Life is The Best Teacher

in esteem •  7 years ago  (edited)



Knowledge not only belongs to smart people, but also those who want to think. ------------------------------------------------------- >Pengetahuan bukan hanya milik orang-orang pintar, tapi juga milik mereka yang mau berpikir.

A pair of butterflies flew between the beautiful flowers.Stay for a moment then fly again. They are so beautiful and very fun when in the eye. Natural beauty that is never boring to enjoy.

Sepasang kupu-kupu terbang diantara indahnya bunga.Hinggap sebentar lalu terbang lagi. Mereka begitu cantik dan sangat menyenangkan saat di pandang mata. Keindahan alami yang tak pernah membosankan untuk dinikmati.

Is the butterfly at birth already beautiful? No, their beauty exists because of the result of the struggle. They have struggled through the grueling phase of life. They are born as small eggs under the leaves; then hatching into a caterpillar, a greedy and disgusting creature; then became a cocoon, here he struggled to restrain himself without eating and drinking, refraining from all his greed; after so much weight, then he was born as a butterfly. Beautiful creatures that always wanted to be seen by many people.

Apakah kupu-kupu pada saat lahir sudah cantik? Tidak, Kecantikan mereka ada karena hasil perjuangan. Mereka telah berjuang menjalani fase hidup yang melelahkan. Mereka terlahir sebagai telur kecil di bawah daun; lalu menetas menjadi ulat, makhluk yang rakus dan menjijikkan; kemudian menjadi kepompong, di sini dia berjuang menahan diri tanpa makan dan minum, menahan diri dari segala kerakusannya; setelah berjuan begitu berat, barulah dia terlahir sebagai kupu-kupu. Makhluk cantik yang selalu ingin dilihat banyak orang.

Lessons from the butterfly life phase

Butterflies are not born beautiful. Her beauty is present because of the struggle process. My friend, success will not come without a struggle. Success will not come without effort.

Pelajaran dari fase hidup kupu-kupu

Kupu-kupu tidak terlahir cantik. Kecantikannya hadir karena proses perjuangan. Sahabatku, kesuksesan tidak akan datang tanpa ada perjuangan. Kesuksesan tak akan datang tanpa adanya usaha.

imageThis photo is private collection


The sacrifice of a rose.

A rose grows in the garden, flowering beautiful and pleasing to the eye. Why are roses blooming and pretty? because he wants to lure beetles and butterflies. She wants her sour flour to fall over the stigma head that will become the seed and grow again. Roses sacrificed her beauty for the sake of a new life. The life that replaces him in the future. My friend, sometimes the sacrifice needs to be done for the sake of success in the future.

Pengorbanan sekuntum mawar.

Sebatang bunga mawar tumbuh di taman., berbunga cantik dan enak di pandang mata. Mengapa mawar mekar dan cantik? karena dia mau memikat kumbang dan kupu-kupu. Dia ingin tepung sarinya jatuh di atas kepala putik yang akan menjadi benih lalu tumbuh lagi. Mawar mengorbankan kecantikannya demi kehidupan yang baru. Kehidupan yang menggantikan dia di masa depan. Sahabatku, kadang pengorbanan itu perlu dilakukan demi kesuksesan di masa yang akan datang.

imageThis photo is a private collection



Nature is a library of knowledge, and she is also a good teacher. Life teaches us about things, as long as we use minds to think. The story of the phases of the butterfly and the sacrifice of roses are two simple stories that I write. In the future I will try to write some more stories. Hopefully this paper provides benefits and knowledge for us all.


Alam merupakan pustaka ilmu, dan dia juga guru yang baik. Kehidupan mengajarkan kita tentang berbagai hal, asal kita mau menggunakan pikiran untuk berpikir. Kisah fase hidu kupu-kupu dan pengorbanan bunga mawar adalah dua kisah sederhana yang saya tuliskan. Kedepan saya akan mencoba untuk menuliskan beberapa kisah lagi. Semoga tulisan ini memberikan manfaat dan pengetahuan bagi kita semua.



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Brother how are you? Good post, jumpa Lagi makasi banyak

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Fine and you.

yes indeed, so many lessons to be learnt just by living. Unfortunately that's how usually things go: in order to undertake a beautiful transformation, one has to go through very difficult hardship and struggles. ...