Consciousness Rising: The Ecology Of Souls & The Inversion Of Thought Hypothesis

in esoteric •  7 years ago  (edited)

Written by perceptualflaws
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Enjoyed the read and definitely agree. I began studying conscious evolution in 1970 and have had a rather unusual life. Currently I am writing about creativity (particularly in worthwhile directions) to be one of the keys to awakening humanity. Value Guided Creativity is one of my concepts in a forthcoming book (and lectures) entitled Create Naturally. I appreciate your work and it is so needed.

Thank you @damielhime I really appreciate the support and kind words. Consciousness evolution is of great interest to me .. I feel that we're at some kind of threshold, but that's it's a struggle to break through the two opposing energetic resonances. Our minds are being opened to infinite possibility but for a multitude of reasons the majority of people find it very difficult to let go .. many are simply too entranced by the machinations of our materialistic society and so I think your creativity perspective is a very valid one and a great idea. Thank you for stopping by .. I have followed you and look forward to your writing.

I am following you as well. We are definitely at a threshold within the incomprehensible dramatic dance of light and dark. Sometimes I feel like a laughing puppet continually trying to understand love. Humor and grace propel us and onward we go...

I really like this, no matter what anyone believes in.

From my perspective Christ’s sole purpose was to destroy the barrier that had been placed between humanity and the creator, to remind us that we are all God’s children. I have much time and respect for the true word of Christ; I just feel the church both misrepresents and subverts those words. For me Christ was an anarchist whilst the church is statist.

Thank you my friend, I was raised as a practicing Christian and have studied the religion (and the formation and missing passages of the bible) from multiple perspectives and I do not feel that the church is representative of the message of Christ, aspects are .. whilst others are very much removed, I believe the hierarchy of church places a barrier between ourselves and the creator. Thanks again @palikari123

Damn son, there you go dropping those truth bombs. I so totally resonate with what you're saying, and I am grateful that you are out here saying it.

More or less I completely agree with what your saying - because my own inner knowing has led me to a similar place of understanding and reflection.

We 'know' that the world we live in is coming to a point of change, and can feel the apprehension and excitement reverberating through our experiences.

The direction that the change goes in is contingent on the internal changes that we can embody, as the creators of this reality.

So all the things you are saying about how our power of choice and agency has been minimized seem to be some of those most important things to be aware of as a human being right now.

Also I love the artwork you are using :)

Thank you for taking the time to read my post @phillyc it's very much appreciated. Yes I very much feel that we're living in a manipulated and perceptually controlled reality. My analogy for human evolution is that of a succession of perceptual boxes, we burst through one only to have it replaced by one of a slightly larger size .. within this understanding we're now living inside the final box, consciousness is straining to be released from the constraints that have been that have been placed upon it. We're at the threshold of something quite profound, but equally, it's an awakening that must be intellectually and spiritually fought for .. I've come to think of it like a birth, the pain, the screaming .. doctors running around and then .. we're born into something new, not a new world .. but a new perspective and understanding of the world.

Even aside from the spiritual concept, yes it's important that we must wake people up to the insanity of our political system .. but it must be done in a certain way .. a drip drip drip of bad news conditions the mind to accept it as norm and so yes as reality creators there is the danger of manifesting the desired reality of the manipulator, it's a balancing act and this is why I move between different perspectives. Thanks again my friend.

Awesome post as usual @perceptualflaws. I think you have the big picture more right than wrong. Hell, you could even be 100% right about all of this but I won't concede that to you as I don't want you to get a swelled head!lol
Interesting times indeed! I'll reread this over the weekend and offer up the more detailed response that it deserves. In the meantime...

Thank you @andrewmarkmusic from you that is some compliment! I very much appreciate it .. this is the reason I haven't commented on your blog for a few days (apart from the music one) as I was trying to keep this concept (and another train of thought I have) going and we always veer off into multiple areas :D .. but I'm looking forward to catching up with your work .. thanks again dude, it's always great to hear from you!

Okay, I've known you as a logical person mostly.
Then I saw this post, can you please prove any
of this with respect to the 'wetiko'? I need dem
fucking sun glasses, or else I won't believe you!

