The Simple Life

in esteem •  7 years ago  (edited)

Already a human nature, he will be more consumptive to waste money, when starting mengeyam a well-established life and economic convenience. As if wealth means less if the owner does not use it for bigger purposes and luxury. For example, with many meet the needs that are less important for him. That's the state of a person, he is more easily adaptable to a good life than with a life of suffering.

The Qur'an has affirmed that human typology, spending money and spending time while in a state of being, avoids the style of simplicity and balance.

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said:

ولو بسط الله الرزق لعباده لبغوا في الأرض ولكن ينزل بقدر ما يشاء إنه بعباده خبير بصير
And if Allah sends His provision to His servants they will surely exceed the limits of the earth, but Allah decreases what He will by size. Verily He knoweth (the circumstances) of His servants again Mahamelihat. [Asy-Syûra / 42: 27].
'Ali bin Tsâbit rahimahullah said:
العقل آفته الإعجاب والغضب والمال آفته التبذير والنهب
التمهيد لابن عبد البر 7/250

The weakness of reason is proud of self and emotion
And the treasure of the treasure is waste and robbery.

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