Where The Wind Takes Me

in esteem •  7 years ago 

I've decided to live my life. Yesterday I was feeling sad and depressed at home, I wanted some company, to be with people I care about and this I did.
After a few hours together basically talking, we went our separate ways and it felt awesome. The hunch was off my back but that wasn't the end of my adventure.
I encountered a dude that lives around my area, we actually don't know each other's names so refer to each other as "my guy" but I guess that was enough for him to invite me to join himself and a couple of his friends for a "few" drinks and of course I got shit faced.
Went inside to take a piss before leaving there, I encountered a fellow enjoying a drink by himself, under the influence, I indulged him in a conversation and he ended up inviting me to go clubbing with him and a couple other chicks at a different location, which I obliged to and to the spot we went and I had a few more drinks and went to his place with two chicks from the club.
Everything about yesterday was random but totally fun and it led me to a mental discovery about living; that I'm going to live life so when I die, I can look back at everything and say "well, been there, done that"

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I start some of my best days with the goal of starting as many new conversations as possible. I usually have a amazing body high by mid day. All I can say is do it again!

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