Colorchallenge Sunday Purple

in esteem •  7 years ago 


Errors and failures can be run on whom then, do not need your time only to regret it, but learn from them.

Kesalahan dan kegagalan dapat berjalan pada siapa lantas. jangan sampai perlukan waktumu hanya untuk menyesalinya, tetapi belajarlah darinya.

Eternal Love will not be separated by a distance, only time that it separates. Love is More Beautiful If loyal and Accept It Is.

Cinta Abadi takkan terpisah oleh jarak, hanya waktulah yang kan memisahkannya. Cinta Akan Lebih Indah Jika Saling Setia & Terima Apa Adanya.

Evaluating what we do and all our achievements. Whatever the result will be a strong foundation for our living to a better future.

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The purple with the old building design really go together.