Inspiration The commercial song, Spirit of aqsa, Zain ramadhan 2018

in esteem •  6 years ago 


Here! Because the theme song, #RAMADHAN_SPIRIT_OF_AQSA. Already memakau several components of society, all over the world.

my friend! #steemit faithful to me, wherever you are, my guests, on this occasion, many things I will tell you, Palestine, what I watch, from advertise vidio, # spirit-of-aqsa. Theme #ramadhan.
I guess you never missed, watched, this moment.
The story of a wounded country
Hated by anger
The story of a grieving country
In the grip of the wicked

But his promise will never go away.
Although it has been through a thousand years.
Nisacaya will rise in light.
In a dark world.
The Islamic world is on fire now.
Turn off hand reach.
Give glory
For victory ... or martyrdom.


Sini! Karena lagu tema, #RAMADHAN_SPIRIT_OF_AQSA. Sudah memakau beberapa komponen masyarakat, di seluruh dunia.

temanku! #steemit setia pada saya, dimanapun Anda berada, tamu saya, pada kesempatan ini, banyak hal yang akan saya beri tahu Anda, Palestina, apa yang saya tonton, dari mengiklankan vidio, #spirit-of-aqsa. Tema #zain ramadhan 2018.
Saya kira Anda tidak pernah melewatkan, menyaksikan, momen ini.
Kisah tentang negara yang terluka
Dibenci oleh amarah
Kisah tentang sebuah negara yang berduka
Dalam cengkeraman orang jahat

Tapi janjinya tidak akan pernah hilang.
Meski sudah lewat seribu tahun.
Nisacaya akan terbit dalam cahaya.
Di dunia yang gelap.
Dunia Islam sedang terbakar sekarang.
Matikan jangkauan tangan.
Beri kemuliaan
Untuk kemenangan ... atau kemartiran.


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Very emotional, I listen to it, I can not say anything, very visible, expression, #Donal_Trump.

Sangat emosional, saya mendengarkannya, saya tidak bisa mengatakan apa-apa, sangat terlihat, berekspresi, #Donal_Trump.


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I only know beautiful birds, can be a perfect example, I say this is a good friend. #Mr.vladamir_putin.

Saya hanya tahu burung yang indah, bisa menjadi contoh sempurna, saya katakan ini adalah teman baik. # Mr.vladamir_putin.


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My mouth keeps moving, and my mind is stunned, after seeing this vidio, another great figure, wearily, this boy is really asking for help, everything. jong un.

Mulutku terus bergerak, dan pikiranku tercengang, setelah melihat vidio ini, sosok hebat lainnya, dengan letih, bocah ini benar-benar meminta bantuan, semuanya. # jong un.


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With the rhythm of the collaboration of the desert, it is very stable, though the rhythm is empty of our brothers in Palestine. This help will come to you! O my brother. help will be on our side. What questions will this end? The answer is no! Our struggle is still long. edits vidio very good. German Advisor, #engela_merkel

Dengan irama kolaborasi padang pasir, itu sangat stabil, meskipun irama itu kosong dari saudara-saudara kita di Palestina. Bantuan ini akan datang kepada Anda! Wahai saudaraku. bantuan akan berada di pihak kita. Pertanyaan apa yang akan mengakhiri ini? Jawabannya adalah tidak! Perjuangan kami masih panjang. mengedit vidio dengan sangat baik. Penasihat Jerman, #engela_merkel


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This song may be a witness of our love here
This crying wants to feel what you are going through
Although not perfect I tried to feel it.
Though wounded
at the end of his last breath
still have time and proud to say it
"You just ruined my house
you can not destroy my faith "

Lagu ini mungkin menjadi saksi cinta kita di sini
Tangisan ini ingin merasakan apa yang sedang Anda alami
Meski tidak sempurna aku mencoba merasakannya.
Meskipun terluka
di akhir nafas terakhirnya
masih punya waktu dan bangga mengatakannya
"Kamu baru saja merusak rumahku
kamu tidak bisa menghancurkan imanku "


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The smiles shown by the Palestinians seem to portray happiness, but behind them they have a lot of pain. The loss of parents, relatives, and relatives is not reflected in the expression of Palestinian children. A sincere heart is the key to the happiness of Palestinian children. And God is the place where they complain in sadness and happiness so they have a wide heart in accepting reality.

