If we often going to the beach, there we will find the wiggling of waves that carried away and then back to the sea. It happens becaused by the wind that makes waves sometimes on land and sometimes in the sea.
Here we can learn two case, there are:
1. Motivation (positive case)
If we be as the waves, this is a positive thing to imitate where the wave motion is driven by the wind and this is will happens continuously during the wind.
In our life, the wind is like a motivation and a supporter of what we will to do. In other meaning, we have become a productionally human. All was happens by the supporter among our activities (motivated)
2. Consistency (negative case)
If we review in terms of consistency or attitude stance, the happens to the wave is not be a good thing. Because, the unguarded position is a matter where a person does not have a firm attitude in his establishment. It is influence is the atmosphere of the environment (wind case if on the waves) that make a person affected by the new thing that exists around him. If the influencing him was a good thing, then he is lucky. It would be so.sad if the influencing is a bad thing.