events kind of dictate what I'm going to write next .. thanks again @izzynoel ::)

Oh, and to continue a bit on my previous comment.

I really liked your mention of the 7 Virtues / 7 Sins (with that amazing image):

Nowhere is the intent of their inversion more simplified and more elucidated than within the picture below. I found a similar image several years ago in an old book of esoteric knowledge and I have learned more from this single image than I have from ten books!

as I hadn't really thought about these together; but it makes total sense as it follows the concept of duality in Natural Law, opposites if you will - like the Yin/Yang balance.

A short while back I composed a poem entitled Four Horsemen and Seven Companions which touched upon this very, esoteric, concept. Perhaps you may be one of the few who can grasp what I was trying to convey in it.


I really also like the artwork (which I provided a source link to in my post).

The poem has a lot to do with the past, present - including our current predicament/battle and what I foresee happening as denouement of this chapter in our human existence.

Peace my friend.

Thanks my friend .. glad you could see the point I was trying to make, I have a huge amount to say on that subject but for now I won't elaborate much further, although I will again state that we have been put into a state of imbalance and inversion .. that is the nature of evil and the nature of the dark occult .. if you cast disbelief aside and look around objectively, you can watch it occuring in realtime. Great poem .. you have a real talent! We will find some way to make contact ;)


I been reading at this post for a couple days now, and last night ran across this, which I thought you might be interested in.


A downloadable .pdf which can be viewed in a greater resolution.

Thanks I will check this out forsure as its updated to now. Previous versions I've seen are now out of date compared to this. Looks mental but I can follow it. Thank you @thoughts-in-time

Thank you @thoughts-in-time :)

Wow thanks @valuedcustomer much appreciated .. I'm in the middle of typing up part b, and that is the problem .. it's so complex and intricate that you could literally spend the rest of your life researching all the connections and still not connect all the pieces. The next two parts are going to get much more into the ground level nuts and bolts of the control mechanism. Only when all three parts are out will people see the bigger picture I'm trying to illustrate. Thanks again my friend.


I salute you for the amount of work done analyzing this behemoth...but it is so huge and so powerful, it is not worth while even thinking of defeating it in any other way than immunizing ourselves from its powers, applying all our energy to our own benefit. The only way one can diminish the power of the monster is by not feeding it, I believe.

Thank you for the kind words @clicketyclick it's much appreciated and yes I do agree that the only change we have any true control over is being the change that we want to see, living it in our actions and interactions .. although I concede that is sometimes easier said than done. That said, I am in the middle of typing up the next part and part c has already been (roughly) written .. they're going to step away from the esoteric and get much more into the ground level nuts and bolts roll out of this system and will include some key info. With current events, I kind of felt obligated to write them .. but trust once they're finished I'll be enjoying getting back to life's simple pleasures and writing about things that make me smile and my heart sing .. not weep! lol Thanks again

Curated for #informationwar (by @thoughts-in-time)

Ways you can help the @informationwar!

Probably the longest post within STEEM

Enjoyed reading some of the key points specially

light within

Thanks @nathanmars .. yes I realise the format is probably too long for #steemit but I'm in the process of getting my website sorted out and due to some of the predictions I make, I wanted these three parts (two more to come) date stamped on the blockchain. I also wanted to get the vast majority of the esoteric stuff out in one post and then use the next two to get into the nuts and bolts. If you enjoyed the light within part 2 is about the occult anatomy of man and I have included it below, thanks again:

Good luck with getting your website

Thank you @nathanmars :)

There was some synchronicity here. I had heard of Kyron just a day prior to your publishing this article. Then, after I read this, I went back and listened to a couple “channelings.” What I heard didn’t seem bad per se, as it sounded like lots of good advice that came from a good place. I haven’t looked into him much, but I think the key here is to know how to harness good advice and reject the bad without worshiping people or entities. I say this, because faith-based devotion or belief in an organization or human, can easily be harnessed misused or abused. As long as one can incorporate good ways and reject the bad, then they are in no danger of falling prey to creepy cults or the control mechanisms they employ. Do I believe Lee is channeling a spiritual entity? If it exists, I am unable to grasp the realm of the unseen.

Hey @thoughtsintime thanks for the support/resteem and message .. much appreciated. Yes, I certainly wasn't hinting that Lee had a nefarious intent .. just that it's strange that they hold regular channelling sessions at the UN. Although seeing as the vast majority of Lucic trust material is channelled .. I guess it shouldn't come as too much as a surprise. The Kyron channelling sessions I've heard, again discuss unity, a world teacher, transformation of humanity .. basically the one world system. I suppose if you're looking to create a one world religion/one world government then such a message would be expedient to the cause and equally draw those that are aligned with channelling etc towards the UN. I think they're trying to draw lots of tenuously aligned groups into a singular spiritual narrative ala one world religion. I don't doubt that many of these individuals have good intent but when you start following the money trail behind the organisations and arrive at the same powerful globalists that are pushing for a one world government .. well I think we can see the direction the world is being nudged towards. And of course if you want a one world religion at it's outer ripple (the public face) it's going to have to be seen as something good for humanity and virtuous. Thanks again my friend. :D

Ahh I see, that makes sense and it seems probable that something like that will be attempted. That reminds me, I plan on reading this. Page 29 is that pike quote about the third world war, I've been trying to get to the bottom of it. The material was penned by someone in the Canadian navy, who may or may not have a solid basis for some of his sources, I guess I'm just trying to get a feel for his intent.

I like how you are specific when naming conspirators.

