Give me feedback and get 2 SBI shares.

in esteem •  6 years ago 

Hello everyone

As some of you may know, I would love tot start my own business. For the last couple of months I have been working on an idea. Today is the day that I will share this with you. Am I afraid my idea will get stolen? No, not really. I found out that this is not likely to happen. Someone would need to read this, put all the effort into it and more importantly execute it perfectly to be succesful. It can always happen but it is not probable. I'm at that stage where I have a good knowledge about how my business would look like and how I would make money. I think feedback is crucial in developing a good product. I also expect my idea will change and evolve in something better during all the feedback I will get.

The business idea consists of an app.
In essence it will track your movement. All of your steps will be registered and depending on how much steps you got, you can get rewards. It is similar like Sweatcoins but there will be big differences. I used Sweatcoins for several months but I got less and less active for several reasons. I did not have any friends using the app so I was less incentivized to keep on being active. It seems that over here in Belgium, Sweatcoins is not that well known. But that was not the main issue. Something I really did not like were the rewards you could get. Most, if not all, are useless. Yes you could get a free Iphone. But according my calculations. Even if you get 10 000 steps a day, it will take you 6 years to get the amount that is needed to claim it. So it's a useless prize.
There is another issue regarding the rewards. All rewards are of course free. But you do need to pay for shipping costs. Paying 25 dollars for shipping costs is not really free, right?

So let's go to where this post is all about: Walky!


That will be the name of the app.
You will have 2 main choices when using the app.

  • Solo
  • Groups

"Solo" means that your steps will be counted only for yourself. These steps can then be exchanged for a reward. This will be similar to Sweatcoins.

"Groups" will make the difference. Here you will be able to create a group and invite your friends or family.
Imagine you could invite your wife and children. Form a group where everyone's steps get combined and claim a reward like a family board game. Step together to earn money for a charity. Get a group reward like a coupon to play a game of paintball. It will be possible to create multiple groups. This is how it will work:
All your steps during the day will be registered. You will see how many steps you've got in the "Groups" menu. If you have only 1 group, it's simple. All your steps will go to that group. If you have multiple groups, it will be possible to choose how many of your steps will go to each group.

The rewards will be sponsored by any company that wishes to work with me. This gives them exposure to all of the app's users. In return, businesses will need to pay a fee. So basically, I will make money through advertisement. The app itself will be free to use.

I also want more local rewards. Imagine you could get a pair of shoes or a discount at your local shoe store. Rewards without shipping costs. This will require specific rewards per country.

Of course I have much more information to share with you. But for now, this will do. This will gave you basic idea of how the app will look like.

Do you think this could work?
Will I be able to earn enough money?
How about the competitors? (Am I unique enough?)

I need your feedback! Any help or advice will be much appreciated.
I would like to hear anything positive and especially negative about the idea.

Anyone who gives me decent feedback will get 2 @steembasicincome shares.

Thank you for your effort!

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I think you should go for it. It doesn't seem like it should be that hard to develop the ap and it sounds like you have put a lot of effort into developing your scheme.
I think the hard part will be getting the user base and sponsors.

I did put a lot of effort into it. But I still have a very long way to go.
You're right about the fact it will be hard getting a good user base and sponsors but I think with the right strategy and enthusiasm it could be possible.

Thx! 2 shares incoming.

Hello @d0zer!

My feedback will relate more to the business development and digital ad sales revenue model.

As I see it, business development will need to grow as the # of users continues to grow. Where and how will the gathered data (steps count, groups management, etc.) be stored? Will there be a need for additional employees, data servers, physical space? These are added costs to the business as it grows. Data security is also tantamount, which I'm sure will have added costs.

Projecting the costs of this build-out vs. the projected digital ad revenue will greatly assist your profitability projections. And if you're trying to attract investors, they will want to know this info (or at least have the confidence that YOU know this).

As for generating digital ad sales revenue, I believe THIS will prove your most significant challenge to the revenue model. My opinion is based on the experience of trying to generate buyers of ad space to place their banner/video ads on a website with EXCELLENT content but relatively small recognition (average 30k views p/day).
I contacted 275 companies, organizations with the goal of slicing a small portion of their ad spend to come DIRECTLY to this website.
You see, the first challenge was to motivate the ad buyers to change their placements routine away from the large algorithms (FB, Google, etc) and come direct to us. The second challenge was trying to SELL the notion that "the eyeballs will come," or in your app's case, that the users will come.
This is a very tough, two-pronged, selling challenge!

I hope my commentary has proved helpful. I wish you the greatest success. Your passion will carry you a long way...this has been my experience as an entrepreneur.

