RE: How to tell the REAL Essential Oils vs Synthetic

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How to tell the REAL Essential Oils vs Synthetic

in essentialoils •  7 years ago 

Interesting,gotta dive deeper into this. How coe they do't evaporate? I mean take for instance the monoterpenic molecules - they oxidate with air......?

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Thanks duchess for your comments....there is a difference in natural occurring monoterpenic molecules which are balanced by the rest of the plant materials making up a natural whole. Example; the real rose petal will hold its fragrance (essential oil) even when it dries, while the synthetic chemical copy of "rose petal essential oil", with each chemical made separately & combine with other synthetic chemicals to copy the natural whole, will oxidize if left open to oxygen...thats the behavior of petrochemicals....hope that helps...but I always like to encourage to do your own research, do dive deeper into this, just remember the term Essential Oil is interchangeable with both organic & in-organic chemistry.....many thanks, I really appreciate your question...and I am always trying to prove myself wrong, so feel free to help me out....many thanks....much Peace2U;)

Well i like to get deeper into this indeed. Part of my (two year) education - a big part actually - was spent on organic chemistry. But apart iwn research a can really appreciate a good mentor and it looks like i found one! Lookig forward to exchanging knowedge!

Thanks for your words....most of my learning have been from teaching and listening to others feedback, questions & corrections. I have learned to encourage others & myself to always try to "prove me wrong"....glad I found this supportive steemit community to share my passion & to learn from others, since we are all viewing from different angles with different thankful to also find a mentor in you...Looking forward too, to exchanging knowledge with you:)...much Health2U:)