Ha thanks for stopping by my friend, I really appreciate it! Firstly your comment reminded me of a conversation I had with my friend of thirty years last weekend he said "you always come up with the most insane perspectives and ideas, and yet you're the sanest person I've ever met" so yes I'm very much aware that these thoughts are pretty out there, but in respect of myself I'm very lucid and I have a very strong mind .. I'm the type of person you want around when the shit hits the fan .. just incase anyone is pondering my mental state lol

You know I've been researching this new world order thing for over thirty years, I have a very good understanding of the politics, the players and the manipulation of psychology and perception that is occuring, as time goes on I will continue to display that with my more terrestrial-based offerings :D. I'm more than prepared to stick my neck out and risk ridicule .. indeed when I first started telling my friends about the NWO 25-30 years ago nobody could keep a straight face .. in light of the past few years and the wealth of information that is now out there the smiles have now dried up and they very much realise I was onto something.

But .. whilst carrying out my research, and the closer I got to the web I began to realise that the major players were worshipping a dark entity or entities .. from the Christian perspective this could be viewed as Satanism. Initially I was very dubious about it all, but then these guys are immensely powerful and incredibly intelligent .. were they all deluded or is there something valid behind it? At this point its important to note that the wetiko is but one perspective and like I wrote in my post there are many others .. in fact pretty much every belief system, religion, spiritual and shamanic teachings have the same basic concept .. slightly altered depending upon perception.

I started my journey into this subject looking disprove it and prove the insanity of the elite, but I must say after many years of research I've come to believe it is very valid .. there is something that is manipulating humanity from the shadows. It's very difficult to quantify that with quick and direct evidence .. but there is so much information out there that it really does warrant some pretty deep research. When I first joined I wrote the post I've attached below (sorry it's a bit rough) which discussed it from a more scientific perspective and at the bottom of that post I included several references relating to how scientists are increasingly coming round to the idea of non carbon based lifeforms ... If you read the post you will notice I also speak about A.I which is interesting as the guy in the video I've attached above (Geordie Rose founder of D-Wave & Kindred A.I) now seems to be attempting a similar process and I had never heard of him when I wrote the post, indeed people are pumping some serious money into this concept. I've also attached a new video I just watched this morning it's with the ex-banker illuminati whistleblower that came out in the big interview last year? I did a cursory check on him last year and he seemed to check out with some of the companies and businesses I referenced .. I will say I haven't looked into him too deeply, but upon hearing the above interview I will take a closer look. I have also added my bloodlines post which goes far deeper into who these people are and the stranglehold they have over the world.

Thanks for your thoughtful reply @perceptualflaws. This is interesting because I remember watching Geordie Rose in the past talk about Quantum Computers and how it's theorized that they might be borrowing quantum bits from parallel universes, which if true, means that parallel universes are probably borrowing our g-wave qubits as well.

Something odd about him though he wasn't wearing those hipster glasses in his other lecture which makes me think he's attempting to appeal to whatever audience he is speaking to at the time, you know like Hillary Clinton and her feigned southern drawl. Here's the one that I saw.

The second interview wow, I basically agreed with everything the guy was saying and then he got into the metaphysical stuff and well that's harder for me to follow but seeing as how I agreed with most of what he was saying I had to take it more seriously than I would have otherwise.

I've still yet to read the two articles that you plugged but I certainly will. I don't know if these things prove the 'wetiko' but it seems like they might hint at them and well what is a rose by any other name?

All I know is if real supernatural things exist, I want to be in the loop no matter how horrible it is. Yet proving some of these things, that's the challenge that I face.

No problem @thoughtsintime thank you for taking the time to read my lengthy post. I think it is very wise to approach such subjects with a skeptical mind so I respect your opinion and thoughts on this. I was kind of drawn towards the D Wave when they started to draw parallels between the system and the 2001 obelisk .. the transfer of information between alternate dimensions, framing it as the next step in evolution. I think Google and Nasa now have one .. but I'll have to double check. I will have to look into Rose some more but I feel that he is trying to be a modern technological Aleister Crowley .. so I feel some extra research into his background could be warranted. But yes I know what you mean about the whole Clinton thing .. man isn't that clip just the most cringe-inducing ever!

The wetiko are a perspective that fit with my understanding .. whether anyone has hit the nail fully on the head yet I don't know, but I think many of us are offering different perspectives of the same thing. Obviously, you don't know me that well but I can assure you that I have put a great deal of time and effort into researching these subjects (more than I can portray in one post) and it has very much led me to believe that at its rotten core there is a supernatural element at play within all this. Equally, I don't expect you to believe that just because I say it and so I very much respect your skeptical and yet openminded stance .. thanks again my friend.

