How To Plant Simple Hydroponics

in esteem •  7 years ago  (edited)

as I promised yesterday when I was introducing myself that I would discuss agriculture issues.
immediately without too long following some of his writings on agriculture.

Before we get into the discussion on how to plant hydroponics, first we must know the basic things about the plant. Plants or plants as well as other living things need some things as a prerequisite of life. The basic things required by plants as a condition of life are: water, sunlight, air, nutrients, and rooting media. Well, the land is one of the rooting media, but not the only requirement of life.
Have you ever seen a water hyacinth plant? The origin of hydroponic cultivation is also inspired by water hyacinth plants that do not require soil media as a rooting place.

1. hydroponic sense

Hydroponics is a cultivation method that does not use soil media to grow crops, but instead is water that contains certain nutritional nutrients so that plants can grow well. As a substitute planting medium can use materials that are porous such as sterofoam, sand, and so forth.
In the cultivation of hydroponic plants, all nutritional needs are provided in appropriate quantities and administered in solution form. How to plant large-scale hydroponics / plantations is different from hobby scales that are only a few plants only.
For simple small-scale hydroponic cultivation / hobbies, we can utilize the objects around. Among them are mineral water bottles. Preparation of how to plant hydroponics with used bottles is not complicated. Simply prepare 1 liter mineral water bottle, planting medium (rockwool or floral foam), flannel axis, cutter, scissors, and nails to drill a bottle of mineral water. Detailed how I made it below.

2. Type of Hydroponics Plant

All plants in general can be grown hydroponically. Almost all systems can be used properly. Examples of hydroponic plants are very easy to grow by planting hydroponics is a type of leafy vegetable crops.

  • Example Of Hydroponic Plants
    Lettuce, cucumber, mustard, kale, pakcoy, kailan, celery, basil and so forth. But as the current development of hydroponics has also been applied to other crops such as chili, rice, corn, roses, and so forth.

3. How to Plant Hydroponics With Used Bottles

  • Cut the mineral water bottle into two parts using scissors or cutter.
  • Heat the nail, then make a few holes 1 cm in diameter on the bottle of the former bottle top and bottom for aeration.
  • For hydroponic axis systems, leave the bottle cap remaining in place, then make a hole right in the center of the bottle cap to insert the flannel axis.
  • For Hydroponics using the floating system, open the cap of the former bottle so that the roots penetrate the growing medium and then develop on the surface of the nutrient solution.
  • insert the nutrient solution into the bottom scrap bottle
  • Insert the top sections of the top bottle upside down (bottle cap below) into the bottle of the former bottle that has been filled with nutrient solution.
  • Insert the planting medium into the top of the bottle.

4. The First Step Is How To Plant Simple Hydroponics

A. Seed Preparation

  • Seeds of hydroponic plants as well as the usual way of planting, you can get by making your own or buy at the farm shop. For those of you who are beginners in the case of hydroponic farming in suggest to buy it, can be in the farm shop. Let's say you now have seeds to be planted. Further seedling seedlings that will be planted on the tray or container of seedlings, Media seedlings are good and commonly used is rockwool. Rockwool is very practical because it has a high water absorption and sterile. This is also at the same time you can buy when buying seeds.

B. Preparation Of Planting Media

  • Use a shaft planting medium, can use a mixture of fuel husk and gravel sand, or a mixture of rockwool and gravel sand, or make use of coconut husk. Place the growing media on the desired container such as pot or used tin. If the seeds have enough age to move to the planting medium.

Good media criteria:

  • does not affect nutrient solution
  • Do not clog the irrigation system
  • has a good pore pore

Each planting medium has its own advantages. Rockwoll media is among the most common and commonly used in hydroponic cultivation.

C. Giving Nutrition
Hydroponic planting systems do not use soil, the nutrients needed by plants to grow must be diluted with water. Provision of nutrients in the way of planting hydroponics is very important for plant growth, therefore the dose / size of nutrients should be calculated with the precision between the number of macro and micro elements for plant growth to take place properly. Use the right hydroponic nutrients with the type of plant grown. You can mix yourself or buy hydroponic nutrition on the market. Nutrition can be done by way of manual flush morning and evening, or if you want more practical you can try how to plant hydroponics with wick system or wick please check on the picture. Axis (can be from cotton, stove axis or used cloth) will drain nutrients to all parts of the plant. This wick technique is one of the simplest hydroponics techniques.

D. Plant care
Treatment on hydroponics plants basically does not vary much with the treatment of conventional planting systems such as pruning, weed cleaning and others. Dosage arrangements and types of nutrients provided also need to be adjusted to the needs of plants, when at the time of the process of crop care found the tendency of excess or lack of certain elements. To get to this stage of recognition, you are not just reading literature, but experience, trial and error, creativity will refine and make your hydroponics grow and expand as expected. So little information on How to grow Simple Hydroponics. And hopefully useful. Good luck.

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a very good post I will try it, thanks