funny they told us i remeber back in around 2015~2016 about your ecnomy was begging 2 undergo some changes into new systems that would potentially become quite large in the next few years.
kinda wondered what that could possibliy be but i wasn't really using my imagination so i just kinda thought.
they meant like perhaps some new seperate system perhaps of the old cabal?
but at the time i didnt get really how that could even very probable to happen as the old fincial systems seemd like unstopable dragon gods.
Essassani- There is nothing wrong with any of your system we have you could say high hopes for you period. Especially with the greater flexbility that crypto can provide your world. Although we would love 2 see this system far more goodlocks zone to all in the sense of free sharing of abundance for all that need it.
We would love 2 see you all be more of a utopian society and culture overall. That is not 2 say there is anything wrong with lower vibration feelings. It is highly probably some of that to a vastly lesser extent will still exist even beyond your crossing of the threshold of 4th density.
Which if we where to give u a time frame window it could even hapen this moment today although that is highly improbable as we see it. Most likely at this moment in your current reality verison it will take around 40~70 years. but this window is not set in stone.
And ascension is really not something u can "hurry Up" and just jump threw.
Sure u could have some all mighty being do it for you. But for many of you this is very disempowering as you all we know not only can do it parallel versions of yourself have done it all ready we are one of those verisons!
Also of course as you shift your frequency higher as a collective lower vibrational things will become less and in your reality and abit less extreme in the dips into darkness. Although of course sure you will eventually ascend competly out of physcality but you can always go back and replay new roles scenarios! OH so many wonderous things we all can do yes yes in the infinte multi-verse !
Trust us dear earth family you will very much love this asencsion into higher realms begin able 2 live our all of your generaly more positive dreams as fast you can allow yourself 2 believe!
All of this time many of you ask yourself are my dreams real all those "so called Ficitional" beings and movies we all read see and hear about and listein 2 real!? am i real yes all is!
It depends on one's own unique frame of refeerence and the way they choose 2 experiance seeing the particualr spectrum of all that is. For it is infinte in its beauty!
That is very grand is it not!?
You will of course be meeting anything you can alllow yourself 2 believe all has always been real! Your angels,unicorns ,dragons,elves,spirt beings such as ghosts, beings you create in your imagination all is real and all is wonderful! Any shaped being you can imagine! Look at your microbal realm many of u we know inclding the one typing this rarely does. But we implore you if it exicites you look at that! As you mayb ver astonded and "perhaps insane if you want 2 call it thatly wide and beautiful spectrum of microbial life on your planet.
Fyi: there's new microbial life discovered all the time some is put here and even on other worlds including one's in other parts of your unvierse and even ours. From other places whever that may be.
Even our dark beings of destruction and despair! It's okay 2 become consumed with such things!
As all that is wants 2 experiance itself as all things possible!
We find this very fasinating also and many us love coming up with exiciting new things to do also.
YEs there is even multi-dimensional pranking your pleadians in the 2020 the new golden age book reference this with telepathic vibrational play.
Oh but youd be amased many of you even perhaps beyond almost beleif?
At what 1 can do your shapeshfting beings are reall. Anything you've seen in a video game you can live out in any way you can possibly allow yourself to imagne!
Your miind may want 2 question tat is alright.
Your higher self knows all is true threw your heart space and whole physcalised being with 7 chakra sysem cupoled with all the higher chakras of the higher dimensional multi-vers spectrums!