So, what about us? Can we as Indonesian children become as strong as the Palestinian children? Can we take inspiration and motivation for Palestinian children?

Often we are never even grateful to learn quietly, play with friends, break our fast with family, worship with family, still have a father and mother. Have we been grateful for that? Be thankful if you can still feel everything because the Palestinian children really want what we have.

Let us both pray that the children of Palestine will always be given health and tranquility. Because the true prayer from us will be a passion for them.

So hopefully, this song becomes, useful and become the motivation and inspiration of us all in living life. That there are still many people who are grateful despite the limitations of Palestinian children like that. Thanks for reading, and visiting my #blog.

Senyum yang ditunjukkan oleh orang-orang Palestina tampaknya menggambarkan kebahagiaan, tetapi di belakang mereka mereka memiliki banyak rasa sakit. Hilangnya orang tua, saudara, dan kerabat tidak tercermin dalam ekspresi anak-anak Palestina. Hati yang tulus adalah kunci kebahagiaan anak-anak Palestina. Dan Tuhan adalah tempat di mana mereka mengeluh dalam kesedihan dan kebahagiaan sehingga mereka memiliki hati yang luas dalam menerima kenyataan.

Jadi, bagaimana dengan kita? Bisakah kita sebagai anak-anak Indonesia menjadi sekuat anak-anak Palestina? Bisakah kita mengambil inspirasi dan motivasi untuk anak-anak Palestina?

Seringkali kita bahkan tidak pernah bersyukur bisa belajar dengan tenang, bermain dengan teman, berbuka puasa bersama keluarga, beribadah bersama keluarga, tetap memiliki ayah dan ibu. Sudahkah kita bersyukur untuk itu? Bersyukurlah jika Anda masih bisa merasakan segalanya karena anak-anak Palestina benar-benar menginginkan apa yang kita miliki.

Mari kita berdua berdoa agar anak-anak Palestina akan selalu diberikan kesehatan dan ketenangan. Karena doa yang benar dari kami akan menjadi gairah bagi mereka.

Jadi semoga, lagu ini menjadi, berguna dan menjadi motivasi dan inspirasi kita semua dalam menjalani hidup. Bahwa masih banyak orang yang bersyukur meski keterbatasan anak-anak Palestina seperti itu. Terima kasih telah membaca, dan mengunjungi #blog saya.

We apologize for any errors in writing and translations.
You can also listen to songs, live #klick_link below.
Source: you_tube

Kami mohon maaf atas kesalahan dalam menulis dan terjemahan.
Anda juga dapat mendengarkan lagu, tinggal #klick_link di bawah ini.
Sumber: you_tube

vidio source

Author: @edinhazard

Category: Spirit_of_aqsa_Al_Qusd_zain_ramadhan_2018.



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It is difficult to find the words or understand the insanity of how we treat our fellow human beings. Palestine is a very good example of should not be happening.

Some how intolerant people gain control of governments and with that comes atrocities. The people suffer, but the children who are just beginning this journey of life, get the worst of it. There has to come a time when all this stops!

Always maintain faith. Without it there is no hope for a better future.

Thank you for sharing.

Most welcome sir.....

Thanks you sir

Great comment sir.
Please sir upvote

Thanks for you sir

Please sir see my post

Honestly I am very touched to watch this video, sir.
In addition, not Muslim self, who feel sad. Try dad, browse #you_tube how the expression of sadness "people of different religions with me, really they, can not hold their sadness, with their emotional comments out loud, about evil, against innocent children, who occurred in Palestine.

In this video song, it really depicts Palestinian children who ask for participation and tolerance from the big names of the country's leaders, sir.
Sir, I miss you, thanks, sir.