Thank you, I look forward to your future posts on the matter. I can tell by the way you think we are like minded in many ways. Also, if what Geordie said about parallel universes is accurate, it basically changes everything. God knows what things the future may bring.

No time to read it all now, but I’m sure it’s pretty PRECISE! I skimmed through and recognized quite a bit, and didn’t recognize quite a bit as well!
I’ll make sure to take some time out to fully read it, but I’m already certain it’s worth the resteem! My most recent post was my short summary and perspective of the same thing, but it’s nowhere near as intense as yours. Maybe it would be if my reputation wasn’t just 25 and I got more than a couple likes every time. 😉😅

Thank you for the resteem my friend, I really appreciate it! I hope you enjoy the post when you have the time to read it. I have given you a follow and look forward to catching up with some of your work. Thanks again @tylerfletcher

I love your posts, you sure write about some amazing and fascinating stuff. Hard to stop reading once you start, but I have to agree with fulltimegeek about the Genesis dominion passage. I think it has been misinterpreted, and subjugated to serve other interests. The reason for environmental destruction is the elites corporatocracy that doesn't give a damn about the earth. In fact, it seems they're trying to destroy it.

Hey @sauna thank you for stopping by and lending your support/great comment .. I think I clarified my point a little more with @fulltimegeek and it's something I am going to expand upon in a later post as it kind of ties to some other ideas that I have. But yes it's my belief that it creates a thought form and perspective which is then itself drawn into an evolutionary process that is contrary to the balance and respect we should we should have for the earth. I'm certainly with you regarding the elite destroying the earth .. I have a slightly different take .. I believe they are deliberately destroying it and draining it's resources to accumulate wealth and power .. but they are also attaching the guilt of this destruction onto the wider collective, teaching us to hate ourselves for the damage we (although it's they) have done. From this perspective as the sperm levels drop (they have dropped by 60% in forty years) instead of fighting against it and asking questions, people are cheering it on .. because hey there are too many of us anyway and we need to be micro-managed and controlled. It's all a manipulation and mind game and when the elite have all the wealth and resources they need .. our numbers are greatly diminished and we're locked away in our mega smart cities .. they will turn the earth into a paradise playground for the anointed. Thanks again my friend.

I love how detailed this post is and the message it carries. Throughout history even to this day people were chosen to destroy or at least blur the line between God and the physical. Most people today are creating a plethora of problems for our future generations to deal with for millennia to come. Instead we should be making changes internally because we are all a part of god. Michael Jackson put it best
If you want to make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself, and then make a change

Hey thank you @skywalker and sorry for the late reply but I must have missed your comment. Yes, I couldn't agree more .. before we can change the world we must put our own house in order. If we all achieved this ideal, the world would change in an instant for it would become a reflection of our inner balance. Thanks again my friend.

Very moving post.
My brother was up on the vibrational aspects of the world long before I became aware of it. I called him a nut at the time, disagreed with what he said and unfortunately was well versed in cognitive dissonance. I have thankfully since changed my ways.
I have been learning more about archons and the wetiko (spelling?) and it certainly feels like it's what is going on nowadays. The elite are using the evil lower vibrations to manipulate people, keep their vibrations at a low level to harvest their energies. Thankfully there are more and more people that are becoming aware of this, although maybe not the exact amount of information they feel the negative energy spewing from them.
I find it very interesting all of the talk of the pineal gland and it's connection with the spiritual and other dimensions that exist. I just saw the eye of horus and it's relation to the region of the brain from your post, it's uncanny! I certainly feel like that was their intention especially when you look at the two side by side.


Thank you for taking the time to read and comment my friend, it's much appreciated. I'm not sure if you read my bloodlines posts .. but they go far deeper into the eye of horus etc etc .. I also have much more that I want to write on this subject, but yes it's my understanding that this belief system sought to elevate consciousness and utilise the kingdom within's ability for inter-dimensional travel i.e we are a biological quantum interface with an ability to project our consciousness outside the physicality of our body .. within our fall from grace we forgot this ability, but people are now beginning to once again grasp and understand it's validity. Of course, the control structure fears this awakening because their power is illusory and so they seek to hold us back. Thanks again @cmplxty .. oh and yes it's wetiko .. but there is a crossover with wedigo or wendigo etc etc :)

Part 1.b)
Part 1.a)

Thanks, I was reading most of it but it was really long so I skimmed some parts I’ll go back and read that one.


