Into The Rabbit Hole Alice

Red & Blue makes Purple

Royal Purple
Mark 15:16 "And the soldiers led him away into the hall, called Praetorium; and they call together the whole band. 17 And they clothed him with purple, and platted a crown of thorns, and put it about his head, 18 And began to salute him, Hail, King of the Jews!
Kubrick Knew The Truth

Ancient Royalty
Roy (Roi) = King
EL is the God of Phoenicia: Royal = Royel
Elites: EL/God + Ites/Followers: Elites = EL Followers.
EL was deified as Saturn: Saturn EL/EL Saturn
Roi + EL = King EL/King Saturn

EL & Eleven
Twin Towers
Para (beside) ll EL
El even

The Universal Law Of Eleven
11: 2012 Connections To 11
- 21st December 2012 at 11:11am is the winter solstice of the final day of the Mayan calendar
- The current astrological sign of the zodiac is Pisces, we are currently moving into Aquarius - the 11th sign of the zodiac
- 21st December 2012 = 21/12/2012 = 2+1+1+2+2+0+1+2 = 11
11: Pyramid Numerology
- 11:11 x 11:11 = 1234321 (Numerical sequence ascending and descending in the fashion of a pyramid)
- 111 x 111 = 12321 (Pyramid number)
- 11 x 11 = 121 (Another pyramid number)
- 11 = 3 in binary arithmetic. 3 make the cornerstones of the Trinity or pyramid.Soure

- 9 + 1 + 1 = 11
- September 11th is the 254th day of the year. 2+5+4 = 11
- September 11th was 111 days until the end of the year
- The 1st plane to hit the World Trade Centre was 'Flight 11'
- Total crew on Flight 11 was '11'
- New York is the 11th state of the US Constitution
- The World Trade Centre was built between 1966 to 1977... taking 11 years
11: September 11th In History
On September 11th 1990 at 9.09PM, 11 years prior to September 11th 2001, George Bush Senior made a speech to Congress entitled "Toward A New World Order":
*Remembrance Day - Two minutes of silence at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month (11:00 am, 11 November), supposedly marking the time (in the United Kingdom) when armistice became effective. 11: Significant EventsThe first NASA space mission to successful land two men on the moon was Apollo 11

The Symbology Of 911

Colour Symbology
Monarchy: Mon = One: Archy = Rule = One rule
Money: Mon = One: Ey=Eye = One Eye

The Kingdom Within

Into The Kingdom

In the sixth century Pythagoras introduced his theorem: A squared + B squared = C squared. This theorem explains a mathematical relationship between three sides of right triangles and is believed to be based upon the design of the pyramids. This was a knowledge given and not discovered by Pythagoras, again I refer to ancient schools of enlightenment.
1)When we think of DNA all living organisms are dependent upon three large molecules for the vast array of biological functions.
2)There are three pyramids at Giza, that are connected to Orion's belt.
3)There are three great divine energies in the Hindi creation story.
4)In the bible there were three wise men.
5)The holy trinity
6)Newton's three laws of motion
7)Jesus Christ was cruxified for three days


So Jacob called the name of the place Peniel, saying, “For I have seen God face to face, and yet my life has been delivered.” Genesis 32:30

The Cerebellum
Corinthians 6:19 King James Version (KJV)
19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
The Cerebrum

The optic within the thalamus is the heart of the flower (think Hindu bindi), the jewel is the eye of the flower and the human brain cord it's stem. Kundalini rises through the spinal cord and out through our inner doorway, the door of Brahman. The opening of the cerebrum petals are indicative of higher psychic function.

