in esteem •  7 years ago  (edited)



Anchovy is very popular both by Indonesian and foreign residents, because besides known delicious when processed into various foods, also anchovy is known to have high nutritional value.
One of the regions that produce anchovy is the area of ​​Medan City of North Sumatra, Due to the quality and the taste that has been famous throughout nunsatara. In fact most have been exported to foreign countries. And Medan anchovy is one of commodity mainstay of fisheries and marine departments in North Sumatra Province. So do not be surprised if the fish teri Medan known by the people of Indonesia to the remote parts of this country.

Its nutritional content:
According to the results of research from various sources, the following is the nutrient content in 100 grams of anchovies in conditions already dried up:

Vitamin A: 210 IU
Vitamin B1: 0.15 mg
Iron: 4 mg
Phosphorus: 1500 mg
Calcium: 1200 mg
Fat: 3 gr
Protein: 34 gr
Energy: 170 kcal

by .. @ aar.

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