Between the Myth and Extinction of Edelweis

in esteem •  6 years ago 

For mountain climbers, Edelweis flowers are certainly not foreign flowers, but for us, of course, including flowers that are very foreign because we can not enjoy it directly in the lowlands.

Edelweis flowers are eternal flowers. Do you know why? Because Edelweis flowers can grow well on the top of a mountain with full sun and bloom so beautifully for a long time.
Edelweiss flowers can reach a height of about seven meters, although generally only reach a height of less than one meter. But, for those of you who are curious about Edelweiss flowers; generally seen between April to August, where around the end of July to August is the best blooming phase.

But unfortunately, this number continues to decline due to the actions of ignorant people who continue to disrupt their lives even though there are prohibited pamphlets. And what's worse, they don't care even though there are specific laws regarding the prohibition of picking Edelweiss flowers, but ignorant hands continue to ruin their lives.

I thought, only high awareness was able to keep Edelweiss's flowers there in the golden light.

There are myths circulating that:

"Behind the beauty of Edelweiss's flowers, where they give this flower to their partners, their love will last forever. Not a few lovers make this eternal flower one of their partner's special gifts."

Is it because of this myth, or are there other factors?

If so, then it is very unfortunate. Because, Edelweiss flowers have become a rare and protected flower, and the risk is very high if at any time there are raids that will ensnare us with legal ropes.

I think, it is very appropriate for us to increase our awareness to let Edelweiss's flowers live as they should in their habitat.
Who knows, if one day we want to see it, Edelweiss flowers will still be there and will welcome us with a happy smile.

Peace greetings & green days!



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