Ptah & The Putamen
The putamen (/pjutˈeɪmən/) is a round structure located at the base of the forebrain (telencephalon). The putamen and caudate nucleus together form the dorsal striatum. It is also one of the structures that composes the basal ganglia. Through various pathways, the putamen is connected to the substantia nigra, the globus pallidus, the claustrum, and the thalamus.Source

Ophthalmos = Phta/Ptah
Pituitary = Pitah

The Basal Ganglia

St Peters Basilica = Basilisk/King Serpent
Basil = King
Basil-isk = From Royalty
The handing down of knowledge to the anointed El ites

Vesica Piscis
In sacred geometry, polarity can be understood through the vesica piscis, the name for a geometric relationship between two interconnected spheres. The vesica piscis shows the relationship between two equal opposites that are connected by their center.
This is the root of all energy and creation: man/woman, hot/cold, light/dark, electric/magnetic...even magnetism itself.Source


Fertlity Symbols & The Human Form Are Hidden In Plain Sight.

Leonardo Da Vinci & Michelangelo

Magnet Mind

The Vibratory Shift
"But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!” Revelation 12:12

What Is This All About?

They Are attempting To Invert & Pervert The Body Temple
2: Omnipotent = Godlike power and authority
3: Omnipresent = The ability to be everywhere at the same time

The Inversion Of Self
They are destroying our health and reproductive capabilities ( I have attached many related studies in my references section), 60% drop in sperm rates, genital abnormalities, the feminising of men. They have inverted our perception of sex, turning it away from a divine expression of love, passion, creation and into an animalistic commodity and control mechanism. Increasingly confused our perception of gender (gender neutrality) and the divine masculine/feminine, indeed throughout ancient times blue was the colour of femininity and red was masculine. Sex is a hugely important component of this manipulation, they understand that by unbalancing (inverting) our sexual perception they imbalance our psyche. The denigration of femininity is also an inversion of a previous worship of the divine feminine (the goddess), the holy vessel.
This unbalance then plays out through the dynamics of power and control. As we subconsciously seek to address this imbalance it feeds an exponentially increasing psychological schism. They understand that this coming age is one of femininity and so they seek to attach the worst attributes of man to the divine feminine. The nature of duality should be utilised as two opposing polarities that work together to create a cohesive whole, but they package duality as opposition, man vs women, black vs white, the battle of the sexes.

Vibration/the word
Increasingly they are beginning to move into the realms of language, altering gender pre-nouns and constantly redefining the definitions of hate speech and political correctness. Some may view this as valid, I frame it in a larger context and view it as the formation of Orwellian newspeak and our ability to communicate, articulate our perception of the world. Indeed within Orwell's 1984 we find the direction/endgame of the desecration of the kingdom within, the physical manifestation of the holy trinity.

“We live, we die, and like the grass and trees, renew ourselves from the soft clods of the grave. Stones crumble and decay, faiths grow old and they are forgotten but new beliefs are born. The faith of the villages is dust now…but it will grow again….like the trees.
May serenity circle on silent wings and catch the whisper of the winds.”-Chief Joseph, Nez Perce


