A Contemplation On Belief

in esp •  5 years ago 

It's like magic; but it’s more real – but how do you know?

Download, burn and play.

I was looking to download this album and anything else by Daddy Was A Milkman, because it’s going to be cheaper and easier to get my daily dose of bone restoration by having this music waft through my house and slowly fill up my car into a bath over my head, than milking cows and mixing cocoa with chicory, roasted grains, and a teaspoon of honey and a dash of cinnamon and ginger, when I wake up ravenous from three hours sleep, and have new work to be living my life on. But try doing that where I live! I could stream, I stream all day from the virtually unlimited source of MP3 available. But I want to be selective on this one and have it to place, like hard evidence, like oozing peaches, about my house.

Which brings me to my waking thought of narrow margins, lilted in an Irish I cannot place in my head to the sqwuaking of seagulls; the thought up and running but the rest of me still suspended somewhere between the Atlantic, the Pacific and the North Sea, I thank the mothers holding the trinity.

I'll tell you what makes me livid, I mutter to myself, people who pretend they don’t have the answers because their guardian spirits won’t let them have them. I sit up in a flash, flip onto my knees, twist a leg from underneath me and step out diagonally on the other side of the bed with a souplesse I haven’t known in 21 years. My morning extends across the walls like a tantra tapestry frayed but writing it up in muted colour true as the light of day veiled by meekness, awe and delight.

The Spiel

We are always kidding ourselves a bit, aren’t we? It wouldn’t be fun if we didn’t. Usually it gets less when we marry and have kids flinging the reality check our way. I had a kid and got married, but nothing changed for me, because, I finally caught on I hadn’t ever been doing much of that make believe to grease the cogs of a new real, in the first place. And true enough, I wasn’t exactly having much fun. I was always at play, but that can be a serious matter as it is for any child under 10.

The Two-way Immediacy of Knowing

There is no gift in believing what you see, we all do it. The rest is illusion and wishful thinking. But we also are capable of seeing what we believe, and in this there is much to receive from the spiritual world one is invited into, called, like those saints used to have vocations. For me, it is where reality (all there IS) begins and Love can continue us. For the rest it tends to deceive.

Think of the Invisible Gorilla Study with the dancing gorilla printed in the dark mass of the lungs on an X-ray, missed by cardio-thorassic consultants or in a test situation, simply because they were not looking for one. Once you find it, you cannot miss it anymore. But try to locate it again in a year, and again, you will have trouble remembering what you are looking for. Imprinted knowledge makes no memory worthwhile keeping. It serves only the temporary and generic.

If you transpose this sparring of the mind with the brain onto the use of one’s spiritual intuition (which is a higher faculty of seeing the immaterial) you may appreciate to explore anything of the nature of that higher sense, you will have to develop an air-tight strategy, and a stringent daily routine to cover all angles and avoid slip-ups. You need to lay on a huge reference library to fact check your readings and avoid over eager analysis of all “coincidences” until you are sure there are no gaps inbetween which random elements can slip to content your curiosity.

My method is simple: I work at break-neck speed to accumulate a vast unrelated number of materials, as erratically as possible, almost every day, creating as much chaos as I can, to overload the rational brain. The chances of a simple automated recall are thus brought back to a minimum especially now the brains are becoming a little stiff in age, and fatigue is building up like a plaque and the renunciation to the way things are have reduced my vested interest. Of course, needless to say the academic in me says, this prooves nothing. No matter! The enthusiast (en-theos: god within) waves away this shortcoming: if I, myself and me are having a good time of it then surely all is valid by the rule of thumb that life has to be made possible?

All I can really say is that by now, with few means left to discard the distance travelled, I have decided that I can read the braille of a day punched by time, and use it to infer the significance to me, if not divine intent, a plan I am not much in the loop of.

Jeremy Bishop; "Deep Blue", Unsplash.

No Free-Fall!

However, free-spirited it may sound to go diving or sailing one has to be rational, no doubt about it. The sailor or diver is prepared to spend 99% of his time on the skill and technology and technique for that one moment of freedom. If skywalking is the mirror image to diving then the same goes for me.

It is that one moment, though, that equates to all one ever will need. Is death not but a moment? Would seventy years well spent in a suit and tie, attending pool parties or acquiring a luxury yacht float your funerary boat any better? Would managing the corporate world outmuscle the management of your own house?

Me and soft-cell spirituality don’t get on too well. It makes for a pleasant gathering of amical contacts, where my intensity has no place. It is better if I keep to my side of the fence. But inevitably the high octane of my sweet pea and lavender beds will seep through the cracks and unnerve those who live too close to me. It always happens. I cannot help it and it always means it is my turn to bow my head and sink deep into the earth like an embryo in a bulb. To see what you believe makes for a fairly lonely life, yes. But don’t pity me. I always have God (the grace of self rule) and then the Bridge Building Engineer never seems to piss off like I keep biting him to….

Sailin' away on the crest of a wave. . . Takin' a dive 'cos you can't halt the slide

Humble Post Script

They say it will be warm next week, the gods will be Turning Up The Heat!
which means a luxurious swimming pool of heavy air all to myself (my fellow countrymen don’t thrive on heat much). I cannot wait to lounge on the rooftop of my heart and wait for the sultry nights to replay my last fandango to me. Not that this will show me my worth, not my trust or love. But what can a heart do but bask on the azotea where east and west, north and south converge to appeal to the truth of man?

