plants thinker

in esteem-its-great-leaves-kenikir •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hi !! Friand ?? At this opportunity I want to share my knowledge about plants / plants that are beneficial to our body all, This plant is able to kill 98% cancer cells only 16 hours ,,

According to research published by life science, this plant has been used in the treatment of china and able to kill 98 percent of breast cancer cells in less than 16 hours. If the plant is in use without any other ingredients, it will decrease by 98% of breast cancer cells, but if this plant is combined with the wormwood plant, the result will be lost almost full of cancer cells in your body ,,
In masalalu this plant is in use as a powerful anti malariya medicine and now, this plant has been proven effectively able to fight cancer cells too. Then, what magical plant / plant is it ?
It is ARTEMISININ, this plant is a derivative of the wormwood plant (artemisi annua). There are many studies that prove that, artemisinin can effectively cure the disease. This plant extras have been used in china to fight malariya disease for thousands of years. Until this time it's very difficult to get this extra plant at a low price, but with the increasing demand for this plant, the price in bargaining is slowly acceptable to society ,

Curious ?? Do not think dizzy with this plant in because in Indonesia a lot and easy to look for. The name of the plant is (leaves kenikir).?

  • Benefits of leaves for medication *

1.* ulcer with weak stomach *
Leaf kenikir has the usefulness of tocopherol-polifenol and hydroxyeugenol bermanfa-at to neutralize stomach acid, this substance can also strengthen the gastric sphingter muscle, which works to receive various intake food without endangering the stomach of a person. to consume this ingredients should be boiled by adding salt hinga directly in eating form lalapan.?

2.*obat weak heart *
Leaf kenikir contains antioxidant and flavonoids that play a role to repair damaged cells. if in the heart area, this flavonoid compound will benefits to facilitate blood flow by strengthening the heart muscle and blood vessels to flow blood.friend can boil 5 sheets of leaves with 250ml water, then drink her boiled water 2 times a day.?

    • cancer drugs *
      Leaf kenikir with saponin compound, terpenoid, flavonoid and antioxidants that can fight cancer, such as breast cancer, gastric cancer and liver cancer. To cope with cancer can consume boiled stems as often as possible, but still consume benefits water that works for solvent substances to be easily carried away by blood.?
    • mumps *
      When used as a drug mumps, how to make this leaf drug kenikir first is:? Mashing the leaves until smooth after finely then mixed with vinegar, with a ratio of 1: 1 in apply on the sick 3 times a day. Thinking leaves with polyphenol compounds and tocopherol bermanfa-at ease inflammation caused by mumps.?
    • swollen breast medicine *
      Leaf kenikir can treat the breast that due to constantly removing milk, how to make his medicine is:? Take some of the leaves of the thinker, then prepare the stove with a small fire, then burn until wilts wipe around the breast while still warm, the treatment is done 3 times a day ,? Its terpenoid and anti-inflammatory compounds will relieve the swelling that occurs.
    • blood washer *
      Leaf thinker mimiliki content benefits vitamin E, antioxidants and flavonoids that can neutralize toxins carried by blood. If consumed regularly will cleanse the blood of toxins that accidentally enter the body. Benefits leaves think for health body.?
    • Improve our body's immune system *
      Leaf kenikir contains useful vitamin A and E to improve the body's immune system. The content of protein compounds in the kenikir also helps to form phagocytes for the body's immune, in addition benefits vitamin C is also able to increase the body's metabolism, as contained in the fruit of the fruit.?
    • Strengthens bones *
      Leaves thinkers can benefits to strengthen bones, this is because the thinker has a mineral content, calcium and magnesium are high to help bone growth.daun thought can be consumed directly in the form of vegetables / can drink leaf boiled water kenikir, which is mixed with the benefits honey.?
    • appetite enhancer *
      Leaf kenikir can serve as a drug to increase appetite, because the leaves think kenuah contain compounds quersetin which can increase appetite, especially in children. Leaf thinkers can be processed as if food consumed in 3 times a week. Thinking is also good in use to increase one's appetite after a certain operation, to restore his stamina.?
    • Overcoming bad breath *
      Leaf thinkers have coniferil alcohol content that serves to kill bacteria and germs that come carried in the food. The compound will clean the area of ​​the tongue and saliva from the bacteria that cause bad breath, to get the maximum results to kill the germs can be consumed in raw form after washed, then chewed for 20/30 seconds, then rinse.jika not consume after boiled with salt water .. That is 10 excess leaves thinker ,,?

Thanks. hopefully useful ya friend, good luck?

Follow me @aryasensio,,

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thank you for writing, keep on writing on english

sorry, unfortunately not perfect writing english language, but I will try, thanks friends