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wow, you covered a lot of ground - lots of good stuff. It does all seem to go back to some type of ancient, revered, Babylonian (for a lack of better word) phallic / sex worship. You see it NASA missions, Google Doodles...the list is endless, really.
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Thank you for stopping by @sagesigma I really appreciate it. It's my belief that that Babylonian's were mimicking/inverting an ancient science/religion that transcends our understanding of human history. Passed down from a forgotten/lost civilisation that reached a high state of wisdom/science, they transcended desire and as such sex was only practiced for procreation. The fertility aspect related to perfecting the timing for said procreation.
Following an Atlantean style cataclysm, the last vestiges of this knowledge was handed down from the old world to the new, it was eventually taken over and then inverted. This inversion has led us to this moment in time, this ancient cult are aware of the validity of natural law and so they manipulate (not force) us to live in the lower vibratory realms of the seven deadly sins. When you understand this you can see that this inversion surrounds us. Thanks again my friend.
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so this might be too much, but what is your thought on how all of this started? Apologizes if I missed an earlier article discussing this (I just started folllowing you). Do you think the pre Atlantian - deluge knowledge is still known by some? Or do you think it was completely wiped away from human knowledge? To me, that is the most fascinating thing to contemplate. Cheers!
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Hey @sagesigma sorry for the late reply .. It's a bit of a difficult comment to answer in one comment .. there are several myths about what happened, one was the Annunaki .. I spoke about this in part1 (which is at the bottom of this post) and then wrote a subsequent post relating to why I didn't think it would be true .. this will be a continuing theme throughout the series .. I will introduce an idea and then write an unrelated post looking deeper into it. I will also be looking far back in time and exploring the formation of this belief system .. but in answer to your question, yes I believe the whole foundation of who we are and where we have come from is a lie. I believe this knowledge was stolen from the people (entire belief systems slaughtered and silenced) and that we now live in a state of collective amnesia. I believe that within the upper echelons of dark secret societies (inverted mystery religions) they hold all the knowledge from the old world and have inverted it, using it to enrich themselves and control, subjugate the population .. indeed knowledge is power and the world is dying for the lack of it. If you look at the bottom of this post you will see part one and I think you will like that, but there is MUCH more to come .. indeed it's a ten part series and part one alone was in three parts :) Thanks again for the great comment my friend.
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excellent, looking very forward to you continued work and research on this subject matter/ rabbit hole. thank you for commenting too
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Epic work as ever my friend.
Difficult to know where to start with a comment for this piece so I’ll go base.
It’s fantastic to think that some of those judgemental/pious christian types are driving around with their fish symbol not realising it’s actually a vag!
Warms the heart dude 😂
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Hey dude .. really good to hear from you .. hope you're well and enjoying a good bank holiday? Will have to catch up on discord :) There are many beautiful people within Christianity but I couldn't agree more about the pious fire and brimstone types .. moving through the ancient Dagon mystery religion to Catholicism (the fisherman fishman) we can see this symbology all around us and it all seems to hark back to the same ancient foundation. Perhaps its wise to check the foundations of the symbols you display before erm .. displaying them lol
Thanks again @tremendospercy .. really pleased my post has drawn you out of comment retirement .. speak soon :)
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@perceptualflaws, this post is REVELATORY. I regard it as an act of love for you to have taken so many hours to competently show so many of the correspondences that shape our perception. And you do it with so much patience and thoroughness. Thank you.
One thing I'd love to hear your additional thoughts on has to do with this under-discussed reality:
In light of that astute observation, what do you make of the word-patterns around 'black'?
How do you think this linguistic shaping of mental syntax impacts The People who are referenced by the same negatively connoted word??
Based on this post, I respect your mind. And it is because of that intellectual respect that I pose this somewhat delicate question. Thanks for considering it :-)