Being an anglo many of these traditions(or conspiracies) like the Rosicrucians and Masons are closely linked with freeing our anglo societies from the dictatorship of the priesthood of the Vatican ending 700 years of inquisition and instituting freedom of speech (De facto in the CommonWealth and de jure in the USA) while I can see that they may have just wanted to replace them as a new kind of dictator the Philosopher Kings I have a hard time accepting their goal was enslavement of humanity when the places that they have had the most influence are the most free in the world.

Interested in your interpretation on this incongruency.

Hey @openparadigm thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my post. Yes I do agree, even to this day the vast majority of clandestine masonic activity (certainly within the lower degrees orders) is often unsung charity work. Like you say I believe the initial intent was good .. but equally any organisation that is able to garner the power and influence that the Masons have (much like the wider world) will always attract those with their own agenda. I believe there are certain (fallen) members amongst many Masonic orders and they use them to pick out certain (connected/powerful or intelligent/ruthless) individuals .. if they have trait that may be of interest to those fallen they can be filtered into another (official or unofficial) order, that's not to say that they're straight into an order with a malintent .. but again there will be fallen members monitoring them, this process can be continued and then if the person passes the initiation they are filtered nearer to the inner core where wider agenda begins to be revealed. But yes in answer to your question I don't believe it to be a masonic plot to claim dominion over the world. Interestingly, even the Catholics have their own secret (masonic style) societies Are there any overlaps? I don't know, but its a thought.

The Vatican has a proven history of openly seeking world domination no need to search for a hidden conspiracy there.

Thanks very much for your time in research etc in putting this information out for us.

Posted using Partiko Android

No problem @j85063 .. thank you for taking the time to read it, I know it was long. :) Parts b/c to come and they will be a complete change of angle/perspective.

Fantastic I am looking forward to the next parts to come.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks :)

Wow, synchronicity as its finest, as I have looked into some of these topics recently as well. There is an acceleration of information and understanding, running in parallel with faster an faster worldly events, pushing us at the encoded Revelation of the manipulated protestant bible. I barely can keep up the pace with my research and I already sit 12 hours or longer in front of my computer, doing nothing else than shattering my world view. I am studying the Occult Science series on YouTube, with 100 episodes and after that the next series about Occult Catholicism awaits me with another 100 episodes.

And I feel that I am still just scratching the surface. I just learned, how the Flat Earth and Ball Earth models are part of the agenda and the revelations are frightening and confusing. It is so hard to stay sane and keep it up. The numbers and Astrotheology have opened up a realm of possibilities, I have never expected when I started this journey. August 10/11 this year scream from every angle of history at me, even my personal Astrology is synced with it, in the most profound way.

My dad has finished his book about Magicians, by the way. I haven't read it yet, so I cannot say if it is good or not. He doesn't buy a word of my Gematria research, so I didn't felt compelled to confront myself with his work yet but I will, eventually. I know, that the research I am doing is revealing and connected to what is going on. I don't know if the Golden Gate Bridge will indeed fall this summer but there is clearly something on a massive scale going on. Maybe it is just an esoteric event and nothing exoteric.

Will your book be available in digital? Do you have an ETA? There is no such thing as post service where I live.

Hey my friend, thanks for stopping by .. hope you're well! Yes, I really agree that we're experiencing a quickening .. if I quieten my mind it feels as though it is building up to something. I feel the world is going to be rocked by a series of events that will shake the foundations of the earth and our social structures .. once this happens people will literally be begging for salvation, seeking a light in the darkness .. alas I also fear the intended lifeboat is itself a trap and that ultimately this is now a cycle of time that is going to play out .. I hope I'm wrong but my intuition (which I always listen to) tells me I'm not. That said, once this passes I feel we will enter the true (not the false start) golden age.

But yes, I can so relate on the information front .. it is dizzying, I've written these three posts (although I wrote them as one) and (especially the third part) its been like trying to write a maze .. the amount of information is unbelievable and trying to plot a course through it is easier said than done .. indeed I could write another ten posts on the same subjects and still only scratch the surface. I'm also working full-time so life can be a real juggling act .. I find losing myself in nature really helps the thought process and enables those breakthroughs in understanding, and certainly mind, body and spirit health is very important.

On the Gemetria front, I think people have difficulty observing the world outside their own perception and belief systems .. but you know, ultimately what we believe doesn't really have real world consequence and what these people believe does, hence its important to try and understand where they're coming from and from that perspective astrotheology is key and can be found within all belief systems .. that is not by mistake! I also feel that you can only really comprehend much of this information when you're ready to do so, so your Dad may yet consider your work. Thanks for his book details I shall make sure I check it out. I am intending a digital copy of my book so I'll let you know when it is ready .. it's going to be pretty deep and I want to get it right, so it's difficult to say when it will be ready, but once I have this last post finished I can refocus my full attention on it. Thanks again my friend and keep up the great work!

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Thank you for the support @valued-customer .. I put a lot of work/research into getting these 3-4 posts written and presented on the blockchain .. and although I realised the format was probably a little long for the nature of steemit and social media, in absence of my website being finished I decided to write them for those that are interested in deeper levels of investigation research, hence I'm really glad you appreciated them. In this era of digital book burning I also wanted to get them stored whilst the information was still available. As per the image you sent me, its a vast interconnected web of belief, intent, finance, resource, population and perceptual control .. that alas is continuing to grow and expand. Equally, the vast majority of people appear to be looking everywhere but here. Thanks again my friend.