It's Easy To Get Vote (steemit)

in esteem •  7 years ago  (edited)


Asalamualaikum wahai sahabat steemit- Bermain steemit, memang tidak mudah, terutama bagi kita bertatus pemula. Seringkali, setiap postingan minim vote meskipun menurut kita tulisan itu bagus dan menarik, tapi hanya mendapat 1 hingga 3 vote, sudah termasuk klik dari diri sendiri (vote).

Asalamualaikum steemit friends - Playing steemit, it is not easy, especially for us beginners. Often, each posting a minimum vote even though we think it's good and interesting, but only get 1 to 3 votes, including clicks from yourself (vote).

Sebenarnya, ada sedikit cara yang bisa memungkinkan setiap steemian untuk terjun bebas ke postingan kita, meskipun dengan reputasi masih minim alias rendah.

Actually, there are few ways that can allow any steemian to free fall into our post, even with a reputation still low alias low.


Berikut sedikit cara dari saya agar postingan steemian mau di vote, pertama gunakan “tag” yang sering digunakan kalangan senior, misalnya flower, photography, history, story, writing, life, KSI (Komunitas Steemit Indonesia), tapi harus di ingat, bahwan setiap “tag” sesuai dengan postingannya. Kalau tidak, postingan kita tidak akan terlacak dan masuk bila tidak mengikuti arahan tersebut.

Here's a little way from me so that post steemian want to vote, first use "tag" which is often used by senior, for example flower, photography, history, story, writing, life, KSI (Community Steemit Indonesia), but must remember, bahwan every "Tag" in accordance with the post. Otherwise, our post will not be tracked and entered if not follow the directions.


Selanjutnya, kalian juga bisa menggunakan cara komentar disertai vote punya kawan yang sudah di follow, usahakan sering mengkomen postingan steemian, terutama pada mereka yang bereputasi tinggi. Satu hal yang kalian ingat, jangan layangkan kata-kata umum, contohnya “bagus postingan ini”, “verry nice” dan bahasa singkat lainnya.

Furthermore, you can also use the comments along with the comments have friends who have been in follow, try to often mengomen post steemian, especially in those with high reputation. One thing you remember, do not share common words, for example "nice post", "verry nice" and other short language.

Menurut mereka, hal demikian dianggap sekedar komentar biasa saja atau si komen dianggap malas membaca postingannya, atau sebaliknya akan berdampak pada diri kita sendiri akibat komentar kita itu. Tapi, misalnya menarik dan sangat mengarah dengan yang dipost, tentunya disukai sehingga dihargai sang pemilik akun steemit itu.

According to them, such things are considered just a casual comment or the comment is considered lazy to read the post, or otherwise will impact on ourselves due to our comments. But, for example interesting and very directed with the posted, certainly liked so appreciated the owner of the steemit account.

Nah, yang paling penting buatlah postingan yang semenarik mungkin, gimana caranya tulisan kita dapat menghipnotis mata steemian lainnya. Kemudian, terapkan rasa silaturahmi di dunia steemit, caranya sering meng-vote serta berkomentar. Demikian pemaparan singkat saya, semoga bermanfaat.

Well, the most important make the post as interesting as possible, how do we can write hypnotic writing other steemian eyes. Then, apply the feeling of friendship in the world of steemit, how often to vote and comment. So my brief exposure, may be useful.


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Semakin mantapps👍😁.

Ahhahhaha.. Vote...

Vote vote hahaha