in esteem β€’Β  7 years agoΒ 

Selamat sore steemit,lebaran sudah lewat stok cemilan pun habis 😊,berhubung masih libur iseng-iseng bikin cemilan yang manis-manis,kalau post saya sebelum nya membuat cheese stik yang gurih,hari ini saya mencoba membuat telor gabus manis,bentuknya hampir sama tapi yang ini rasanya manis

Good afternoon steemit, Eid already through stock snack was exhausted 😊, since it is still a fun holiday to make a sweet snack, if my post before making cheese tasty sticks, today I try to make a sweet cork eggs, the shape is almost the same but this one tastes sweet image

Bahan-bahannya yang simple saja :

  1. 250 grm tepung tapioka
  2. 5 butir telur di ambil kuning nya saja
  3. 1 sendok teh garam
  4. 1 butir gula merah
  5. 4 sendok gula putih
  6. Minyak sayur 1/4

The materials are simple:

  1. 250 grams of tapioca flour
  2. 5 eggs are taken yellow only
  3. 1 teaspoon salt
  4. 1 grain of brown sugar
  5. 4 spoons of white sugar
  6. Oli vegetable 1/4 image

Caranya kocok kuning telor dan garam hingga menyatu masukan tepung tapioka dan uleni hingga adonan menyatu

How to beat egg yolks and salt until fused input of tapioca flour and knead until mixed dough image

Setelah itu bentuk adonan memanjang kecil dan langsung masukan ke dalam wajan yang sudah berisi minyak sayur,tapi kompor nya jangan di nyalakan terlebih dahulu,setelah banyak baru kompor dinyalakan dan setelah menguning angkat dan tiriskan

After that form the dough elongated small and direct input into the pan that already contains vegetable oil, but the stove is not in turn first,after many new stoves are turned on and after yellowing lift and drain image

Untuk membuat gulanya masukan 1 buah gula merah dan rebus,siap kan wajan masukan gula putih ke dalam wajan setelah gula merah hancur masukan ke dalam wajan yang berisi gula putih tadi dan masak hingga mengental,baru masukan adonan tadi yang sudah matang aduk hingga rata,setelah rata semua angkat dan sajikan

To make the sugar input 1 piece of brown sugar and boil, prepare the wok input white sugar into the pan after brown sugar crushed the input into the pan that contains the white sugar and cook until thickened, just input the batter was cooked until blended, after average all lift and serve image


Mudahkan membuatnya,selamat mencoba resepnya,terima kasih yang sudah mampir dan membaca post sederhana ini 😊

Make it easy, good luck to try the recipes, thank you for dropping in and read this simple post 😊

By @anitacarolina image

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Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

wahh, cocok ni buat ngemill.. hehe


wow nicee


woow friend looks very delicious friend, what happens is that my country is not easy to buy eggs are very expensive due to the economic crisis that exists in my country venezuela, we charge in bolivares and buy in dollar, thank you greeting

Owh..sugh it is there because of the economic crisis, I just heard ... are concerned