Not that my sympathy born out of such clear-voyance as there is on the elevation built up by the decades of good living and right walking, will instill greater trust.

Not that my truth and my beauty will shine to illuminate your dark corners. Nor that even with my attained degree I have the authority by which to afford the slightest ripple; a vascilation that alerts the alligators, always instantly. Ah! the power of belief, is wasted on me.

I apologise to my faithful readers that this post is late. I started on this blog early this morning but then became occupied by a small miracle I felt had priority (a matter concerning Love). I understand such an inconsistency could ruin my reputation as a committed Steemian. How am I going to recover from this one?
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Soft cell remake, I put in the August playlist, but it didn't survive the final culling, now it sits in the September to-be-made list (just for more coincidental consideration).

Thank you so much for sharing your method. You took me higher and higher, it's a livin' thing :) And, btw, that guy on Electric Light looks just like my hairdresser, David, even though I only go once a year. Here he is and my hair too! Don't look too closely, better if you pinch your eyes a bit for soft focus.
mayjune2019 098.JPG

That's my one beer a year too ;) You know, summer time and the livin' is easy! Nah, I'm exaggerating, but I don't often and one is enough for me.

No, I didn't know you despise licorice. Perhaps, you have some reflective insight in regards to why I mentioned licorice thrice because it did catch my eye, but not even I (in conscious thought) have the answer why?

We often go to Finnware (quite a population of Finns here) and buy our licorice, but the shop owner, whom I share a birthday with and her son born the same day as my daughter, tells me that we buy the British kind and not so much the salted fishes.

Did you know that as a kid when I was asked what animal I was I would say an alligator? After all, my eyes are gold and green and at six that meant proof! At some point awhile back I made an alligator post here on steemit. Maybe when you'd gone fishing?
XO, and sweet dreams!

Here I am at the end of your blog rambling on and on about myself! Your sharing means much and makes me want to share back.

I am so glad you share. My Pacific anchor. I cannot do soft focus. Therefore I enjoy all of you.

Licorice raises the blood pressure and is the national sweet where I and OV live and not much like to live. For I have never been able to rely on a single soul born under this nationality. Do we think we can just sail away to an ex-colony and start again as if our domestic skills can extend that far? What is the matter with us? Common (business) sense has made us either galloping horseshoe crabs or blobs of men-o'war.

Wish we could sit on a jetty and have a cuppa together.
All burned up, for all my revolutions at top gear. That'll teach me. I must leave soon. Tell me everything before I go. That I may not forget to swim.

Me too, for a cup together sitting on the jetty :) I'll take you there on an ESPecially nice day!
Don't forget to swim! I won't either.
There's always music--stand up and dance, tell the towering pines, the crashing waves...

All burned up made me think of this song.
I want to spread the news that if it feels this good getting used...
Heartfelt, thanks.

Oh yes! This song. pines crashing, waves towering.

I have never danced this much - as in the past few weeks.... can't stop me now; the stuff the steps of hope are made of. It can't ever work if we don't suspend this belief across the universe that lies between shaken souls....

I <3 you!

My dear, I love you too that much to ever leave you without some kind of replacement/continuation to what we have started here. I think OV and I will need you more than we know once we know what we need to know. So far you seem instrumental in this development. B.t.w. to find you and Sina engaged was very special to me. Confirming we have made a tiny family already. Not much to some. But love is always enough for me.


OV is leaving and taking my delegation with him, so soon my vote will carry no weight at all, which means I can't go in any deeper into Steemit to find who else could dance the dance. Do we really think to find more?? So my days are numbered here, with my first and most consistent reader not going to be picking me up from here anymore, which turns out to be the main function for having been sent in... however, he is starting to seee what can be seen and I don't know what direction that will take. We may as yet need to work together through Sukhasanasister. But early days yet. This could only work on our , yours and mine, spinning off eachother. Much depends on if and when and how my 3D meeting with OV will play out....I am going to keep you in the loop on that.

Thank you for keeping me in the loop.
I awoke this morning constructing an entire letter in my mind to you, but a friend showed up unannounced in need of love surrounding the death of her brother and so it wasn't written. Perhaps, there is no need that it was, you and I as mirroring swans, so beneath so below and across all the waters in brilliant white. I think I know by now that we've been able to complete/read one another's thinking in profound ways.
I said I came here to Steemit for the humanitarian aspect, how a platform like this had such a marvelous power in supporting others, especially those with less. I never thought about it being a way to make money for myself (though I wouldn't be opposed if I did). What I didn't know was that I would find someone like you, who as a guide has bestowed gifts in worth beyond any monetary value. Like I came here to offer my love and am blown away by the return--like answers to prayers never uttered out loud.
Though one part of me screams, "NO!" I don't want you to go, but also there is enough given to carry me through many, many years, if not a lifetime. An angelic voice that whispers, you are right in..........what can't be spoken, only known. Speaking and remembering the heavenly language that can only be written in circles around. We will always be in the loop together, Suki