Cell can be differentiate into two either prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells based on the level of advancement of organisms having them.
Prokaryotic cells: No define nucleus but nuclear materials are dispersed in the central part of cytoplasm. While Eukaryotic cell: There is definite membrane-bound nucleus.
Prokaryotic Cells: No membrane bound organelle. While Eukaryotic cell: There are definite organelles.
Prokaryotic Cells: Simple protein materials make up the cell. While Eukaryotic Cell: Complex protein materials make up the cell.
Prokaryotic Cells: Found in primitive micro-organisms like bacteria and blue green algae. While Eukaryotic Cell: Found in advance unicellular and multicellular organisms like amoeba animal and plants.
Different between plant and animal cells.
Plant Cells: Has rigid cellulose cell wall in addition to the cell membrane. While Animal Cells: Lacks cellulose cell wall.
Plant Cells: Has large sap vacuole. While Animal Cells: Lacks sap vacuole or has small-size vacuoles.
Plant Cells: Contains the chlorophyll-the photosynthetic pigment. While Animal Cells: It lack chlorophyll.
Plants Cells: Carbohydrate is stored as starch grains. While Animals Cells: Carbohydrate is stored as giyeogen granules.
Plants Cells: Young cell contain Golgi bodies. While Animals Cells: Cells of all ages have Golgi bodies
Plants Cells: Absence of centrosomes. While Animals Cells: Presence of centrosomes.
Plants Cells: Absence of lysosome: While Animals Cells: Presence lysosome.
Plants Cells: It contains crystals. While Animals Cells: It does not contain crystal.