
in esteem •  7 years ago  (edited)

suuthoet a kyawm t wain lhaaw kawhpe hpyitlar matineme kawhpe see nhang suuthoeteat myoehcae ko aamyarraapyarr hpyithcainmyarr ko hkanyuu . Berries par a hcain a lar rwayhkyaal laat hpyang koutyuu hkanpye tait aalotesamarr-intensive naeelamko pyulote mha ny myarreat a myint sone mhar sar see eat rwayhkyaalrayy parwangya s nyya . aarrlone see luutait u shoetmahote hcaat aarr hpyint taitpyainenaattaee masaatsine mha ny myarreat rate saim kyasai shirar k po lae, kout pell seenhaanmyarr ko hkyawat, koutyuu naykyasai . koutnay pyeenout aahcaimraung kawhpe nhaithku naeelammyarr- hkyawwatswae hkyinn lotengaann hcain naeelam, roeshinntae naee loteaarr aatwat see hkyawat koutyuu nhaint lotengaann hcain shoet k hcaw hpout hkyinn nhang saatnwal pyee pyaww kawhpe hpyithtwann saw hco hcwat saw lotengaann hcain ko naeelam, nineparsai aahpyit tait u thoet k lotengaannmyarr hpyitpartaal .

htoaahkar suuthoet k mha ny myarr nhaint aaraung aarr hpyint hkwalhkyarrpayysai sone naemakyaarhkan berry see eata sarr myarrsaw aarr hpyint hcaat ko aasonepyupone hpaalsharr sai, aahcae naysell pahchcuppaan aamyoe a nwal koaapaw mucilage eat slimy aalwhar ko hpaalsharr hkyain naykyasai . yainn hcaw hpout hkyinn pyeesone sawaahkar aahcae laatsaat waterto aamyawwataamyarr nhaint aatuu sayy kyaww naykyasai aakyeeaakyaal pamarn htotepayy saw k hcaw hpout hkyinn, kyaan kyawin, hpaalsharrraan image

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