yea im waking up 2 my higher awarness
i had a rather lengthly chat with my essassani friends
then apparently we had some aggrement last night for them 2 show up again
and this geometricly perfect triangle appeared right over the full moon in cloud portal shape
essensatinly like this
the last 1 shocked me as it was perfect like the literally shape of the tr3-b
SIdenote= i was 100% clothingless during this sense it's 2 am and everyone was asleep
i felt about 2 hours ago a presence when i looked up in this half circle of clouds covering the moon area.
N came back out around 2:10 and just sat there after walking around 4 about 5 minutes and back inside and came back out with my water n just sat around for couple minutes kinda briefly moving n resitting every couple minutes or so.
we are still here 2:43am
- we will be back anytime it exictes both of us to do so!
it was joyful meeting with you !
we know u are very excited now as u can see that all of your dreams are real and u will be living out more of the joyous and happy ones extremly soon as u are shifting more towards that spectrum already!
Note= ship was liteally the same as the spaceship photo just missing the middle light. We can just make that appear the same way you do anything on a daily basis. Just cause something isnt aviable on ur earth that u can buy on amason or is common knowledge dosent mean its not possible or your not already doing it or have it in a sense.
It's quite funny to many of us how much some beings egoicly want to argue about how they have no control over things.
When u say that you are literally giving your control away .
In any case have a good day the shallanai-yayel say hi to btw!
Essassani- yea thats easy its okay though if others aren't as aware on ur earth as you yet so try 2 be patient and more understanding it will only serve 2 help you!