Peace and smiles

You gave me a lot to think about!
I like how you write about the challengers that are involved because these are also in my mind all the time. How to attract ad buyers or companies when there are no users yet? Like you said this will be very hard. Do you have some advice on how to interact with ad buyers? Is there a specific strategy I could use?

Thank you for your feedback. I very much appreciate it! (sending 2 shares)

My digital ad sales experience occurred in 2017. My job involved 100s of cold calls via phone & emails.
The first challenge was creating a list of contact names of ad buyers (the decision makers) at the numerous organizations I contacted. The next step was trying to establish a line of communication with these ad buyers.

Remember, these folks are shielded by their inbox & voicemail, so it's easier said than done!

Another option available to you is to offload the responsibility to the major algorithm distributors, namely Facebook and Google. The problem here, though, is that they hoover up much of the generated revenue, and pay you pennies per impression.
But it does get you started, and the tracking technology that the algorithms provide can be useful for targeting new users of your app.

Bottom line, my experience tells me that cold calling ad buyers at the companies and organizations who place ads is a very challenging way to go. It may become easier once your app is popular, but attracting them to an ad spend on an unproven app will be tough.

The technology behind digital ad distribution is constantly evolving. My next suggestion is to gain as much knowledge of the future direction of digital advertising, which will greatly assist you in deciding how to proceed.

Best success to you!

I own 2 business so hopefully this helps. I see one main flaw. If you could be in multiple groups and I have 100 people all in the same group in 100 different groups they will reach the goal 100x faster and it could not be profitable. 100x faster for one person and all 100 making it 100x faster that will be a massive problem. Groups are fine but only one group per account. Also what if people in the group are slacking on a person would do 10k steps another will do 100. You need to set a standard amount of steps per week since daily is hard and it's far to others. Have you seen how much it is to create an app? Unless you code it great but if not it could cost around 60k. How will you advertise this to the masses? You will need to buy apps to advertise you and I'm not sure how expensive that is but at least steem is a startup for you. Your target market is fine and perfect in my opinion to be big enough. Making yourself unique can be easy I love the local business idea. You can work your way and actually have them pay you to get discounts. Hey, I'll advertise your account to 100k people who use this app in return for a discount plus 10k. I'd save the biggest and most popular companies for last since they pay out the most and it's a win win. Also you need to find a way for this app to work in the background as well so they don't always need the app open I think that's some location services.

You pointed out a good issue but I've already been thinking about that. It will not be possible to add so many people to 1 group because then it would be so easy to get a reward.
These are my thoughts about the group idea:
You create a group, then you'll have to choose for which reward you'll go and then you can invite your friends or family. But there will be a specific group size limit on each prize. For example: A family board game : 4 people per group. A free paintball game: 10 people.
Something like that.
There will also be a chatbox available in each group. This way you can motivate eachother to keep on walking. ;) Of course there will always be people that keep on slacking. But I think that will not be a big problem because of the social group pressure.
I'm aware this is a complex app to create and it will take a big budget but I'll have to look more into this when making my financial plan.
Thx for your valuable input.
Sending 2 shares!

I hope it goes well! I will use it for sure. I hope it's only steps not based off steps outside like sweetcoin was.

I like your idea..However the main issue i see is how are you going to attract the users....If you use some kind of initial reward then the set up cost will go up and there will also be the issue that users can join to get the reward and then leave the app...The app have to be really engaging for the user to stick to it. Moreover as per my personal experience, there should not be too much advertisement in the beginning or the user will get annoyed too soon... I wish you the best of luck and hope that it works...Pl keep a capacity growth model in mind as I have seen a couple of apps/startups that took off really well but then couldn't manage the increase in their user base.

Indeed it will be difficult to attract users. But every beginning is hard. I agree with you about the advertisement. It needs to be visible but not annoying. Good advice about the growth model. I will check it out!

2 shares incoming.

It is really an idea that needs to be scrutinized in many respects, but as my personal opinion, there are many people, especially Arabs, who are looking for areas of work or profit. They are easy and simple, especially their numbers, but your idea is likely to return to you with countless profits as I used this point.

Thx for your feedback!
Sending 2 shares.

hola @ d0zer! Lei tu idea y me pareció muy buena, requiere muchísimo esfuerzo venderla a las compañías, porque vas a depender de la publicidad, y creo que si debes ponerle mucho mas esfuerzo a tu logo, pensar mas en los colores, el nombre es simpático, y puede funcionar, pero debe ser mucho mas especifico en el tipo de recompensas,por ejemplo, porque tu dices voy a trabajar con "cualquier compañia que quiera" y no, tu debes tener enfocado cual es el espíritu de tu negocio , que linea va a tener principalmente ( solo diversión, o ecológica, salud y bienestar, o espiritualidad, etc) y para eso es importante crear toda una visión de que representa, que le dá a los demás de único y diferente, eso es lo que hará que tenga primero inversionistas y luego usuarios, es importante enfocarse para crear algo único, que tenga un valor en si mismo, una mística. Te deseo lo mejor! bendiciones!

