Selfie Gatuna

in espain •  7 years ago  (edited)

En un universo, en una galaxia, en un planeta, en una ciudad, en una casita...

Existe un hermoso gatito queriendo conquistar el mundo con su belleza.gatito.JPG

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Cats eat grass to aid their digestion and to help them get rid of any fur in their stomachs.

Hola, gracias. por favor dame tu voto. Saludos

A cat uses its whiskers for measuring distances. The whiskers of a cat are capable of registering very small changes in air pressure.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

por eso no se les debe cortar.

Cheetahs do not roar, as the other big cats do. Instead, they purr.

Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours per day. When cats are asleep, they are still alert to incoming stimuli. If you poke the tail of a sleeping cat, it will respond accordingly.

A form of AIDS exists in cats.

No lo sabía.