For parrot lovers may not have many who know this bird, due to breeding and treatment is rather difficult. especially for newly joined parrot lovers.
Nuri Tanau (Red-Indonesia) is one of hundreds of types of crooked beaks that are scattered in the world (especially Indonesia-ASIA). in Indonesia is usually referred to as Parling / SerinditGajah
like all kinds of crooked beaks Foods in the form of grains, sweet fruits, flowers, and nectar.
the spread of Nuri Tanau
Psittinus cyanurus cyanurus: found in the southern region of Myanmar and Thailand, to Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, and Borneo
Psittinus cyanurus abbotti: located on the island of Simeulue (Aceh) and Siumat, located in the northwestern region of Sumatra.
Psittinus cyanurus pontius: only found in Kepulawaun Mentawai, West Sumatra.
Its habitat is in lowland forest, which is generally located below 700 m, with forest characters such as open forest, fields and plantations, mangrove forests, often seen in coconut or oil palm plantations. They are often seen in small groups of about twenty
The male has a blue head, with a dark green back. On the shoulders, or base of the wings, there is a small red patch. While the bottom of the back to tunggir (where the growth of the tail) is blue. Male birds have a red beak
The female bird has a brown head, with a light green stomach. The color of the beak is also different from the male bird, which is brown