Excellent post. Lots of food for thought in this one. Sometimes I feel that the world is the Matrix to distract us for out true and higher calling. Our reality is just an illusion to keep us unaware of our greater purpose causing us to loose any semblance or substance of who we really are...

Hey @walkthisway thank you for such a thoughtful comment my friend. I agree entirely, I believe the entire construct of our vapid mainstream culture is an insidious attempt to subvert us from our path and to render us deaf to our inner voice and our true path/purpose. If you'll allow I'm currently writing a post that delves far deeper into the nature of reality .. I think it may tie in with the ideas you express here and if you'll allow we can pick it p there.

Omg Brother, another incredible article getting me thinking, I had total goosebumps by the end, you always leave us with so much hope, and solutions. Not focussing just on the scary parts, but showing the spiritual "salvation" if that is the right word. That all of the answers already lay within us, we just need to tap in.

I liked learning about your idea "God's Heartbeat". So in essence, evil is necessary to keep us evolving to higher consciousness?

Also, I didn't know about the term "wetiko" or if I did I didn't remember it...

Thank you for stopping by my friend and thank you for the eternal support! Yes I very much believe that the answers to our problems reside within each of us .. understanding that we are each an expression of energy and power .. we have been fooled into believing that suppression, violence and military might are expressions of power when in reality they are an inversion of it.

Yes within the Gods heartbeat analogy we're caught between some form of eternal war for balance .. equally, it's a war that keeps the heart beating and the universe alive .. consciousness is held within this war and duality .. but it's a duality that gives us a choice, we can choose the light or dark but our choices either elevate or impede the evolution of consciousness. The wetiko understanding comes from the native Americans and once it consumed people they believed it turned them cannibalistic .. you can tie that in with the ancient priest class of many cultures (whom I believe are these bloodlines) and how they used to sacrifice and drink the blood of young virgins .. and how adrenochrome (adrenaline infused blood) is the drug of choice for the elite .. and how they also have blood transfusions with young blood (this is easily referenced) you can see that they have been physically feeding upon us for a long time .. at the outer level the fear levels that are needed to produce the adrenochrome also produce an energy and this is what the wetiko/archons feed upon .. obviously war/murder etc etc produce a feeding frenzy. Thanks again @lyndsaybowes

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Thank you for the support @fulltimegeek I really appreciate it. Yes I do very much agree with what you're saying and perhaps I didn't explain that aspect as well as I could have. I believe that once you place a certain thought form/idea into the ether it then begins some form of evolutionary process and creates a mindset. So the concept of dominion, can then be carried over to conquest .. which then feeds into colonialism, which the people, the soldiers, missionaries feel very justified in doing because it is the "will of god" this desroys the old world indigenous perspective of balance and respect (because what do they know, they are savages) and replaces it with conquest and dominion. This mindset eventually leads to greed, war, murder (as you begin to conquer the world) and as such it's the perfect medium in which to carry the virus. But yes I very much understand what you're saying and because this has now gone so far I also very much agree with it. Thanks again dude.

Thank you for the kind upvote @fulltimegeek it should really help to catch allot of peoples attention so they can zero in on the 'man or other animal' conundrum, which is a world-wide conspiracy.

Evolutionary theory should not be thrust upon people in harmful ways, just as religion shouldn't be. Calling men animals in the U.S. is equally as dangerous as being called an infidel in a middle eastern country.

They are depeopleizing terms, I say depeopleizing instead of dehumanizing because the legal definition of the term human, that too is tricky business.

human being. See monster.

monster (mon'stėr). A human-being by birth, but in some part resembling a lower animal. "A monster . . . hath no inheritable blood, and cannot be heir to any land, albeit be brought forth in marriage; but, although it hath deformity in any part of its body, yet if it hath human shape, it may be heir." 2 Bl. Comm. 246.

- Ballentine's Law dictionary (1949). (save this document)

This whole conspiracy is like the divine right of kings all over again. Yet instead of claiming superiority, they are under their breaths casting the aspersion (or spell) that the defendant is an animal. When this is not rebutted they treat him like one by putting him in a cage.