Thank God for Google translate. ;)
I think you're right about that I need to create something unique. That I need to create some type of special feeling about the app and the logo. I will have to work on that. Thx!

Sending 2 shares.

Best of luck with this old mate. LOVE the logo, LOVE the name, and good on you for not following the herd down the crypto reward route and going with tangible and actual benefits for your users.
With this in mind, the monetisation worries me slightly but I'd suggest charging a small amount for the app. Users could get gift vouchers or sports wear, and be careful not to make this too easy or too hard, judging the difficulty will be your hardest task I think, so a few cents for the App is not unreasonable. If you set it at a price for instance, then you can discount it, to encourage take up.

Business advice. Push at and work hard but always have a plan B and never ever be afraid to walk away if something is truly not working and you can put your hand on your heart and say youve done everything you can to make it work. Sometimes, even with all the will in the world, things dont work out. Never let yourself go down a cliff you cant climb back up.
Best wishes mate, give it everything you've got and keep posting updates and where you're at, and people can help and encourage you every step of the way :-)

Nearly forgot. The local angle is genius. Start small, start local both with users and rewards. It means you can manage growth better and test what works and what doesn't step at a time, manage and measure :-)

About the logo, I did not put much effort into it yet because it's not that important at this stage. Just with the help of a random logo generator and some creativity. ;) But I also think it's not that bad.
I do like the name as well. I thought about this a long time. First I thought of "LocalStep" then "Step2get". But then I realized.. I'm not looking for a name for a company. I need a name for an app! It needs be catchy and fun. So then It hit me. Walky! :D
I also thought about adding a subscription fee for the users. But It's a tough call. In order to be successfull, I need users! As much as possible. But how many will I scare off just because of the subscription fee?
You're right about judging the difficulty for the rewards. This has to be spot on!

I'm also aware of the possibility this could fail. The first step is to write every detail down. Create a solid business plan, make a roadmap and surround myself with people that know a lot more about businesses and marketing than myself. If I still have doubts, I won't go through with it.

Good idea about posting updates about the project. I will keep that in mind!

Thanks for the input. 2 shares incoming!

Hello friend, I think it's an excellent idea and even more so, all the effort you've taken to this point and to reach that point you have to take a little risk.

Do not be afraid of having your ideas stolen since there are thousands of applications and some similar ones, but where the best ones come out, so to speak, is the innovation of your application and at the same time ask for suggestions so that your application will continue to grow.

In order for your application to be successful you must first have something that catches your attention so that everyone starts downloading it and of course your rewards, my opinion on the rewards that you should also add gift cards and remember that your business will be a passive income with profits to long term.

Many luck in this project and that your application is a success.

Thank you for your feedback!
I'll be sending 2 shares in a few days!

DO IT. If it is something that you already studied and you trust that it can work, do it, the most difficult thing is to create fame and that is done by making clients, keeping them happy, if you think you can put in your hands an application that is very useful, go ahead. When you do a good market research you realize that other businesses similar to the one you want to start fail, so you should concentrate on not missing those details and keep your target audience happy. Good luck friend and believe in yourself.

Yea I think a good market study is crucial. Are people really waiting for an app like this? I'll have to research that. Creating fame will be indeed difficult. But we have to start somewhere right? :)
Sending 2 shares!

I totally agree. That is why encouraging fame is created little by little

hi d0zer !
get more people using a viral lead generation system
(people get access to more stuff in Your app if they invite a friend)

gamification points for tasks
say You program in a system wide messenger you can give points for talking x amount of messages or reading tips about walking, also a place you can sell an ad, i say build in communication.

Hey nice idea, most step counters are just step counters and not driving community, You can be the next walking facebook, groupwalk event organizer, sports fashion shop with points and walk chat to check each others walk when You walk alone. with phone and geo fencing you can do a "who is near me" or foxhunt

You can integrate opencource from any Cpanel hosting via softaculous to setup a quick goodworking network, most is written in php

Wish You happy times and much fun being an entrepreneur/developer d0zer !

PS Your marketing should be walking by itself,
I mean You need to focus on the point that Walky is a motivator, not a step counter.
People can gift them self and their friends new motivation for life,
and a fun way to stop their procrastination - not a step counter.
it is a step counter but really it is not.

