Esperanto thriving on DUOLINGO

in esperanto •  7 years ago  (edited)

Some people might have heard about the other international language. It is called Esperanto and was created more than hundred years ago to serve as a common language when French was mostly considered a universal language and English only on the rise. Nowadays English is used around the globe, but Esperanto is still there and many people are interested in it. On DUOLINGO, one of the most popular Internet language-learning platforms, already more than a million people enrolled for a free Esperanto course. It seems there is something more than just its utility. Same applies for Klingon, a complete "useless" language in a modern real world.

Esperanto prosperante je DUOLINGO

Multaj homoj jam aŭdis pri la alia internacia lingvo. Ĝi estas nomata Esperanto, kaj estis kreita pli ol antaŭ cent jaroj por servi kiel komuna lingvo en tempo kiam la franca estis plejparte konsiderata universalan lingvon kaj la angla nur iom pliiĝintan. Nuntempe la angla estas parolata tutmonde, sed Esperanto ankoraŭ ekzistas kaj multaj homoj interesiĝas pri ĝi. En DUOLINGO, unu el la plej popularaj interretaj lingvoplatformoj jam pli ol miliono da homoj enskribis por libera Esperanto-kurso. Ŝajnas, ke io pli gravas ol ĝia utileco. La sama aplikas por Klingono, kompleta "senutila" lingvo en moderna reala mondo.

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Spring is here!
How are things at your place? More green already?!

You should make a video of how this language sounds like!!


Saluton mia fidela amikino. Hi kaminchan. Thanks for coming back. I already thought about to let Steemit go its own way. I am not interested in all that fighting and money struggling what is going on here.
Here in Southern Germany spring is there and every one is enjoying it. So I love to be outside too. I would like to show nice spring flowers from the forest and write some thing about, but I am too upset about all that what is going on in the world at the moment ...
So I am not sure If I am carry on here. If you like to listen to Esperanto, try this one:

All the best my faithful friend!

Sorry for my late reply, I have to be able to listen to this song by Adele and other artists first. My small phone cannot play videos so I had to wait for the right gadget.

Things are changing very fast and lots of the news are not reliable.
However, I think that we will have to face a local nuclear war by accident!!
And there is bad news about the impending economic collapse too!

Any way, we could only live one day at a time. So I try to do my best each day!
I have been following alternative media for news. I think you may find this interesting!
The fact is that there is a silent war between the white and black factions.
These two links will shed some light onto the world stage of cloaks and daggers!

Take care! Try to send out positive vibes to heal the earth! Cheers.

Thanks kaminchan!

Nice post love your post could you helo me vote one of my post

It's always usefull to remind people about esperanto existence.
Some people never heard about it and some other are still thinking that this language is (always) about to die :D

Ĉiam utilas rememorigi homojn pri ekzisto de esperanto.
Kelkaj homoj neniam aŭdis pri ĝi kaj kelkaj aliaj daŭre estas pensantaj ke tiu lingvo estas (ĉiam) mortonta :D

Dankon amiko pro la respondo. Certe Esperanto estas ege vivanta, spite, ke ĝi nuntempe ekzistas sole kiel tutmonda minoritata lingvo. Esperanto ĉiam havas grandan potencialon, kaj ni ne sĉias, kion evoluos iu tagon el ĝi. Multe dependas de la politika situacio en la mondo. Bonan tagon!