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Thank you for taking the time to read my post and leave such a thoughtful comment @erikaharris .. I'm humbled by your words of kindness.
Great question, I don't feel the negative connotations around the word black arise directly from the El ites .. but I do feel this fear has been exasperated and manipulated. From my perspective, I feel this negativity arises from superstition and an inbuilt fear of darkness. Indeed, from the relative comfort of our homes it's easy to laugh at those that are afraid of the dark .. but perhaps before we were top of the food chain we can see why it was relevant, certainly even today it would take a brave man to wander across the African bush at night.
So yes although I feel as though the negativity originates from a valid primal fear of darkness, of nothing, the void. I also believe that both primal fear and tribal instincts have been hijacked and utilised as tools of fear and division, which lead to hate .. providing the foundation from which to mold a negative perception (an increasing array of negative names you mentioned etc) and ferment division. As I wrote in a previous post:
What we basically have is an inversion of duality .. two opposing spectrums that create a beautifully cohesive whole being relegated to a tool of division and competition. Like I mentioned in the post, men & women becomes men vs women, black & white becomes black vs white, day & night/ light vs dark .. forgetting that in order to survive, the ecology of the biosphere requires both the blanket of darkness and the warmth of day.
If we're discussing race, social class etc etc .. I think it makes them feel subconsciously unworthy and so they accept the unacceptable as normality, conditioning them to limit their expectations of life, that their opinion doesn't matter (us & them). Again I feel as though this pulls us (the oppressed and oppressor) back into the tribal mindset .. an us & them mentality. Once people attach a label (or have a label attached) to themselves they begin to view the world through the eyes of the label, thus creating further division and equally failing to obtain an objective view of reality and events around them. In a world of a million shades of grey we're being increasingly pushed towards simplistic and polarised black and white answers, you can watch this occuring in real time throughout social media. Once this mentality becomes set in place it then becomes easier to dehumanise those that look different, live differently or have opposing views. Equally from the perspective of the oppressed their survival instincts often kick in (fight or flight) and this creates a snowball effect of division. We can see it within the ghettos in the States .. in fact, I wrote an entire post about how gang culture was an externally created construct and that after a while people began to become who they are consistently told they are, domestic abuse is another example .. this perceptual manipulation is incredibly powerful.
In terms of word manipulation (or inversion) I think "power" is a good example. When most people think of the word power they have been programmed to think of war, explosions, fighting, violence .. this is both an inversion and an externally created construct; in reality violence is a sign of weakness, an outward expression of an inner self-loathing .. the need to retain control because in reality you're weak and scared. Love is power, compassion is power, kindness is power, .. you are power, and we are powerful .. but they sell us an externally created an illusion of power. Imagine how different the world would be if we each had that truth burned into our subconscious?
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You are such a profound thinker and deep researcher. You always give me much to think about. Thanks for all that you put into writing this for us.
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Thank you @indigoocean I really appreciate those kind words of support.
Thank you for taking the time to read my friend.
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Highly rEsteemed!
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Thank you my friend .. I really appreciate the support.
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All I can say is, what an amazingly epic article! I need some time off after that read:)
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Hey @palikari123 thanks for the support .. really glad you enjoyed the post and you're right it's a lot to absorb :)
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It’s going to take me a couple of days to fully read this and the others. I’ve left off so far at the numerology of 11. I really enjoy the read though, thanks! Another mind boggling post.
I finally finished it, man what a ride!
I enjoyed the references to human anatomy, it’s a large part of my job and I didn’t realize it to that extent!
Now for the other posts in the series, will comment on those cheers.