You can load a Wordpress with motivation articles, tips, tasks, recipes that are posted on shedule

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

You have inspired me!
The gamification is a great idea. I'll think about how I could integrate it into the app.
I also like the idea that you're not calling Walky a step counter but a motivator. I have not thought about it like that. Good choice of words! I also thought about creating a blog with Wordpress to be more engaged with the community. Your ideas and advice are very much appreciated. Thx!
Sending 2 shares.

Dear friend, I think it will be very similar to Sweatcoins, maybe you should add something else to make it different. The "Walky" name is good, I like it.

It could include other activities, for example food, that the user says where he eats, what movie he sees, what TV program.

good luck !!!

I think the challenge is indeed to be different enough than Sweatcoins.
Sending 2 shares.

the way I see it is this: your user audience are people who want to be more aware of their fitness so your goal should be to partner up with businesses in your niche to attract customers. I'm thinking ebooks, sportswear & stuff, cooking books and so forth. you can also do affiliate contracts.

also, you should give great priority into building a proper email list and, on the other hand, find the right email marketing strategy to attract more users and keep existing ones. in your case, the tone should be very personal, look around how other fitness companies approach this.

the experience of the app should feel progressive on more than one level, so not only a static collecting of points. give them the opportunity to multiply their collect if they skip a day for example. it's a math thing.

and last but not least, and this is the most important for the marketing of you product: you have to find your way to fully understand the user/customer, as much as you possibly can: the less it sounds like you want to sell them something, but instead really help them with their problems in a creative and motivating manner, you are golden!

I'm not an expert, but this is my point of view.
good luck with it.

It's a good idea to partner up with health businesses. I would love to work with them.
I like how you use the word "personal". This is something I want people to feel when using the app. I want them to feel special. Not just a number. I want personalized stuff in the app. Don't know how yet though.
Understanding the customer will be crucial like you said.
Thx for your valuable point of view! I will think about it.

Sending 2 shares!

I think this is a great idea and you have come up with some great ideas to make your app better than what is out there currently. I use one that has no rewards and I will be switching to yours once you make it available.
Than you and I wish you the best.

That's a great motivational comment you gave me! Thx.
2 shares incoming.

Thank you.

This is an interesting idea. Although there are many forms of the app already available, it doesn't mean your idea cannot surpass those and do things differently to create new markets. Facebook was not the first social media site for example.

I would suggest reading Blue Ocean Strategy, it's a great book when thinking about business ideas.

Monetisation is very important and there needs to be a detailed plan on how you monetise at different stages of the ideas growth. The local partnerships could work, but it would require a large business development team and would add costs, unless you're able to turn that into a win/win for independent retailers who would seek you out.

Do you have a business partner yet? That would be the first step in my view. These things take time and can be a long and challenging journey, find someone as crazy and passionate about the idea as you to keep you going.

Don't be afraid to chop and change the idea as you learn more and all the best of luck!

Blue Ocean Strategy seems very interesting. I'll start reading it shortly.
I don't have a business partner yet. I have not told many people about my business idea because I wanted to write everything down first. But I would feel more secure having a business partner. It will probably be someone who needs to be specialized into marketing or funding. Someone who has knowledge on how to get things done or has experience. Either way I'm not doing this without guidance.
I'm currently enrolled into a special business program. I will get personal coaching and I will need to attend workshops about creating a solid business plan, networking, pitching,...

Thank you for your effort and advice! (sending 2 shares)

I think it will be very difficult to get noticed and it is not entirely new. I like the idea of the groups segment and also the possibility to get rewards somehow. But even on the steemit platform you have @actifit who rewards you directly with Steem or Steempower. Still a good rewardable app that could be mass adopted is not there yet. Good luck nevertheless.

It will indeed be difficult. I think marketing will be key here. It has to be perfect in order to succeed.
Oh yea and the problem with @actifit is, is that Steem could be worthless in the future. :)
Of course I hope that will not be the case!
Thx! I'll send you 2 shares.

That is true marketing and the app needs to be slick solid and user friendly. I like the name also Walky sounds cool.

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buenas, estamos en la era tecnológica, debes empezar con tu idea negocio, cada vez que avances en tu proyecto se van de presentar mas ideas y te daras cuenta como seguir, busca mas personas que te ayuden a emprender.
Lo único que te puede pasar son dos cosas que te salga bien o mal.
no te dejes que nadie te diga que no y sigue adelante.

Even though I don't understand spanish, I used Google translate. :)
Thx for your comment. I will give my best! Sending 2 shares.

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Still pulling for you and your new venture.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment