Ladybug Symptoms: sucking liquid leaves of orchid plants, causing white / yellow spots; the plants are attacked over time will be bald & no green leaf again.Pengendalian: spray the same insecticide as to eradicate other insects, such as caterpillars, beetles & trips.Tudent hues Symptoms: the leaves become yellow, unhealthy, then brown & dead.Pengendalian: as well as eradicating caterpillars & trips.Turkey Red (Tennuipalvus orchidarum Parf.)
Red mites, very small size of 0.2 mm so it is difficult to see with the naked eye. Mites can be found on leaves, leaf buds and other hidden parts. Mite eggs are red, round and laid longitudinally on the top surface of the leaves.
Mites are very fast breeding and in a short time can cause sudden damage. Parts of plants that are attacked include leaf stalks and flowers. The stalks are attacked will be colored like bronze. On the top surface of the leaves there are dots / spots of yellow or brown, then widespread and the entire leaf becomes yellow. On the bottom surface is silver white and the top is pseudo-yellow. At the advanced attack level the leaves will brown and turn black and then fall. On leaves of Phalaenopsis sp. at first silvery white and then yellow. These pests can infect both in the rainy season and dry season, but generally attacks increase during the dry season, while in the rainy season the attack is reduced due to water. Damage can occur starting from the nursery.
Beetles lay eggs on leaf or stem hollow plants. The damage occurs because the larvae are leaf grazing and feed on the inside of the stem causing the flow of water and nutrients from broken roots and leaves to yellow and withered. Damage to the leaves causes the leaves to be perforated. The larvae also bore the tubers of bulbs, buds and stems to form cocoons, whereas adult beetles eat epdermis / young leaf surfaces, tissue / flower stalks and shoots / buds which can result in the death of damaged plant parts. Attacks at the point of growing can kill plants. In Phalaenopsis sp. can be severely affected by this pest. Seangan elephant beetles can occur throughout the year, but most occur in the rainy season, especially at the beginning of the rainy season arrives.
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