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Hey @cmplxty thanks for taking the time to read the post .. I'm really glad it resonated with you. I think you will like part 1 & 1.A/1.B (I would definitely read 1.a/b in order) .. this will be a ten-part series that's going to head in multiple (and unexpected) directions so it's cool to have you along for the ride. Equally really looking forward to sharing some of the other unrelated ideas that I have been thinking about recently .. it's great to be back! It's still a bit mad at work but in a few more weeks, normal business should resume :) Hope you've been well my friend!
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Your so far most interesting piece of work. Again it is full of information and though food that I can barely express what I feel after reading it. As if the entire universe is streaming into my consciousness in a way. Thank you for creating content like this and keep it coming.
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Hey @flauwy .. thank you for taking the time to read my brother .. I know it's a long post, in fact I had to cut it by a 1000 words just to be able to fit it on the blockchain, so I thank you for your time :) I don't know if you read my fractal reality post .. but it was kind of greasing the skids for some of the knowledge contained in here. What I'm doing with my esoteric writing is creating an analogy for the nature of our reality .. each post slowly increasing in complexity with potentially multiple directions of evolution/perspective. I will definitely continue writing on steemit and I have so much I want to write about (it's difficult to plan it all) but I think my friend is going to build me a website, so running alongside steemit I eventually want to have expansions (and in depth analysis) to all my work .. plus some website only information for people that want to delve ever deeper. But yes I'm going nowhere my friend .. the only problem I have is that my posts are pretty in depth/long so it's a balancing act keeping up with my daily life/work and all the other amazing work on here .. but I'll get there! I hope to start a new business that will give me the extra time I need to explore infinity :) Thanks again for the kind words my friend, I really appreciate it.
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I've never thought about it before "red + blue = purple"...interesting insights there, crown chakra...royal purple...our division is their unity.
Are the EL ites practicing abstinence then? They seem to not do that very well from what we know about their abuses of children...then again, maybe they're not concerned about 'the kingdom of Heaven". Or they derive power from being the most 'inverted'?
That gave me goosebumps!
Thank you @perceptualflaws, as usual you've given me inspiration to reach for higher consciousness...I look forward to the next chapters...So much love and respect I have for you!!
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Hey @lyndsaybowes thank you for taking the time to stop by and read my post, as always it's much appreciated.
No, I think this is where some of the confusion lays, as in people give it a blanket perspective and think that it's all evil. I believe this knowledge/science (and I have lot more places to take this yet) was practiced by an extremely ancient civilisation who's understanding (and possibly technology) transcended that of our modern day and was used as a tool for the betterment of humanity. The El ites of today are practicing a direct inversion of this religion .. indeed child abuse is a gross inversion/perversion of this ancient science .. the polar opposite. Just as the lost civilisation believed there was a power/wisdom that could be obtained through purity, the inverted EL ites believe there is a power to be obtained by abandoning themselves to pure evil .. both perspectives may very well be right, although the EL ites may revel in transient wealth and power .. in the long run they will pay the price for their evil and depravity. I shall go much further into all this in later posts and it does get really deep .. in a way I'm kind of constrained by the post format as I have so much I want to share and say, but I'll get there in the end ;)
No thank you for reading/resteeming and lending your support my friend, it's a real balancing act trying to write posts of this length and keep up with general life and everyone's amazing work .. I couldn't do it without your support. Much love for you as well my friend .. hope you're enjoying an amazing weekend!
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Omg!! I love your writing is really unique!
Thank you so much fro sharing this type of spiritual education.
Followed you until the universe! LOL
Interesting profile, Awesome! :D
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Thank you for taking the time to read and leave your kind words @supernova I really appreciate it and I'm glad the post resonated with you .. lots more to come :)
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Excellent, I love it!🤗✌🌺🦋
Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom.
Peaceful and lovely Sunday. 🌺🦋
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Excellent, I love it!🤗✌🌺🦋
Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom.
Peaceful and lovely Sunday. 🌺🦋@perceptualflaws
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@perceptualflaws bravo. well written our true history. We all were taught lies from school till now.

