
in esteem •  7 years ago 


“Sometimes you choose to hold back and let love go, not because there is no love, but krn afraid to love and lose it again”

“Kadang kamu memilih untuk menahan diri dan membiarkan cinta pergi, bukan karena tak ada cinta, tapi krn takut mencintai lalu kehilangan lagi”

“SAD when with him that you think you love, only for realizing your heart is still owned by him which had been left in the past”

“SEDIH ketika bersama dia yg kamu pikir kamu cinta, hanya tuk menyadari hatimu masih dimiliki oleh dia yg telah meninggalkanmu di masa lalu”

“Love is sometimes painful, but it is much better than life without love at all”

“Cinta memang terkadang menyakitkan, namun itu jauh lebih baik daripada hidup tanpa cinta sama sekali”

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