The awakening is happening all around the world. You are awakened. Thank you for sharing the real truth. Everything true true true.
Consciousness is the only human weapon which other dark forces fear. Keep it safe and smile often. nothing can touch you.
p.s do check out The Hidden History of the Khazarian Empire - ROBERT SEPEHR on YT. probably you would know that already. Shame the sheep masses have no idea whats going on. I am proud of you for taking steps for us humans to open our eyes our minds our ears and so forth. This is humanity and i love you for this. Namaste
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Thank you for taking the time to read my post and leave our kind words.
Yes I agree, I've spent the summer chatting with a diverse array of people and there seems to be something in the air, a perceptual shift .. by no means the majority but many are beginning to question that which has never been questioned.
I haven't heard of "Khazarian Empire - ROBERT SEPEHR" but I will be sure to take a look .. thanks.
I sometimes wonder if this age of propaganda will eventually reawaken our powers of discernment, if an idea/truth has a validity, we will become increasingly attuned to its resonance. Then we move towards a 100th monkey scenario where once it reaches a certain threshold it becomes known amongst unconnected people the world over.
No problem, I've been researching, contemplating, meditating and procrastinating :) over this stuff for years so it's great to be writing about it and adding my perspective to a growing array of interest/research. Thanks again@banditqueen
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Thank you very much @perceptualflaws for
postings like this!! I just love reading and
learning about the many holes and tunnels!
Knowledge is the keys to the universe 🌌
Will be digesting this with lunch :-)
Thank you!
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Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read my work @shasta it's much appreciated. No problem, I hope you appreciate the knowledge contained within this post. Thanks again my friend!
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Good to see you back @perceptualflaws! My own life experiences over 40-years starting @ 19 makes me believe that there is near 100% truth in these musings and investigations. I wanted to make that clear as I work backward and apply critical thinking.
But, first, briefly, I recently came across The Babylonian Woe, bt David Astle, who says the same thing I'm saying which is our money system is religion and brought to us by the religionists who've always controlled religion since the invention of mining for gold and silver. They, in essence, hijacked natural religion.
But let's get messy. CosmicSkeptic over on Youtube would say that this is just plain silly! That all the dot connecting is just confirmation bias; that there is no evidence for an advanced civilization in antiquity; that all the repeating numbers associated with 911 and the pyramids are just coincidence, and on and on and on.
I guess for me the most frustrating part is that no one anywhere in the spiritual community can demonstrate in any objective way that any of this is real. From that perspective, this could all be some kind of mass-hallucination. On the other hand, this group of 'rational atheists' could be lying and gaslighting everyone. Which gets to the heart of the matter in that no one can demonstrate any kind of 'beyond the natural' metaphysics and we as a civilization don't know how to tell who is lying. We know sociopaths control the money system and they would logically be the ones to use gaslighting tactics and these new atheists are certainly well funded while people like you and me struggle to get by and have our voices heard (i assume)...
Anyway, be that as it may, Nomi Prin has recently written a book very similar to my Central Banking Pyramid Scheme post which talks about how these bankers have just given themselves trillions of dollars since 2008 while forcing austerity on the rest of civilization at the same time. And that is a fact, as far as I can tell, and I view it as a declaration of war against the earth and its peoples.
Oh, yes, and just to throw a wrench in the wheel! As a Gnostic, I've considered that kundalini, as well as all the other religious narratives, are part of the same archontic manipulation. I consider that possible, too, and it's somewhat more logically consistent given that no one can demonstrate that kundalini is actually real. Not that people don't experience something; they clearly do, but it's in no way clear or demonstrable what they are experiencing.
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Hey dude, Great comment .. I'm just going to bed so I will answer this properly tomorrow. I always try to make the distinction between what we may believe and the elites belief system and the use of numbers appears to be yet another connection to a very old practice (did you ever see the dates/numbers for the iraq war?). Equally, like with the Anunnaki from part one there will be areas I take to one side, write about about and apply greater scrutiny .. so I'm always open for discussion and look forward to having them with you .. good to be back :)
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Good God that is like 11 posts in 1! ;)
So glad I followed you for this mind opening stuff. Though I admit my brain hurt after getting half way through so I am going to have another go at completing it tonight.
Thanks so much!
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Thank you @zekepickleman .. along with the move, this is another reason why I've been so busy! It's a huge post but it's a huge subject so in order to retain a cohesive and understandable narrative (this is going to be a ten-part plus project) I want to try and keep each section within the confines of one post .. if that makes sense? It's a lot to absorb so take your time and sorry for the hurt head lol
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Ah the mind hurts when it is expanding. Don't change a thing.
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Wow... I wish my votes counted for something.
The only area of criticism; while I know there's significance to the numbers, you can make all sorts of interpretations. While math and numbers can be manipulated, its very easy to apply too much significance.
Otherwise, powerful and well written.
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Super Epic post!!! Glad I could still Resteeem it! (so something on Steem has improved!)
The "Sacred Secretion" is actually one of the reasons I stopped blogging for a while. I had to work on myself first.
I got to know about it from the Santos Bonacci youtube channel just over a year took a while before I had the will power to actually stick to it. But the benefits are obvious!
See you soon....and I'll get round to reading the other chapters too. Catching up.
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Hey @lavater .. thank you for the support and kind words my friend and sorry for the late reply, but I've been away and offline. Yes it does take much will power to follow the path .. indeed, I'd add that the entire construct of our society is there to manipulate/trick us into deviating from our path, but that's a post for another day! ;) Thanks again @lavater
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The Qgnostic Bartholomet Fake Q Exposed
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